working to better foster social change through research

Working to better foster social change through research, practice, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Working to better foster social change through research, practice, and the education of motivated scholar-practitioners. Walden University @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist We are no longer creating widgets @KimCrayton1

  1. “Working to better foster social change through research, practice, and the education of motivated scholar-practitioners.” Walden University @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  2. We are no longer creating widgets @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  3. Businesses leadership must learn to operate in an information economy but information alone has no inherent value. It's only information that is developed into knowledge that has value. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  4. To that end, my goal is to democratize business school education so that business leaders anywhere, particularly from marginalized and vulnerable communities, can develop the skills and knowledge needed to build successful businesses @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  5. At the intersection of Theory and Application lies: • Knowledge, • Creativity, • Innovation • And the opportunity to redefine our global capitalist systems without white supremacy @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  6. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  7. Let’s Define Terms @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  8. Privilege Is About 
 Access @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  9. Underrepresented 
 Is About Numbers @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  10. Is About Treatment @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  11. Diversity Is About Variety @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  12. Inclusion Is About Experience @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  13. Inclusion!== Equality @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  14. Inclusion!== Quotas @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  15. Inclusion=== Equity @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  16. Inclusion=== Experience @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  17. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  18. Racism @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  19. Racism = race prejudice + social and institutional power @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  20. Racism = a system of advantage based on race @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  21. Racism = a system of oppression based on race @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  22. Racism = a white supremacist system @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  23. Racism Racism is different from racial prejudice, hatred, or discrimination. Racism involves one group having the power to carry out systematic discrimination through the institutional policies and practices of the society and by shaping the cultural beliefs and values that support those racist policies and practices. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  24. Anti-Blackness The Council for Democratizing Education defines anti- Blackness as being a two-part formation that both voids Blackness of value, while systematically marginalizing Black people and their issues. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  25. Anti-Blackness The first form of anti-Blackness is overt racism. Beneath this anti-Black racism is the covert structural and systemic racism which categorically predetermines the socioeconomic status of Blacks in the U.S. [globally]. The structure is held in place by anti-Black policies, institutions, and ideologies. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  26. Anti-Blackness The second form of anti-Blackness is the unethical disregard for anti-Black institutions and policies. This disregard is the product of class, race, and/or gender privilege certain individuals experience due to anti-Black institutions and policies. This form of anti-Blackness is protected by the first form of overt racism. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  27. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  28. • Products and services are not businesses. • You cannot manage what you cannot measure • Marginalized entrepreneurs overwhelmingly create jobs for themselves, rather than businesses @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  29. All too often, organizations fail, can’t scale and/or become toxic because their leaders don’t understand that growth requires processes that enable connectedness, innovation and competitive advantage. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  30. Successful organizations are built on foundations that enable their leaders to turn information into knowledge in order to scale, evolve, and recover. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  31. The ability of organizational leaders to successfully create and manage operations relies heavily on how well they are at developing these necessary processes. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  32. When leaders take the time to understand and operationalize their organization’s functions, they avoid common barriers to success while being able to recover more quickly from unexpected events. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  33. Building a successful organization, with fewer unintended consequences, requires more than a great product or service. It requires leaders being able to give all stakeholders the experiences they want and the ability to manage the process. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  34. All Stackholders • Those who work for you; • Those who partner with you; • Those who buy from you; • Those who invest in you. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  35. Going from product/service focused to business model focused takes time, intention, and strategic effort. All are necessary in order to innovate, differentiate, and compete in the Information Age. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  36. Also, building stakeholder rather than shareholder focused organizations is a proactive approach to addressing inclusion, diversity, safe spaces, and developing a harm reduction perspective. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  37. When leaders create organizations around well- defined and tested core values, that consider the needs of all stakeholders and have processes in place to monitor progress, they are less likely to discover, at some point in the future, that they’ve been nurturing an exclusionary environment; with unintended consequences. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  38. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  39. Process for shifting from products/services focused to business model focused… @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  40. Step 1: Imagine Imagine the ideal stakeholder experience and write it down in detail @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  41. Step 2: Define Define core values AND indicators of success @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  42. Step 3: Apply Apply measurements to indicators @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  43. Step 4: Test Test the indicators with stakeholders @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  44. Step 5: Evaluate Evaluate measurements to determine if benchmarks were met @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  45. Step 6: Standardization Create formal processes based on knowledge gained from evaluation @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  46. Important Considerations • Core values should inform all organizational decisions. • Remember that this is an ongoing process. • The decisions that are the result of this process, should not be seen as immutable or rigid. • Organizational leaders should plan to review whether stakeholder factors have changed at least 2x a year. This will enable them to proactively anticipate shifting needs and plan accordingly. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  47. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  48. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  49. Profit a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  50. Oppression prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  51. Profit 
 Oppression @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  52. Instead of mixing capitalism with social justice, what about shifting the lens to capitalism AS social justice @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  53. Democratizing business school education IS a social justice & antiracist movement @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  54. Move from “elite” campuses to Main Street 
 @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  55. Turn business research in action 
 @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  56. Establish harm reduction as an organizational imperative @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  57. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  58. Guiding Principles: Tech Is Not Neutral Intention Without Strategy Is Chaos Lack of Inclusion is a Risk Management Issue Prioritize the Most Vulnerable @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist

  59. @KimCrayton1 #AntiracistEconomist


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