
2016 legislative update what happened? whats next? What happened? - PDF document

B O A L R O D O S H A C S S S O A SCHOOL 2016 C N I A I W L T O I LA O R N A C H CONFERENCE 6 T U 1 0 O 2 S , 8 2 A - 7 U 2 G T U S 2016 legislative update what happened? whats next?

  1. B O A L R O D O S H A C S S S O A SCHOOL 2016 C N I A I W L T O I LA O R N A C H CONFERENCE 6 T U 1 0 O 2 S , 8 2 A - 7 U 2 G T U S 2016 legislative update what happened? what’s next?

  2. What happened? K12 F UNDING 2017 General Appropriations Act House bill 5001 K12 education received more than a $325 eligible teachers expanded to media million increase in funding for programs and specialists, guidance counselors, 4K services at the state and local levels. Of the teachers). • $1.5 million for a statewide school increase, $217.5 million was used to increase the base student cost (BSC) by $130 to arrive facilities assessment. • $3.1 million for an efficiency, facilities use at an estimated $2,350 per pupil. Other highlights of the budget for K12 are as follows: and energy management study in • A 2% percent pay raise for all teachers, a the Abbeville districts. • $9 million for teacher recruitment and step increase for eligible teachers and an increase in the teacher step levels from 22 retention in plaintiff school districts and to 23 years. Of the 2% pay increase, one districts with a poverty index of 80 percent percent is to be funded through the BSC or higher. • $8.2 million for rural teacher initiative. increase and the remaining one percent through a $23 million increase in • $10 million for Education and Economic Education Improvement Act (EIA) funding. Development Act (EEDA) counselors and • $19.2 million to provide a 3.25 percent career specialists. • $3.5 million in hazardous transportation state pay increase for school bus drivers. • $23 million, including $2 million in routes. nonrecurring funds, for school buses. • $29.3 million for technology initiatives. • $1.3 million for teacher supply • $500,000 for adult education. reimbursement (up to $275 per teacher, L EGISLATIVE RESPONSE TO A BBEVILLE RULING College and Career-Ready Graduates House bill 4936 The principles outlined in the Profile of the they are college and career ready. It directs the State to make a reasonable and concerted South Carolina Graduate published by the effort to ensure that graduates have world South Carolina Association of School class knowledge based on rigorous standards Administrators (SCASA) and adopted by in language arts and mathematics for college numerous educational organizations, and career readiness. Students should have including SCSBA is now a part of state law. the opportunity to learn one of a number of The Act establishes the principles as the foreign languages, and have offerings in measurement standard and achievement goal science, technology, engineering, for all high school graduates to ensure that 2016 Legislative Update SCSBA School Law Conference 1

  3. • review of five systems consisting of mathematics, arts, and social sciences that afford them the knowledge needed to be mission/vision, governance, teaching and successful. Further, students also must be learning, resource allocation, and offered the ability to obtain world class skills continuous improvement practices • analysis of student achievement data such as: • creativity and innovation • analysis of culture and climate including • critical thinking and problem solving stakeholder surveys • collaboration and teamwork • communication, information, media, and Education Laws Review and Assistance technology House bill 4939 • how to learn The General Assembly approved the creation Students must also be offered reasonable of a committee to review and, in general, exposure, examples, and information on the clean up the state education laws. The state's vision of life and career characteristics committee, which is made up of appointees such as: by the State Superintendent of Education, the • integrity Executive Director of the Education Oversight • self-direction Committee (EOC), the Chairman of the House • global perspective Education and Public Works Committee, and • perseverance the Chairman of the Senate Education • work ethic Committee, is to annually submit a report by • interpersonal skills December 31, 2016 to the General Assembly that identifies laws that are obsolete or no SCDE Office of Transformation longer applicable and make recommendations for improvements and House bill 4940 changes. The General Assembly approved the In addition, with the assistance of the Revenue appropriation of $2.5 million for the and Fiscal Affairs Office, the committee report establishment of the Office of Transformation must identify all federal education statutes within the South Carolina Department of and regulations that the state is required to Education (SCDE) to assist underperforming comply with and the total cost to the state to schools and districts. Underperforming comply. schools and districts are identified by a rating Further, the SCDE is directed to develop a of “below average” or “at risk” on the most system for providing academic and financial recent annual school report card, with having assistance services to school districts on a the lowest percentages of students meeting regional basis. The state superintendent is to state standards on state assessments, or with report the design of the system to the General the lowest high school graduation rates. Assembly no later than December 31, 2016, Assistance includes, but is not limited to, the and annually afterwards, the progress of the following: system and data documenting the impact of • implementation of the external review assistance on student academic achievement team process and high school graduation rates. • diagnostic review of operations and Finally, the SCDE is authorized to monitor the academics that must include a leadership professional development of teachers, staff, capacity report and administrators in underperforming 2016 Legislative Update SCSBA School Law Conference 2

  4. districts and determine improvements and February 1, 2017, to include whether the changes that may be needed. The SCDE will focus should be on students in the state's two- also monitor the operations of school boards year as well as four-year institutions, and in underperforming districts in order to whether improvements facilitating transfer and determine if they are operating efficiently and articulation into teacher education programs effectively. could enhance recruitment into the teaching profession. Teacher Incentives Survey Funding House bill 4938 2017 General Appropriations Act The General Assembly directed the SCDE and the Center for Educator Recruitment, In addition to legislation, the General Retention, and Advancement (CERRA), Assembly allocated funds directed at plaintiff working in collaboration with the Commission school districts as follows: • $4 million for technical assistance on Higher Education (CHE), to survey students • $1.5 million in proviso directing the SCDE enrolled in the state’s colleges of education to inquire whether they have ever considered to conduct facilities needs assessments teaching in a rural and economically and reviews in school districts beginning challenged district. Students must be asked with districts with low tax base • $3.1 million in proviso directing SCDE to what incentives, if any, would cause them to move to and work in such a district. SCDE and conduct efficiency studies focused on CERRA may include additional survey fiscal management in school districts questions and report survey results to the beginning with high poverty school General Assembly by December 1, 2016. Also, districts • $9.1 million for recruiting and retaining SCDE, CERRA, and CHE are to explore a practical and effective way to obtain similar teachers in plaintiff districts and districts information from students in other college with an 80% or higher poverty index programs as a means of planning and • $200,000 for two customized STEM labs promoting teaching career information and serving students in grades 6 - 8 employment options. A report summarizing • $16.8 million for technology technical the recommendations for this survey must be assistance submitted to the General Assembly by E NACTED LEGISLATION OF INTEREST FOR SCHOOL BOARDS General Assembly Earlier Adjournment Senate bill 267 Years of talk about shortening the regular adjournment, however, can be extended annual legislative session became a reality as under certain conditions as follows: • If the House fails to give a third reading to lawmakers agreed to move adjournment ( sine die ) from no later than 5 p.m. on the first the annual appropriations bill by March 31, the session can be extended by the Thursday in June to no later than 5 p.m. on the second Thursday in May. The equivalent number of days it takes the House to give third reading after 2016 Legislative Update SCSBA School Law Conference 3


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