asia pacific netw ork for global change research apn

Asia-Pacific Netw ork for Global Change Research ( APN) w w w - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Asia-Pacific Netw ork for Global Change Research ( APN) w w w 1 W hat is the APN? Asia- Pacific Netw ork for Global Change Research Inter-governmental Network to foster global change research in the Asia-Pacific region

  1. Asia-Pacific Netw ork for Global Change Research ( APN) w w w 1

  2. W hat is the APN? Asia- Pacific Netw ork for Global Change Research � Inter-governmental Network to foster global change research in the Asia-Pacific region � Established in ‘96 as a result of the ‘90 White House Conference on Science & Economics Research Related to Global Change � 21 member countries � Dedicated secretariat in Kobe, Japan since ’99 � Major activities • Funding research projects (ARCP) • Funding capacity building projects (CAPaBLE) • Science-policy linkages 2

  3. APN Mem ber Countries Australia New Zealand Bangladesh Pakistan Cam bodia Philippines China Republic of Korea Fiji Russian I ndia Federation I ndonesia Sri Lanka Japan Thailand Lao PDR United States Malaysia of Am erica Mongolia Viet Nam Nepal Pacific I sland Countries and Singapore are approved countries w hose scientists are eligible to receive funding under APN aw ards. 3

  4. APN’s Mission ( APN Strategic Plan 2 0 0 5 / 0 6 – 2 0 0 9 / 1 0 ) The m ission of the APN is to enable investigation of change in the Earth’s life support system s as it occurs in the Asia-Pacific region to: I dentify, explain and predict changes in the context of both natural and anthropogenic forcing, Assess potential regional and global vulnerability of natural and hum an system s, and Contribute, from the science perspective, to the developm ent of policy options for appropriate responses to global change that w ill also contribute to sustainable developm ent. 4

  5. APN’s Goals ( APN Strategic Plan 2 0 0 5 / 0 6 – 2 0 0 9 / 1 0 ) • Goal 1: Supporting regional cooperation in global change research on issues particularly relevant to the region • Goal 2: Strengthening appropriate interactions among scientists and policy-makers, and providing scientific input to policy decision making and scientific knowledge to the public • Goal 3: Improving the scientific and technical capabilities of nations in the region • Goal 4: Cooperating with other global change networks and organisations • Goal 5: Facilitating the development of research infrastructure and the transfer of know-how and technology 5

  6. Them e Distribution of Funded ARCP Projects for 2 0 0 6 / 0 7 and 2 0 0 7 / 0 8 Crosscutting and Science-Policy Linkages Climate 7% 25% Use of Resources and Pathw ays for Sustainable Total funds: Development 22% $ 1 , 3 0 1 ,5 0 0 ( 3 5 Projects) Ecosystems, Changes in Biodiversity and Land Atmospheric, Use Terrestrial and Marine 20% Domains 33% 6

  7. APN’s Activities • Funding global change research projects through the Annual Regional Call for Proposals (ARCP) • Funding capacity building projects through the CAPaBLE Programme • Science-Policy Linkages 7

  8. Annual Regional Call for Proposals ( ARCP) • One of the scientific pillars of the APN to support global change research in the Asia-Pacific region • Competitive process launched in 1998 to select projects for funding under the Science Agenda of the APN 8

  9. Annual Regional Call for Proposals ( ARCP) Activities of I nterest under the ARCP: • New research which addresses knowledge gaps in key areas • Synthesis and analysis of existing research • Research planning/ scoping activities • The development of policy products such as integrated assessments, impact assessments, climate models, etc. 9

  10. CAPaBLE Program m e Scientific Capacity Building and Enhancem ent for Sustainable Developm ent in Developing Countries ( CAPaBLE) Program m e • The second pillar of APN supporting capacity developm ent projects/ activities • Registered as a World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Type II Partnership/ Initiative • Launched in 2003 as a concrete initiative to realize part 107 to 114 of the Plan of Implementation for the WSSD 10

  11. Science-Policy Linkages APN is a unique netw ork that brings together scientists and policy- m akers: • Engage the research community in policy-relevant research • Enhance policy-makers’ understanding of global change issues • Focus on regional scale issues, including impacts of global change, capacity needs and response strategies 11

  12. Science-Policy Linkages Policy Agenda The APN is committed to… “Strengthen appropriate interactions among scientists and policy-makers, and providing scientific input to policy and decision-making and scientific knowledge to the public.” 12

  13. The APN 2 0 0 7 Calls for Proposals for funding from April 2 0 0 8 under the Annual Regional Call for Proposals ( ARCP) …for global change research and Scientific Capacity Building and Enhancem ent for Sustainable Developm ent in Developing Countries ( CAPaBLE) Program m e …for capacity developm ent activities 13

  14. Proposals Process Follow ing the APN’s 1 2 th I GM/ SPG Meetings, a m ore stream lined process is being introduced in the 2 0 0 7 Calls for Proposals… This new procedure includes a voluntary Advisory Service and a com pulsory Proposals Subm ission and Review Process. 14

  15. Advisory Service ADVI SORY SERVI CE ( Voluntary) A potential proponent can consult w ith the APN Secretariat by sending a Letter of I ntent . The APN has also developed a comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to assist proponents in developing a proposal for submission to the APN. 15

  16. Proposals Subm ission and Review Process ( Com pulsory) Stage 1 . Submission of Sum m ary Proposal . The summary proposals will undergo a screening process performed by the SPG Sub-Committee, who will select proposals that will proceed to Stage 2. Stage 2 . Submission of Full Proposal by successful Stage 1 proponents. Stage 3 . Two-step review of the full proposals performed by the APN internal reviewers (SPG members) and external reviewers from the international global change community. Stage 4 . The APN’s 13 th Inter-governmental Meeting (IGM) approves which proposals to fund, following recommendations from the SPG (March, 2008). 16

  17. W ho are eligible to subm it proposals? • Mem bers of non-profit m aking institutions based in APN m em ber and/ or approved countries can subm it a proposal to the APN. * A potential proponent holding a position of International Project Officer (IPO) or Executive Director of an international global change research programme (DIVERSITAS, IGBP, IHDP, WCRP, ESSP and START) whose institution is outside the APN region may submit a proposal to APN but ONLY for travel support proposals under the CAPaBLE Programme. 17

  18. How m any countries should be involved? Proposals intended for submission under the ARCP must involve actions or contributions by three or m ore APN member and/ or approved countries, at least tw o of w hich should be developing countries . Proposals intended for CAPaBLE submission must involve action or contributions by at least one developing country from the APN region. More information on eligibility is available in the Guide for Proponents, or you may refer to the 2007 Calls for Proposals Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). 18

  19. Subm ission Deadline • Advisory Service (Voluntary). Subm ission of Letter of I ntent : Wednesday, 4 July 2 0 0 7 , midnight (24: 00) – Japanese Standard Time • Stage 1. Subm ission of Sum m ary Proposal (Compulsory). Wednesday, 2 2 August 2 0 0 7 , midnight (24: 00) – Japanese Standard Time • Stage 2. Subm ission of Full Proposal by the Successful Stage 1 Proponents (Compulsory): Wednesday, 3 1 October 2 0 0 7 , midnight (24: 00) – Japanese Standard Time 19

  20. Contact the APN For m ore inform ation, For m ore inform ation, please visit: please visit: w w w .apn- - w w w .apn I HD Centre Bldg, 5 F 1 -5 -1 W akinoham a Kaigan Dori Chuo-ku, Kobe 6 5 1 -0 0 7 3 , Japan Tel: + 8 1 -7 8 -2 3 0 -8 0 1 7 Fax: + 8 1 -7 8 -2 3 0 -8 0 1 8 Dr. Linda Stevenson Ms. Maricel Tapia Scientific Officer Coordinator m tapia@apn- 20


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