what is ap

What is AP? A D V A N C E D P L A C E M E N T C O U R S E S A R E - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What is AP? A D V A N C E D P L A C E M E N T C O U R S E S A R E F I R S T Y E A R U N I V E R S I T Y L E V E L C O U R S E S T H A T A R E O F F E R E D A T T H E H I G H S C H O O L L E V E L S T U D E N T S T A K E T H E S E

  1. What is AP? A D V A N C E D P L A C E M E N T C O U R S E S A R E F I R S T Y E A R U N I V E R S I T Y L E V E L C O U R S E S T H A T A R E O F F E R E D A T T H E H I G H S C H O O L L E V E L S T U D E N T S T A K E T H E S E C O U R S E S I N A D D I T I O N T O T H E I R R E G U L A R G R A D E 1 2 C O U R S E S

  2. Advantages of taking AP Courses  Universities:   More Than 5,800 College Faculty Participated in AP in 2012   AP Credit Opportunities Attract Motivated and Prepared Students

  3. Advantages of taking AP Courses  Students:   Have room to take other classes in first year if they earn credits from the AP exam.   Cost savings: A first year university course tuition is on average $1000. AP exam cost only $100.   Allows students to take part in extra-curricular and volunteer activities.   Can be used as a preview course

  4. AP Exam  Students take an AP college administered exam in the beginning of May.  There is a cost of $100 for the exam as it is marked off site by the college board.  Marked on a scale of 1-5. Most universities offer credit for the class when a score 4 or 5 is obtained in the exam

  5. AP Exam College Course Grade AP Exam Score Recommendation Equivalent 5 Extremely qualified A+ or A 4 Very qualified A-, B+ or B 3 Qualified B-, C+ or C 2 Possibly qualified 1 No recommendation

  6. AP Exam Stats  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Placement_Stat istics  At MacNeill on average more than 50% of the students that take the AP exam have received credit for the University course  http://aphighered.collegeboard.org/  http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/Controller.jpf

  7. University of British Columbia Min Score Number of Equivalent Exam Title Required Credits Course(s) Biology 4 8 BIOL 111, 121, 1... Calculus AB 4 3 MATH 100 Chemistry 4 4 CHEM 121 English Language ENGL 112, ENGL 4 6 & Composition 1...

  8. Advantages of taking AP courses at MacNeill  This is the sixth year we have offered AP courses at MacNeill  Students are required to take preAP classes in their Grade 11 year to prepare them for the grade 12 year.  Students are kept in cohorts for their grade 11-12 year for the AP classes and also coupled with the regular courses (eg. Chem12 and Chem 12 AP are coupled and the same students have the same teacher for both courses)  Equipment and textbooks at MacNeill

  9. Teachers teaching AP classes at MacNeill  AP Biology: Mr Michael Wang  AP English: Ms Wendy Phillips  AP Math: Ms Asha Padmanabhan  AP Chemistry: Mr Tuzar Irani

  10. A big thanks to:  School Administration  Incentive teacher group


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