why the web

Why the Web? Web Services Problem Space Web Problem Space - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Why the Web? Web Services Problem Space Web Problem Space Perception circa 1999 Perception circa 2004 Perception circa 2004 GET Reality Reality B2C Remote session B2B EAI ERP A/V Streaming etc.. Others ... Where REST fits

  1. Why the Web?

  2. Web Services Problem Space

  3. Web Problem Space

  4. Perception circa 1999

  5. Perception circa 2004

  6. Perception circa 2004 “GET”

  7. Reality

  8. Reality B2C Remote session B2B EAI ERP A/V Streaming etc.. Others ...

  9. Where REST fits

  10. Why? ● The Web is a more loosely coupled SOA – Interface and implementation separated ● “Implementation” more than just language, OS, platform, etc.. – also the function performed by the code; its “type” – Stock quote impl != weather forecast impl – A client that knows, a priori, which is which, has an implementation dependency

  11. Why? ● WSDL not part of runtime architecture of Web services systems – If you delete *.WSDL, what breaks? ● HTTP as “void *” – Application-independent Facade

  12. In conclusion ● I used to build CORBA systems – Now I build Web systems ● For similar problems ● The Web as a goal, with REST as a guide


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