workgroup meeting

WorkGroup Meeting 15 June 2017 Commit: WSCC Technical Panel reviews - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WorkGroup Meeting 15 June 2017 Commit: WSCC Technical Panel reviews Submittal: June 30 Initial: July 18 Formal: July 28 Review: [Final] Workplan Review Section 3: Characterization of PacCo Ag Section 5:

  1. WorkGroup Meeting 15 June 2017

  2. ✓ Commit: WSCC Technical Panel reviews • Submittal: June 30 • Initial: July 18 • Formal: July 28 ✓ Review: [Final] Workplan Review • Section 3: Characterization of PacCo Ag • Section 5: Monitoring & Adaptive Mgmt • Appendix H: Monitoring & Adaptive Mgmt 15 June 2017 Objectives

  3. ✓ Agenda ✓ Individual Stewardship Plan (email) ✓ Workplan (posted) ✓ Benchmarks/Monitoring (email) ✓ Prioritized Activities (email) ✓ Related … Plans and Data ✓ Critical Areas and Functions ✓ FAQ ✓ Regulatory Backstop ✓ Incentive Programs ✓ Google Earth “How To…” Handouts

  4. Workgroup Postings: meeting recordings, presentations, notes …

  5. Agenda: 15 June 2017 Time Topic Action Leader Agenda review/approval :01 Approve Kelly Calendar Check: • : 15 Recap Kelly WSCC formal review • Overall work calendar Workplan Draft Review: • Section 3 Baseline Conditions • :60 Section 5 Benchmark Monitoring & Feedback All Adaptive Management :05 Next steps Inform Kelly Adjourn

  6. Month Content Action Launch June Inform & Critical Areas & Ag: Mapping July Wrokgroup Timeline Align Critical Area Functions Aug Work Plan Scope & Goals Sept Synthesize & Oct-Nov Best Practices & Objectives Recommend Monitoring and Reporting Dec Stewardship Template Jan’17 1 st Draft Feb-Mar Refine & Scribe 2 nd Draft Apr Final Draft May “Submit” for Final Draft June Approval “Review” July

  7. Pacific County WorkGroup assembled and actively engaged…

  8. When we submit the Workplan to the WSCC “Technical Panel” … • 45 day clock begins (for Tech Panel review) • Tech Panel meets to “informally review” the submitted plans • Tech Panel meets “formally” to vote for approval/denial • Tech Panel: two plans per month capacity

  9. Month Content Action Launch June Inform & Critical Areas & Ag: Mapping July Wrokgroup Timeline Align Critical Area Functions Aug Work Plan Scope & Goals Sept Synthesize & Oct-Nov Best Practices & Objectives Recommend Monitoring and Reporting Dec Stewardship Template Jan’17 1 st Draft Feb-Mar Refine & Scribe 2 nd Draft Apr Update: • Jun 30: Submit to WSCC Final Draft May • July 18: Informal Review Final Draft June • July 28: Formal Review July

  10. PacCo WorkGroup “Third Thursday” June 30: Submit Workplan to WSCC July 18 (Olympia) “ Initial Review” July 28 (Olympia) “ Formal Review”

  11. Road Trip? July 18 (Olympia) “ Initial Review” July 28 (Olympia) “ Formal Review”

  12. Thu 5/18/2017 1:36 PM Hi Kelly – just wanted to send you this reminder as Pacific County gets ready to submit their VSP work plan to the Commission and Technical Panel - the action the work group should take is to vote to send/submit the work plan to the Commission and VSP Technical Panel, rather than vote to approve the work plan (for submittal to the Commission). ---------------------- Bill Eller Washington State Conservation Commission Protocol: we “ submit …” the Plan (WSCC technically “ approves ”)

  13. VSP WORK PLAN PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is invited to comment on any VSP work plan submitted to the VSP Technical Panel within 14 days of submittal. The public can use a public comment form to capture any comments made. The Technical Panel will be provided with any comments received at the end of that period. The form is available on the Commission’s VSP web page

  14. …of Grant & Skagit Workplans • Monitoring: need encompass entire watershed (beyond just acreages enrolled in VSP) • Clarity: what are we measuring? Methods and protocols? • Completeness : document needs to “spell out” details • Option to regulate: if County CAO applied to ag, still should monitor for protections effectiveness (through regulations) Perspectives from June 9 Review….

  15. Agenda: 15 June 2017 Time Topic Action Leader Agenda review/approval :01 Approve Kelly Calendar Check: • : 15 Recap Kelly WSCC formal review • Overall work calendar Workplan Draft Review: • Section 3 Baseline Conditions • :60 Section 5 Benchmark Monitoring & Feedback All Adaptive Management :05 Next steps Inform Kelly Adjourn

  16. Switch to Word doc’s for section by section walkthru

  17. To be performed every two years (biennial), by Dec 31 Then, included in biennium reports, by Aug 29 “Implementation”  what we’re “doing…” • Trends in adoption of stewardship activities • Collected via Individual Stewardship Plans (ISP) “Effectiveness”  validate the implementation • Actual effects on critical areas functions • Combines existing monitoring with add’l PCD collection “Indicators”  broad-area tracking data • Information valuable for adaptive management 5.xx Monitoring

  18. Priority Issue (Benchmark Baseline ID) PROTECT: Avoid increasing agricultural Fecal coliform contributions to fecal coliform bacteria and (WQl-1) nutrient loading ENHANCE: Reduce … Baseline to be PROTECT: Avoid increasing agricultural established via contributions to known surface water and Pesticides groundwater quality impairments by pesticides Conservation District (WQl-2) and herbicides monitoring conducted ENHANCE: Reduce … during first five years (2017-2022) PROTECT: Ensure no increase agricultural Sediment / contributions to the transport of fine sediment turbidity in runoff (WQl-3) ENHANCE: Reduce … Table 5-2 (page 59-60)

  19. Next up… TBD

  20. Appendix

  21. Completed ISPs are kept and maintained by the PCD. VSP success depends on open participation by producers. This open participation hinges on the assurance that confidential business information will not be disclosed. According to guidance from the Washington State Conservation Commission, statutory provisions on the confidentiality and disclosure of a farm plan also apply to ISPs collected by the PCD. Importantly, information contained in individual ISPs will be maintained by the PCD as confidential information. ISP results will be summarized at the watershed or sub- watershed scale such that no personally identifying information is available. Confidentiality… Ron Schulz is developing legal language to protect ISP information pages 65-66 from release under public records requests; this will be included once available.

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