who are we

Who Are We? MINT Incorporated Board Members Judith Carpenter [UK] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Who Are We? MINT Incorporated Board Members Judith Carpenter [UK] Chair Allan Zuckoff [USA] - Vice Chair and Treasurer Jacki Hecht [USA] Secretary Cristiana Fortini [Switzerland] Member at Large Guy Azoulai

  1. Who Are We?  MINT Incorporated Board Members  Judith Carpenter [UK] – Chair  Allan Zuckoff [USA] - Vice Chair and Treasurer  Jacki Hecht [USA] – Secretary  Cristiana Fortini [Switzerland] – Member at Large  Guy Azoulai [France]– Member at Large  Lyn Williams[UK] –Member at Large

  2. Where Have We Been?  MINT became incorporated in September, 2008  There has been a period of transition in Board and organizational development  Since Sitges [June 2009] we have had three people elected, one person appointed, and two resignations  The MINT Board has entered a period of stability  The Board as a collective, and each member individually, remain committed to leadership by consensus  As a member-led organization, we are committed to drawing on the strengths and ideas of our members

  3. What You Wanted to Know...  How many people are on the board? We currently have 6 Directors and one vacancy. Our revised bylaws require that we have an odd number, with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9.  Do board members have specific responsibilities? We have specific roles as Directors and Officers which are Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, plus members at large.

  4. What You Wanted to Know...  How long are Board members’ terms? 3 years.  Can Board members be re-elected? Do they have to go off the board for a period? Yes, Board members can be re-elected for a second term. In order to run for a second term, a majority of the Board must approve the Board member’s candidacy. Two terms is the maximum.

  5. What You Wanted to Know...  Does the Board get paid and are their expenses reimbursed? The role is purely voluntary. Following a vote of the membership during the past year, Board members now receive reimbursement of expenses, including travel-related expenses for the TNT/Forum week, which includes the annual meeting.

  6. What You Wanted to Know...  Who determines if there is going to be a working group established? The Board appoints “committees” (the term used in the revised bylaws), comprised of volunteers from the membership, to provide policy recommendations and undertake some of the operational tasks related to running MINT.

  7. What You Wanted to Know...  Who makes the day to day decisions regarding operations? The MINT Board splits its function between operations and strategy. Day to day operations are therefore undertaken by the MINT Board at this point in time. The Board makes operational as well as strategic decisions by consensus.

  8. What You Wanted to Know...  How often does the Board meet and how do they meet? The Board meets for two hours at least every two weeks by Skype conference call. The Board continues to dialogue outside of these meetings through an email listserv. The Board also meets once a year in person at the annual meeting.

  9. What You Wanted to Know...  How does the Board assess and monitor their own MI consistent processes? The MINT Incorporated Mission statement and values are intended to guide us in our processes and the MINT Board are committed to this.

  10. What Have We Done?  MINT logo designed in consultation with the membership  Developed robust membership management processes  Dues, membership list  Contracted with MINT’s first paid administrative assistant  Developed open application and selection process for TNT/Forum site selection and TNT trainer selection

  11. What Have We Done?  Initiated election of Directors  Developed pilot reinstatement process for former members  Obtained insurances Directors and Officers, Employee Practices Liability, Crime, and Workman’s Compensation for all volunteers  Developed policies for MINT operations including Anti-Harassment , Anti-Discrimination, and Equal Opportunities policies  Generated a draft mission and values statement

  12. Draft MINT Mission Statement The mission of MINT is to promote good practice in the use, research, and training of motivational interviewing. MINT supports the continuing learning and skillfulness of its members through meetings, open sharing of resources, communication, publications, and shared practice opportunities. Rather than seeking to limit or control the practice and training of motivational interviewing, MINT promotes quality applications of motivational interviewing across cultures, languages, and contexts.

  13. Draft MINT Values Quality Generosity Excellence, reliability, ethics, Generosity, non-possessiveness, integrity, professionalism, sharing, acknowledgment, responsive to emerging evidence collaboration, cooperation, giving more than you receive Openness Respect Evolving, emergent, open-minded, Valuing of individual and innovative, flexible, expanding the professional diversity, boundaries, growth, humility, internationality, kindness, listening, curiosity, self-critical communication, egalitarianism, welcoming, inclusivity, multidisciplinary, acceptance

  14. What Have We Done?  Professional Issues survey on TNT processes and formation of subcommittee to develop a policy for endorsement of non- MINT sponsored TNT’s  Public Service Committee survey on collection and distribution of funds for underserved areas  Trainer Development and Certification survey to formulate policy recommendations for trainer development pathways and trainer certification  MINT Board survey on what it means to be a MINTie  Restated and Amended MINT Incorporated Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws ready for member ratification

  15. MINT Membership TNT Trainers Emeritus Directors Emeritus Committee MI Founders Committee Committee Board of Directors Nominating Audit Committee Committee Website Development Finance Public Service Committee Committee Fund Committee Professional Trainer Development MINT Membership Issues and Certification Committee Committee TNT Trainer Selection TNT Site Reinstatement Committee Selection Subcommittee Committee MINT Membership Endorsed Local Host TNT Sub- Organising committee and Planning Committee

  16. What Have We Done?  MINT website development  Guy Undrill

  17. What Have We Done?  Selection of 2011 TNT/Forum site and organizers  Sheffield, England, UK  Jeff Breckon and Paul Bliss

  18. Future Directions 2011-12  Policy Development  MINT endorsed TNT’s  Public Service Fund criteria for distribution of funds  Volunteering policy  Nominating committee and guidelines  Trainer development and trainer certification pathways  Board handbook and orientation process  Membership handbook

  19. Future Directions 2011-12  Selection of locations for 2012/2013 TNT/Forums  Formalizing relationships with national and regional MINT  Service Desk  Income generation for MINT
