Working to make Gloucestershire the best county in which to grow older
About Us • Age UK Gloucestershire is a local, independent charity working to make Gloucestershire the best county in which to grow older. • We choose to be affiliated to the national Age UK network , whilst remaining proud of our more than 35 years as a Gloucestershire charity. • Ageing is an issue that impacts on everyone. It is not an affliction suffered by a few or something anyone can avoid. We also know, however, that people’s experience of ageing varies greatly . • So whilst we celebrate the positive impact that older people make in our community, Age UK Gloucestershire also seek to improve the situation for those whose later life is impacted by poverty, isolation, and difficulties caused by a lack of knowledge about how to respond to the challenges caused as we age.
The needs of older people in Gloucestershire 128000 people in Glos over the age of 65 and forecast to rise significantly in coming years 91% of those aged over 75, and 82% of those aged over 85 live independently without any publicly funded social care input. The majority of older people rely on their personal resilience and strengths, finding out about support that they need and drawing on resources from their community.
Age UK Gloucestershire: Our Approach
Our Vision: An Age-Inclusive Gloucestershire A county where all older people: • Know where to turn for information and advice. • Can live independently in their homes. • Are connected to friends, family and their community.
Our Current Focusses • Helping individuals to navigate later life – One Stop Information Service – Joining Forces: Veterans Pathway – Better Later Lives – information and advice casework – Benefits Support – maximising income – Life Changes Project (Gloucester) • Supporting wider systems to respond better to older people – Out of Hospital Service – support on discharge to regain independence. – Dementia Project (Pilot) – support to avoid a crisis admission – Homeshare (Pilot) – Housemates reinvented. • Engaging wider community to be age-inclusive – Community Activators and Activities (choirs, walking sports etc) – OneDigital Project – Outreach events and activity – Communications and Campaigns
Vision Our vision is for Gloucestershire to be the best county in the UK in which to grow older. Mission To achieve our vision, AUKG will lead the way as the independent charity who are local, trusted experts in later life. AUKG will prioritise efforts that make the most impact on older people being able to: • Better navigate later life • Stay independent at home • Connect with family, friends and the community
Our Values We believe passionately that everyone has the right to a safe and enjoyable later life. We celebrate the positive contribution that older people make to our community. We want older people to use their personal strengths and local networks to meet their changing needs. We want the environment at AUKG to empower our staff and volunteers to be able to use their personal strengths in order to deliver the best for older people. We are proactive in mobilising the whole community (including statutory, commercial and voluntary sector partners) to work with us in finding the solutions to the needs of older people as individuals and a collective. We are a can-do team, positive about later life and our ability as a creative, professional organisation to find a way to make a real difference to older people and our community.
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