Women omen in in Pla Planning nning Why We Mat e Matter er Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody. -Jane Jacobs APA NYC 2017 | MAY 7TH
Who ho We Ar e Are Meghna Khanna Georgia Sheridan Veronica Siranosian Monica Villalobos LA County Metro LA County Metro AECOM AECOM
Cli Clichés chés + + St Stereo ereotypes types
Tra ravel el Patt Patterns erns
Wom omen en in the Ci n the City ty Roles + Implications Power of the purse (Control 80% of consumer spending) Higher portion of transit riders Predominant targets of subway crime Primary caretakers Multi-purpose, multi-modal, chained trips
You ou Get Get Wh What t You ou Me Measure asure
You ou Get Get Wha hat t You ou Me Measure asure Source: The Economist
Ho How Wom omen en Mo Move Source: US Census ACS, 2012
Ho How Wom omen en Mo Move DIFFERENCES IN TRANSPORT SYSTEMS FOR MEN AND WOMEN 57% 15% Just of Women perform on average more women have a trips than men, driver’s license walking and bus. mainly, These trips, however, shorter than those made by men 25% 12% 18% Source: The Relationship Between Gender and Transport, Inter American Development Bank
Safety ty and nd Mo Mode de Cho hoice ce 63% of New York City subway riders said they'd been harassed on a train 93% of witnesses reported that the victim was female Source: NY Times
I am parking as close to [my destination] as I can. I’m definitely looking around and being very self-aware, understanding that it is important to be alert.… —Amy Stear, Wisconsin Director of 9to5
Safety ty and nd Mo Mode de Cho hoice ce Source: http://brokelyn.com
Safety ty and nd Mo Mode de Cho hoice ce
Mo Mobi bility lity of of Care re Source: The Relationship Between Gender and Transport, Inter American Development Bank
Mo Mobi bility lity of of Care re Source: Ines Sánchez de Madariaga (2009, 2010, 2013a, 2013b)
Tri rip Cha haining ining Source: EMBARQ India, 2015
Tri rip Cha haining ining Source: McGukin et al., 2005
Con Conscious scious Des Design ign
We Don’t Waiting ting on: - bus stop - underground station platforms - train platforms Walking king: - multi-story parking structures - surface parking lot - to/from bus stop or station Travel l on - train - bus
Sec ecurity urity Str trat ategies egies Buses Bus Stops 90 80 78 80 72 70 58 60 50 40 38 40 32 28 26 30 15 20 12 12 12 10 8 6 5 5 10 0 Source: Web- based transit survey of 245 transit agencies; How to Ease Women’s Fear of Transportation Environments: Case Studies and Best Practices
Impr Improvements ements Transparent/visible design Good Lighting “Whole Journey” approach Safety personnel over CCTV “Next bus” or “Next train” signs Lighti ting ng Design Segregated transport schemes “Next bus” or “Next train” signs “Whole Journey” approach
Typ ypical ical Bus us St Stop op Typ ypical cal Bus us Stops ops
Solar Powered ered Bus Shelter er, San Francisco cisco
A B C D Osmose station, Paris’ RATP’s Program C D A B
Und nder ergr ground ound Ra Rail l Stations tations
Hafenci ncity ty Un University sity Subway y Stati tion, on, Hamburg urg, German any
U-Bahn Bahn Stati tion, on, Munich, ich, German any Fulton on Stati tion, on, New York
Pede edestrian strian Tun unnels nels
King Cross ss Light t tunne nel ,Londo don
King Cross ss Light t tunne nel ,Londo don
Marien enplatz atz U-Bahn, ahn, Munich, ch, German any King Cross ss Light t tunne nel ,Londo don
Station tation En Entrance/ trance/Exit Exit Broadw dway-Laf Lafayet ette/Bleeck eecker Transf nsfer , Ne New York rk
Station tation En Entrance/ trance/Exit Exit 34 34 th th Stre reet et – Hu Huds dson on Yard d Stati tion
Station tation En Entrance/ trance/Exit Exit 34 34 th th Stre reet et – Hu Huds dson on Yard d Stati tion
Fra rauen uen-Wer erk-Stadt Stadt Childcare facilities Shops including doctor’s Office Housing Units Courtyards Public Spaces A Housin ing g Proje ject ct by & f & for Women in in Vie ienna Austri ria Source: Gendered Innovations
Fra rauen uen-Werk erk-Sta Stadt dt Gen ende der-sen ensit itiv ive pe perspe pecti ctive Source: Gendered Innovations
The “Fearless Gi Girl rl ” statue tatue
Pr Programs/Initiativ ograms/Initiatives es
Ge Gend nder er Ma Mainstreaming, instreaming, Vi Vienna enna Source: : https:/ tps://di /difu.de fu.de/n /node/ de/59 5949 49
Ge Gend nder er Ma Mainstreaming, instreaming, Vi Vienna enna
Ha Hands nds Of Off, f, LA LA Cou County nty Metr Metro
Ri Righ ght t Ri Rides, des, NY NY & & DC DC
Pink nk Li Ligh ght, t, Sou outh th Kor orea ea
Tra ranspor nsport t for or Lo London ndon
SafetiPin tiPin Ap App, p, In India dia
Wom omen en-Only Only Car, , In India dia
Pink nk aut uto-ricksha rickshaws, ws, In India dia
Queen Queen Bee or Bee or Wor orker er Bees? Bees?
Am Amer erican ican Wom omen en Mo More e Women men in College ollege 50.8% of population 59% of college-educated workforce 60% of college degrees 60% of masters degrees 47% of law degrees 48% of medical degrees 47% of labor force Sources: FireScience.org, FAS.org, AmericanProgress.org
Wom omen en at t Work ork Pu Publ blic ic Sect ctor 58% of state and local government jobs 42% of federal governments jobs 20% of leadership positions • Women-held jobs in local gov increased 13.7% (1976-2013) Pr Privat ate e Sect ctor or 42% of jobs 15% of senior leadership positions <9% of top leadership positions Pay gap between men and women more pronounced Sources: FireScience.org, FAS.org, AmericanProgress.org
Wom omen en of of Col olor or Fac acing ing a W a Wider er Gap ap 18% of U.S. population 1/3 rd of female workforce 12% of managerial positions Less than 3% of board seats in Fortune 500 companies Over 2/3 rd of Fortune 500 companies have no women of color as board members Sources: FireScience.org, FAS.org, Americanprogress.org
Ge Gend nder er Pa Pay y Ga Gap p Ov Over er Ti Time Women Make 80% of Men’s Earnings (2015) Source: AAUW analysis of data from Proctor et al., U.S. Census Bureau, Income and Poverty in the United States: 2015
Wom omen en Pla lanner nners Make 91% of Men’s Earnings (2014) On average, men make more $8K $8 a year more than women, get $1 $1,70 700 0 more in cash compensation Sources: APA/AICP 2016 Planners Salary Survey by Gender and Heritage/Race
Wom omen en in Aca cademia demia Men outnumber women 2:1 in full professorship Gap unchanged (14- 15), men make almost do doub uble le
Scholarship, Why it Matters… Not your Grandma’s City
Th The W e Wage ge Ga Gap, , Wh Why it Matt y it Matter ers... s...
De Decision cision Ma Maki king ng
Acr cross oss th the e Wor orld ld Source: United Nations
Wom omen en in Co n Cong ngress ress 104 of 535 21 of 100 U.S. Representatives U.S. Senators U.S. ranks 60th in women’s political empowerment on the Gender Gap Index. Source: CAWP (Center for American Women and Politics), AmericanProgress.org
Wom omen en CEOs EOs of of S&P &P 500 00 29 of 500 CEOs 6% Source: Catalyst Org
Qu Questions? estions? Meghna Khanna Georgia Sheridan Veronica Siranosian Monica Villalobos LA County Metro LA County Metro AECOM AECOM
Th Thank Y ank You ou
Celebrating women’s contributions to the built environment
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