
Welcome Assistant Chief Constable Sally Crook Restorative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Restorative Gloucestershire 2014 Welcome Assistant Chief Constable Sally Crook Restorative Gloucestershire Focus on the Victim RJ empowers victims by giving them a voice It holds offenders to account and helps them understand the

  1. Restorative Gloucestershire 2014 Welcome Assistant Chief Constable Sally Crook

  2. Restorative Gloucestershire Focus on the Victim • RJ empowers victims by giving them a voice • It holds offenders to account and helps them understand the impact of what they have done

  3. Restorative Gloucestershire The Ultimate Goals of Restorative Justice • Repair the harm caused by crime • Empower victims • Encourage offenders to take responsibility • Reduce crime

  4. Restorative Gloucestershire So, is Restorative Justice worth investing in? • Every £1 spent on RJ, up to £8 can be saved in lowering the cost of reoffending • 85% of crime victims who have been through RJ were satisfied with the process • RJ reduces reoffending by 14% )

  5. Restorative Gloucestershire Progress since last year….

  6. Restorative Gloucestershire Increase in the use of Restorative Justice

  7. Restorative Gloucestershire National Recognition Where Next?

  8. Restorative Gloucestershire Thank you to you all….


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