what make ethiopian coffees special

What Make Ethiopian Coffees Special: A View from Coffee Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What Make Ethiopian Coffees Special: A View from Coffee Research Taye Kufa (PhD) Senior Coffee Researcher- Agronomist EIAR, Jimma Agricultural Research Center E-mail: tayekufa@gmail.com 15 th African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition

  1. What Make Ethiopian Coffees Special: A View from Coffee Research Taye Kufa (PhD) Senior Coffee Researcher- Agronomist EIAR, Jimma Agricultural Research Center E-mail: tayekufa@gmail.com 15 th African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition Reshaping the African Coffee Industry for Productivity & Investment February 15-17/2017, Millennium Hall, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


  3. Doc ID 1. INTRODUCTION ETHIOPIAN COFFEE • Primary center of origin & genetic diversity for Coffea arabica • Unique coffee production systems • Livelihood for about 20-25 million people • A total of 4.7 million small-holders & their families • Total area = 561,761.82 ha & Annual total production = 419,980 tons • Average national productivity = 748 kg/ha green coffee yield. • Share of total traded coffees (sundried 69.6 % & washed 30.4%) • Average export value accounted for 29% total export & 37% agricultural commodity – past ten-years (2006-2015). • High domestic consumption (55-56%) Sources: MoT & CSA (2015) EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 2

  4. Doc ID Top ten coffee producing countries 2010-2014 (ICO 2015) Country Species Total production % share of world (000 bags) total A/R Brazil 47380 33.55 A/R Vietnam 25300 17.89 A Colombia 10145 7.16 R/A Indonesia 10096 7.11 A Ethiopia 6737 4.79 A Honduras 5148 3.65 R/A India 5044 3.57 A Peru 4223 3.00 A Mexico 4141 2.94 R/A Uganda 3516 2.49 A = Arabica, R = Robusta Ethiopia = First in Africa & 2 nd Arabica coffee producer in the world. . EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 3

  5. Doc ID Coffee Production & Productivity (2011 - 2015) Increase b/n 2011& 2015  Area = 14 %  Production = 13%  Productivity = 2 % Hence, expand at new potential & major coffee areas Source: CSA 2015 EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 4

  6. Doc ID Estimated yield gaps b/n coffee system & national average (748 kg/ha) Coffee yield % yield gap from Coffee System (kg/ha) % increase national average Forest 250 - -199 Semi-forest 450 44 -66 Garden /cottage 750 40 0.3 Plantation/commercial 900 17 17 Research (On-farm) 1550 42 52 Research (On-station) 2150 28 65 The forest coffee system (35-45%)  Has multiple benefits (socio-cultural, environmental aspects)  But, NOT economical = low coffee yield, inefficient incentive mechanisms /no unique marketing system- certification standard. . EIAR/JARC, www.eiar.gov.et 5

  7. Doc ID Trends of arrival coffee to the Central Market (2007-2015)  Average annual growth rates - washed (3.53%) & sundried (1.12%)  Coffee processing: Based on AEZ & production system  Changing consumers-demand & prices- profitability. EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 6

  8. Doc ID Shares of coffee export in Ethiopia for 10-years (2006-2015)  Coffee export value accounted for 44-45% share to the total exports, but declined to 23-26% in recent time  Trade diversifications – Agricultural, Industrial & Mining Products and price volatility in world coffee markets- still a leading export crop. EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 7

  9. Doc ID Coffee trends in Ethiopia (1990-2014)- ICO 2014 Total production Total export Domestc consumption 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Production, export & local consumption (thousand 60 kg bags) Oscillating total export – world coffee supply & prices Increasing domestic use – Population growth, economic development, traditional coffee ceremony ( Jebena coffee) EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 8

  10. Doc ID 2. `What Make Ethiopian Coffees Unique? High coffee genetic diversity for desirable traits  Wide suitable environments – varying ranges  Possibility to promote single origin specialty coffees  Farmers’ traditional knowledge & experience  Small-holders crop (> 90%) – organic farming  Shade-grown coffee landscapes  Natural coffee forests- UNESCO Biosphere Reserves  Known coffee brands & quality – for global supply  Support from GOE – GTP & beyond targets  Coffee and Tea D & M Authority  Modern coffee marketing system (ECX)  Annual Coffee Day Celebration/platform  Importance of coffee- it is life!  Increasing domestic consumption , among others.  EIAR/JARC, www.eiar.gov.et 9

  11. Doc ID 2. `UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES…. Huge Coffee Genetic Resources  Arabica alone = 10,573 and 89.85% of the Arabica gene pools is found in Ethiopia (Balechew & Labouisse, 2006).  Surendra (2008) reported about 99.8% Arabica germplasm in Ethiopia Conservatio ion (Ex-situ itu & in-situ itu)  A total of 11,691 Arabica coffee germplasm in Ethiopia (Taye 2010).  To date, a total of 12,654 Arabica coffee germplasm collected and ex-situ conserved in field gene banks in Ethiopia. Coffee Natural Forests of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves  The Yayu Coffee Forest  The Kafa Coffee Forest  The Sheka Forest.  More potential coffe fee gene pools (fo forest & garde den systems ) remain unadd ddressed. d. EIAR/JARC, www.eiar.gov.et 10

  12. Doc ID 2. `UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES….. Peculiar quality/typicity for major coffee areas: • Limmu = Winy • Wellega = Fruity • Harar = Mocha • Sidama = Spicy • Yirgacheffe = Floral • Other areas = cup profiles ? Environments, Genetics, GxE, Processing  Friable texture (sandy = poor quality, higher clay & silt = good quality )  Higher P, K, pH, Mg, Mn & Zn = more aroma  Moisture gradients  Elevation & shade conditions Agro-ecology & science based quality management and use – Local landrace  research strategy EIAR/JARC, www.eiar.gov.et 11

  13. Doc ID 3. CHALLENGES • Population growth, deforestation & land degradation • Increasing cost of inputs & volatile world coffee prices • Limited incentives to traditional & shade-coffee landscapes  Shift to other crops (farmers) & business (youth)  Climate change and variability (biotic & abiotic stresses) • Weak or lack of linkages among coffee stakeholders & partners • Capacity limitations (Research, extension & other actors) • Loss of coffee genetic resources- risk to global coffee sector EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 12

  14. Doc ID 4 COFFEE RESEARCH IN ETHIOPIA Started in 1967 (50-years) FAO, World Bank, EU Ten Coffee Research Centres  Main center- Jimma  Sub-centers  Trial stations  Adaptive sites/demos  Mainly EU-CIP support. Vision: Becoming centre of excellence for arabica coffee research & training in Africa. EIAR/JARC, www.eiar.gov.et 13

  15. Doc ID 4 COFFEE RESEARCH…. Coffee research centers in the major coffee growing areas Center Establishment Elevation Mandate Areas year (GC) (m.a.s.l) Jimma 1967 1753 Jimma/Limu Gera 1974 1900 Jimma/Gera highland Agaro 1973 1630 Limu/Jimma Metu 1974 1550 Illu Ababora Haru 1998 1750 West Wellega Mugi 1973 1553 Kelem Wollega Tepi 1976 1200 Tepi/Bebeka Mechara 2005 1800 West Hararghe Awada 1997 1740 Sidama Wenago 1974 1850 Yirgacheffe Major Contributions  Safeguard coffee genetic resources due to CBD 1971  Conserving coffee genetic resources for research works  Nationally coordinating coffee research to generate & promote coffee technologies, information & knowledge  Increasing coffee production, productivity & export earning. EIAR/JARC, www.eiar.gov.et 14

  16. Doc ID KEY RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS 5 • 6,923 original collections, 5853 alive (85%) at research field gene banks • 40 coffee varieties developed & released (34 pure lines + 6 hybrids) • 83 promising genotypes (63 pure lines & 20 hybrids ) identified • Improved agronomic practices (seed, nursery & field management) • Coffee processing & quality research findings • Produce and supply quality coffee seeds & seedlings • Vegetative propagation for hybrid coffee varieties – cuttings & TC • Coffee diversification crops: technologies, information & knowledge  National Coffee R & D Workshop (Girma et al ., 2018). EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 15

  17. Doc ID 5 ACHIEVEMENTS... Variety Devt Released coffee varieties (n = 40) 14 12 10 Variety Coffee yield (kg/ha) Number Pure line Hybrid 8 On-station On-farm 6 Pure lines 1750 1150 4 2 0 Hybrids 2500 1950 Release Year Coffee variety :  Criteria: High yielding, resistance to disease, quality standard/flavor  13 CBD selections, 6 for lowlands (Tepi/Bebeka), 5 for highlands, 4 for Wellega, 4 for Sidama/Yirgacheffe, and 4 for Harar areas)  Hybrids = 40-70% increase on research plots (on-station & on-farm) EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 16

  18. Doc ID 5 ACHIEVEMENTS…. Yield levels of coffee varieties at suitable areas Agro-ecology Number of Clean coffee yield (kg/ha) varieties Research plot On-farm Highland 7 1930 1340 Midland 9 1934 1349 Mid to highland 13 1753 853 Lowland 5 1878 1098 Low to midland 3 1820 1400 Low to highland 3 1725 850  Elevation: Lowland = 1000-1550, Midland = 1550-1750 & Highland = 1750-2100 masl.  Coffee technology = specific to ago-ecological zone for single origin coffees EIAR/JARC, WWW.EIAR.Gov.et 17


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