what s involved in drilling a gas well s involved in

What s Involved in Drilling a Gas Well? s Involved in Drilling a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What s Involved in Drilling a Gas Well? s Involved in Drilling a Gas Well? What About the Bureau About the Bureau Northwest Region Southwest Region 230 Chestnut St. 400 Waterfront Dr. Meadville, PA 16335 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 814

  1. What’ ’s Involved in Drilling a Gas Well? s Involved in Drilling a Gas Well? What

  2. About the Bureau

  3. About the Bureau Northwest Region Southwest Region 230 Chestnut St. 400 Waterfront Dr. Meadville, PA 16335 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 814 – 332 – 6860 412 – 442 – 4024 Central Office Bureau of Oil and Gas Management PO Box 8765 Harrisburg, PA 17105 717 – 772 - 2199

  4. Program Authority • Oil and Gas Act • 25 Pa Code Chapter 78 – Oil and Gas Wells • Oil and Gas Conservation Law • 25 Pa Code Chapter 79 – Oil and Gas Conservation • Coal and Gas Coordination Act

  5. Program Authority Dam Safety and Encroachment Act • 25 Pa Code 105 – Dams and Waterways Management • 25 Pa Code 106 – Flood Management Solid Waste Management Act

  6. Program Authority Clean Streams Law • 25 Pa Code 102 – Erosion and Sediment Control • 25 Pa Code 91 – General Provisions • 25 Pa Code 92 – NPDES Permitting, Monitoring and Compliance • 25 Pa Code 93 – Water Quality Standards • 25 Pa Code 95 – Waste Water Treatment Requirements • 25 Pa Code 96 – Water Quality Standards Implementation

  7. Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Patch? Titusville Pennsylvania currently produces 3.76 million barrels of oil and 163 BCF of natural gas (2004)

  8. In 2007, 7,241 permits were issued. .

  9. Oil & Gas Well Permits Issued, 1990 - 2007 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 DOW DOWDD DOWR

  10. Wells Permitted 2007/2006 7,241 /7,302 60/36 14/1 457/637 1151/945 11/8 2/7 109/120 356/348 332/379 17/3 0/16 200/105 202/129 151/271 40/14 335/377 283/322 301/369 0/3 100/36 60/66 587/662 3/0 514/596 2/0 57/54 64/99 447/219 628/639 0/2 0/1 1/2 349/528 418/298 Map Courtesy of Digital-Topo-Maps.com

  11. Wells Permitted 2008 January - May 21 212 501 34 15 74 12 171 2 72 47 119 118 43 26 168 207 16 91 33 235 254 22 51 211 285 4 127 207 Map Courtesy of Digital-Topo-Maps.com

  12. Permits, Etc. To drill a gas well in Pennsylvania the operator needs… • a drilling permit • an E & S plan

  13. Additional permits and/or approvals may be needed • PennDOT highway occupancy permit • SRBC or DRBC Permit • Chapter 105 encroachment permit • Stormwater Management permit for projects affecting more than 5 acres

  14. Drilling Permit Applications include • Application Fee • Bond • Any waiver or variance requests • PNDI check • Well plat • Political subdivision and county • Location of the well • Name of the surface owner and lessor • Name of all surface owners or water purveyors whose water supplies are within 1000 ft. • Name of owner or operator of all underlying workable coal seams • Record of Notification • Marcellus Addendum

  15. The operator shall forward by certified mail a copy of the plat to: • the surface owner • all surface owners with water supplies and water purveyors within 1000 ft • all coal owners and lessee of any underlying workable coal seams • all coal operators identified on the well plat. • Gas Storage operators within 2000 ft. • proof of the notification shall be sent to the Department The operator must give 24 hr notice of the date the drilling • the department • the landowner • political subdivision

  16. Locating A Well Site • Geology – drill where the gas is

  17. Survey the Site

  18. Distance Restrictions: • 100 ft. - stream, spring or body of water identified on the most current 7 ½ minute USGS topographic map. • 100 ft. must be maintained to any wetland greater than one acre in size. • 200 ft from an existing building or water well without written consent of the owner. • The department may grant a waiver to the distance restriction.

  19. History Let’s Make a Plan, Stan. Sept 29, 1972 – 25 PA Code Chapter 102 adopted. Oil & Gas Operators were required to prepare Erosion and Sediment Control plans. 1981 – Department’s First Erosion and Sediment Control Manual for oil & gas well operations (Now incorporated in the Oil and Gas Operators Manual.)

  20. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

  21. Erosion & Sediment Controls (BMPs)_

  22. Stream Crossings

  23. Minimize the Disturbance

  24. Build the Site Stabilize as you go Drill the well

  25. Drilling the Well

  26. Conductor Fresh Ground Water Gas/Oil Formations

  27. Conductor Fresh Well Ground Bore Water Gas/Oil Formations

  28. Fresh Ground Water Fresh Water Casing Gas/Oil Formations

  29. Cement Fresh Ground Water Gas/Oil Formations

  30. Cement Returns from the annular space

  31. Fresh Ground Water Borehole to Formations Gas/Oil Formations

  32. Fresh Ground Water Gas/Oil Formations Baffle

  33. Fresh Ground Water Gas/Oil Formations

  34. Fracing the Well

  35. What is Fracing? Hydraulic fracturing is the process in which fluid is pumped down a well and into a formation under pressure high enough to cause the formation to crack, or fracture, forming passages through which gas can flow into the well bore. Upon completion of the frac this fluid is pumped from the formation into a lined sump and trucked to a permitted treatment facility.

  36. Fresh Ground Water Gas/Oil Formations

  37. Fresh Ground Water Gas/Oil Formations

  38. Fresh Ground Water Gas/Oil Formations

  39. 8’ below the streambed Pipeline Stream Crossings 220’ bore length

  40. The End Result

  41. Stormwater Management Bioretention / Infiltration Area

  42. You might see this…

  43. Common Questions

  44. Protection of Water Supplies

  45. “presumption of responsibility” An operator is responsible for any degradation of a water supply within 1000 ft of the gas well that occurs within six months of the completion of drilling, unless the operator can prove otherwise. Whenever a gas/oil well related water loss or degradation occurs it should be reported to the Bureau of Oil & Gas Mgmt. regional office for further investigation.

  46. What happens to the fluids used during drilling and production? All fluids encountered during the drilling and fracing of a gas well are collected in lined sumps.

  47. Top Hole Water.

  48. All other drilling, fracing and production fluid is hauled to a permitted treatment facility

  49. • NPDES permit • Specific discharge limits. • Satisfies state as well as USEPA requirements.

  50. Be Smart Out There

  51. If you see something unusual… Let Someone Know!

  52. “Well mam, first, I ask’n politely to put in the BMPs, and if that don’t work…well, that’s what this here shootin’ iron’s fer.” Great,Great Great Grand Pappy Umholtz

  53. Joe Umholtz Chief Division of Surface Activities Bureau of Oil & Gas Management 717-772-2199


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