Restorative Gloucestershire 2014 Welcome Assistant Chief Constable Sally Crook
Restorative Gloucestershire Focus on the Victim • RJ empowers victims by giving them a voice • It holds offenders to account and helps them understand the impact of what they have done
Restorative Gloucestershire The Ultimate Goals of Restorative Justice • Repair the harm caused by crime • Empower victims • Encourage offenders to take responsibility • Reduce crime
Restorative Gloucestershire So, is Restorative Justice worth investing in? • Every £1 spent on RJ, up to £8 can be saved in lowering the cost of reoffending • 85% of crime victims who have been through RJ were satisfied with the process • RJ reduces reoffending by 14% )
Restorative Gloucestershire Progress since last year….
Restorative Gloucestershire Increase in the use of Restorative Justice
Restorative Gloucestershire National Recognition Where Next?
Restorative Gloucestershire Thank you to you all….
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