WG#3:#Global#Forest#Observa1ons#Ini1a1ve# (GFOI)# # Ake$Rosenqvist $ Session#summary ! Alex$Held $ Nobuko$Saigusa $ 7 th !GEOSS!Asia-Pacific!Symposium! Tokyo,!May!26-28,!2014! 28/05/2014
GFOI The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) is set out to foster the sustained availability and use of satellite data for national forest monitoring systems to better manage forest resources. It aims to support both country REDD+ implementation, as well as national forest monitoring needs in a broader sense. GFOI Components: * Coordination of Satellite Data accquisitions and provision * Development of Methods and Guidance Documentation * Research & Development * Capacity Building
GFOI The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI)
GFOI Session outline Background to the GFOI GFOI team (Ochiai, Held, Rosenqvist) International cooperation activities in the AP region JICA (H. Miyazono) JAXA (M. Shimada) Australia Govt. (Fitzgerald/Held) FFPRI (M. Matsumoto) NIES (N. Saigusa) Country reports on REDD+ implementation activities Indonesia (O. Roswintiarti/LAPAN) Cambodia (S. Sophyra/Forest Cover Assessment Office) Papua New Guinea (E. Kaidong/REDD & Climate Change – PNG Forest Policy and Planning Directorate) Myanmar/Burma [invitee unable to attend] Panel discussion
GFOI Session Summary Much commonality between GFOI and JICA interests: * Development of policy and institutional frameworks * R&D and demonstration activities * Development of Forest Monitoring Systems * Capacity Building Mutual interest to develop closer links where feasible. FFPRI publication: REDD+ Cookbook . Complementary to GFOI Methods and Guidance Documentation. JAXA currently sole provider of L-band SAR data – of particular interest for GFOI and forest countries. JAXA announced at GEO X Plenary open and free availability of annual SAR mosaic products from ALOS and ALOS-2.
GFOI Session Summary Common Priority R&D and Capacity Building topics: Standard methods for interoperable/complementary use of different satellite data sources (optical-optical / optical-radar / radar-radar / +hyperspectral) Exploitation of hyperspectral sensors such as e.g. RISING-2) (e.g. mangrove zoning, dissolved C in peat forest etc.) Training in the use of LIDAR (small UAV and ground based) for biomass measurements Methods for generation of cloud-free optical composite data Combined use of satellite, in situ and other data sources (e.g. DEMs) Accuracy analysis on sensor interoperability/complementarity
GFOI Session Summary Common methodology development needs: General agreement of the co-benefits of development of NFMS: beyond only C reporting (e.g. biodiversity, early warning, etc.) Need for near-real time deforestation monitoring (early warning) systems as part of NFMS. Methodology development needs highlighted: Above-ground biomass (direct and via proxies) Forest degradation Shifting cultivation Development of standardised methods for mapping of specific forest/laund use classess: E.g. Peat swamp forests, mangroves, Melaleuca forests
GFOI Session Summary Long-term sustainability: Concern how to assure long-term sustainability of country (forest monitoring) activities after the end of int'l collaboration projects - Training of trainers in the countries for long-term sustainability - Involvement of young people in collaboration project development - Importance of open and free of charge satellite data and open source software (e.g. Q-GIS, RSGISLib, LETS-SAR).
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