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What Happened? Romans 11.1-10 Romans 9-11 is a Theodicy A theodicy - PDF document

What Happened? Romans 11.1-10 Romans 9-11 is a Theodicy A theodicy means a defense of God. In this instance, regarding His dealings with Israel, His chosen people. 1 At that point in history (as today), most of the Jewish people

  1. What Happened? Romans 11.1-10 Romans 9-11 is a Theodicy A theodicy means � a defense of God. � In this instance, regarding His dealings with Israel, His chosen people. 1

  2. At that point in history (as today), most of the Jewish people disbelieved in Jesus as their promised Messiah. If Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah (Christ), then Israel has missed the bus. Does this mean God has thrown Israel under the bus? If so, this outcome has shattering implications for us all who have trusted Christ. 2

  3. The Ramifications ! If God has rejected Israel, then He has reneged on His promises to the patriarchs. ! If He has reneged on His word, then it was all a fraud. ! If His promises to the nation were empty, then God is faithless. ! And if God was faithless to Israel, there is no reason to think He will be faithful to us. ! So what happened? God has not turned His back on His chosen people! ! God has always preserved a believing remnant in Israel. ! The apostle himself is a representative of the redeemed remnant. ! The case of Elijah highlights the same divine action. ! Likewise God has reserved for Himself a chosen remnant of Israelites now. 3

  4. This remnant of Israel knows God by grace, not by works. ! Grace implies � � unmerited � favor ! Works implies merited favor. ! The two principles are polar opposites. ! The Jewish remnant that knows God (in any generation) is saved just like the Gentiles who know God---by grace through faith alone. So where do things stand with the Jewish people before God? ! What the majority of Israel was expecting--- inheritance of the Kingdom of God---they failed to obtain. ! However a minority of Israel---a believing remnant---has obtained that citizenship. ! The rest---the unbelieving majority---God hardened. – " Not so they could not trust God – " But because they would not believe God 4

  5. A History Lesson: Whenever human beings stubbornly resist the truth, they risk this curse. ! Isaiah describes God � � s punitive action. ! King David illustrates it when he � s (through the Spirit) foresees Israel � future rejection of Jesus and pronounces upon that generation a terrible curse. Application ! Yes, God has � � dumped � � individual Israelites, not the nation per se. ! God has always reserved a spiritual remnant in Israel � � s core. ! Avoid an � � Elijah complex � � . ! God � � s promises are still on track. ! Whoever is saved is saved by grace through faith, not by human merit. ! Grace stubbornly spurned risks hardening well earned. – " Unbelievers habitually bend their wills against God. – " Gradually God hardens them in that fixed posture. 5


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