a l e t t e r t o p r a i r i e s ta r r e s i d e n t s

A L E T T E R T O P R A I R I E S TA R R E S I D E N T S dear - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A L E T T E R T O P R A I R I E S TA R R E S I D E N T S dear PrairieStar residents: 3. On the PrairieStar Village Center video, our intent is to portray a more accurate sense of massing and architectural style that is consistent with our

  1. A L E T T E R T O P R A I R I E S TA R R E S I D E N T S dear PrairieStar residents: 3. On the PrairieStar Village Center video, our intent is to portray a more accurate sense of massing and architectural style that is consistent with our vision for PrairieStar’s completion. To help you visualize the completion of PrairieStar, we have prepared a presentation of the 5th Building sizes and shapes will be modifjed as individual tenants are obtained for the Village Filing, and a video of the Village Center concept. This will be helpful in understanding the phased Center, but the look and feel will remain consistent. All of the proposed lots and buildings within completion of the remaining residential lots, parks (including dog parks) and the open space and the Village Center will still be subject to a site review where details on loading, large truck trail system as well as the conceptual plan for the PrairieStar Village Center. deliveries, circulation, signage, and other important features will be specifjed. Some important facts to keep in mind while reviewing the pdf and the video are the following: The main street buildings are envisioned as one-story buildings with an inviting and friendly feel. The colored concrete sections and the extended eaves over the sidewalks, including the overhead 1. in sequencing the completion of PrairieStar, it is important to fjnish as the Phase Map represents, lighting and farmers market, is an accurate representation of our design expectations within the as the physical order of the infrastructure and construction access allows us to fjnish and exit each main street portion of the Village Center of PrairieStar. construction portion of the project. 4. At the present time, no anchor grocer or future tenants have been contracted to come to 2. The Westview apartments are proposed as a modifjcation of the existing Westview at PrairieStar. We think it is important to establish the vision and the entitlement that we desire as PrairieStar approval. The current approval is for seven, 3-story buildings for a total of 84 units. developers of PrairieStar before commencing the task of tenant fjnalization. The modifjcation would accomplish the following: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • Increase the unit count from 84 units to 108 +/- 2 units, depending upon fjnal engineering. This creates the opportunity to economically add On-site Full-time Management which is an important We hope you fjnd the presentations as exciting as we do. We hope you participate by letting the addition to the Westview at PrairieStar apartments. Town, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Trustees know your thoughts with a written • Reduce the seven, 3-story buildings to six and add diversity with townhouse style apartment rentals. comment. • Allow two of the six, 3-story buildings to be moved to a topographical location that is lower than the Thank you for your time and interest as we continue a phased completion of PrairieStar. high ridge location of the previously approved seven buildings. Sincerely, • Provide garages in some locations to disperse and integrate with the surface parking, with the addition of townhome apartments. • Allow the originally approved boundary to be moved back 20 feet from Berthoud Parkway, enabling a 30 foot landscaped buffer as the identifying feature from Berthoud Parkway for Westview. S C O T T S A r B A u g h r i C h A r d M C C A B e

  2. Illustrative Master Plan WHEN COMPLETED – 850 residential homes (all types) – 140,000 square feet of retail/commercial – 5 neighborhood parks (8.67 acres)

  3. Filing 5 – Phases 1thru5 FILING 5 PHASES 1 THRU 5 The order of phasing is mandated by physical conditions and access P H A S E 1 ( completion occurs east to west.) – 233 new residential units FiLiNgS 1, 3 & 4 Phasing plan as follows: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ___________________________________ Completed Construction P H A S E 1 construction phasing Northgate – 21 residential Lots necessary to fjnish east dog Park ___________________________________ P H A S E 2 21 residential Lots at end of County road and Big empty ___________________________________ P H A S E 5 P H A S E 3 P H A S E 2 99 residential Lots South dog Park P H A S E 4 South detention Pond ___________________________________ P H A S E 4 P H A S E 3 Commercial development ___________________________________ P H A S E 5 Commercial & Mixed use Remaining Lots to Develop: L OT T Y PeS # of Lots: Village green __________________________________________ Phases 1 – 3 ___________________________________ Paired home Lot - 20’ (Gemini) 36 _________________________________________ (not including mixed use/ Cottage Lot - 26’ 2-story 28 _________________________________________ townhomes in commercial) Cottage Lot - 42’ ranch 8 _________________________________________ Standard Lot - 40’ (Centennial ) 35 _________________________________________ Standard Lot - 50’ (Homestead) 13 _________________________________________ estate Lot - 80’+ (Northgate) 21 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Total 141

  4. Parks PARKS – Neighborhood Park – The Courts at PrairieStar – east dog Park – Community gardens and South dog Park – The Village green P A R K D A T A _______________________________________________ PArK Acres: _______________________________________________ Neighborhood Park 1.22 _______________________________________________ Village green 2.78 _______________________________________________ The Courts at PrairieStar 1.09 _______________________________________________ Community gardens & South dog Park 1.95 _______________________________________________ east dog Park 1.63 _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TOTAL 8.67 _______________________________________________

  5. East Dog Park PARK FEATURES – Park totals 1.63 acres – Trail system access Tract AB Surrounding Open Space – double gate enclosed entry – Other features include: park bench fenced enclosure picnic shelters 1.63 Acres landscape boulders fencing pet waste station park benches pet waste Tract g station Surrounding Open Space shelters enclosed pet-friendly entry landscape boulders

  6. Community Gardens & South Dog Park PARK FEATURES – Park totals 1.95 acres (including Community gardens) – 10 parking spaces – double gate enclosed entry – Other features include: Open Space: 13,603 SF picnic shelters water trough enclosed entry 1.95 Acres pet fencing pet waste waste station station fenced enclosure play tunnel park benches park bench picnic landscape boulders shelters dog play tunnel pet-friendly landscape boulders

  7. Village Green PARK FEATURES – Park totals 2.78 acres – Trail access and street parking available – Play fountain and performance shelter for events – Playground and picnic shelter – Other features include: water/spray fountain performance shelter 2.78 Acres picnic shelter play structure swings swings additional play or climbing structures additional play/climbing features play fountain and benches performance or gathering shelter Note: Park will be dedicated play structure to Town of Berthoud and swings and design subject to park bench picnic shelters change by town.

  8. Open Space and Trail System OPEN SPACE – 3 Miles of Trails – Open Space & Trails - 51.1 Acres T R A I L L E G E N D sections of asphalt trails (primarily in open space areas) sections of paved concrete trails (including street crossings )

  9. Open Space – Wetlands The wetlands detention pond will have an elevated boardwalk with cattails and wetland foliage, creating a natural riparian area to attract birds, bats and associated wildlife. WETL ANDS FEATURES wetlands elevated walkways wildlife houses – birds and bats

  10. Summary WHEN COMPLETED – 850 residential homes (all types) – 140,000 square feet of retail/commercial – 5 neighborhood parks (8.67 acres)

  11. Westview was platted in Filing 1 and approved for 84 units. As part of the Amended FdP 2020, approximately .8 acres will be added to the Westview site, bringing it to 108 units (+/– 2 units depending on fjnal engineering). The additional units make it feasible to have on-site management with an on-site offjce, located adjacent to the fjtness club. The Club pool and fjtness center are sized to accommodate additional memberships to the community and seasonal memberships will be available up to capacity.
