woodhouse eaves conservation area woodhouse eaves in the

Woodhouse Eaves Conservation Area Woodhouse Eaves in the Landscape - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Woodhouse Eaves Conservation Area Woodhouse Eaves in the Landscape Townscape Groups of buildings Townscape Groups of buildings Townscape Groups of buildings Townscape Groups of buildings St Pauls Church and its surroundings

  1. Woodhouse Eaves Conservation Area

  2. Woodhouse Eaves in the Landscape

  3. Townscape – Groups of buildings

  4. Townscape – Groups of buildings

  5. Townscape – Groups of buildings

  6. Townscape – Groups of buildings

  7. St Pauls Church and its surroundings

  8. St Pauls Church and its surroundings

  9. St Pauls Church and its surroundings

  10. St Pauls Church and its surroundings

  11. Principal buildings

  12. Principal buildings

  13. Principal buildings

  14. Principal buildings

  15. Principal buildings

  16. Key views and landmarks

  17. Key views and landmarks


  19. Variety of buildings

  20. Variety of buildings

  21. Architectural features

  22. Architectural features

  23. Architectural features

  24. Materials Brick chimneys Swithland Slate Timber windows Rendered walls Hedges Slate walls Brick piers

  25. Red Brick Materials Welsh Slate

  26. Details

  27. Trees

  28. Trees

  29. Trees

  30. Trees

  31. Green Spaces

  32. Green Spaces

  33. Spaces Green

  34. Green Spaces


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