What is Cyberbullying?
In the news… Cyber Bullying Encounters Cyber bullies use hurtful and unkind words without considering how others’ would feel. #%&!
Examples of Cyberbullying
Effects… How the victim feels…
How do you deal with it?
How can you help your friend?
How should I behave online? Tips to be respectful online 1. Think twice before you post anything online 2. Be courteous online , just like in real life
How should I behave online? You can play your part to stop cyber bullying. Speak up – ask the bully to • remove the hurtful contents. Save any evidence of cyber • bullying and tell a trusted adult immediately. Be a good friend – reach out • and support peers who have been bullied online.
How should I behave online? Be an ‘ upstander ’ by standing up for what is right!
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