west volusia tourism advertising authority

West Volusia Tourism Advertising Authority FY 2014-2015 Budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

West Volusia Tourism Advertising Authority FY 2014-2015 Budget Request 1 August 21, 2014 Key Points Convention Development Tax Revenues increased by 15.34% as of June 30, 2014 2014-2015 FY budget increased by 33% over last fiscal

  1. West Volusia Tourism Advertising Authority FY 2014-2015 Budget Request 1 August 21, 2014

  2. Key Points  Convention Development Tax Revenues increased by 15.34% as of June 30, 2014  2014-2015 FY budget increased by 33% over last fiscal year  WVTAA and SVAA contracted with Regatta Travel Solutions for online booking system  Ongoing tourism research through advertising response conversion studies and visitor profiles  Continued development of county-wide programs by the advertising authorities  Advertising budget increased over 18%  Increased referral traffic from Facebook to website by 111.50%  Traffic to our website from Twitter increased over 103%; Organic search traffic to our website has increased by 75%  Traffic to our website from consumer, travel and family bloggers increased 101%.  Ongoing development of partnerships within bicycling niche market with Bike Florida, Florida Bicycle Association, Florida Hospital, East Coast Greenway Alliance, DeLand Chamber of Commerce and East 2 Central FL. Regional Planning Council, HAAA and SVAA

  3. Budget Personal Services FY 2014-2015 Difference FY 2013-2014 Proposed Personal Services Budget Request 1201 Salaries & Wages a. Employee Salaries $ 105,130 $ 113,436 $ 8,306 b. Retirement Contribution (up to 3% of salary) & Ex. Dir. Severance Allowance 7,700 5,406 (2,294) 2100 Payroll Expenses 9,831 10,753 922 2301 Group Insurance 13,657 15,020 1,363 Total Personal Services $ 136,318 $ 144,615 $ 10,591 3

  4. Budget Operating Expenditures OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2013-2014 Budget FY 2014-2015 Request Difference 3100 Professional Services $42,840 $76,227 $33,387 a. Audit Fee $ 12,000 $ 14,000 $ 2,000 b. Accounting Services 2,600 2,600 0 c. Art/Ad Production (Ad Agency) 5,000 36,000 31,000 d. Payroll Service 4,720 5,127 407 e. Tourism Research 18,500 18,500 0 3420 Bank Service Fees 24 24 0 3820 Training/Registration Fees 360 200 160 4100 Communications (Telephones) 4,560 4,560 0 4210 Postage 4,500 5,000 500 4250 Mileage Reimbursement 1,611 1,200 (411) 4300 Utilities 1,375 1,530 155 4420 Rental Buildings 10,296 10,608 312 4430 Rental Equipment 6,064 6,064 0 a. Postage Machine 5,664 5,664 0 b. Copier 400 400 0 4500 Insurance & Bonds 2,175 1,906 (269) 4660 Maintenance –Office Equipment 150 300 150 4

  5. Budget Operating Expenditures Cont. Difference OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2013-2014 Budget FY 2014-2015 Request 4700 Printing $12,200 $10,500 ($1,700) a. Promotional Collaterals $10,000 $10,000 0 b. Business Cards & Stationery 2,200 500 (1,700) 4800 Promotional Advertising $162,478 $199,299 $36,821 a. Media/Promotional Advertising 118,028 143,199 37,171 b. Ad Authority Co-ops 10,000 10,000 0 d. Daytona Beach Airport 5,000 5,000 0 e. Website 16,700 24,600 7,900 g. Crappie Masters Tourney TV 3,750 6,000 2,250 h. Event & Sports Marketing 3,000 2,000 (1,000) i. Photo/Video Development 6,000 8,500 2,500 4801 Promotional/Entertainment 3,944 6,010 2,066 5100 Office Supplies 1,860 2,200 340 5102 Office Supplies/Equipment 500 480 (20) 5280 Demo Materials & Supplies 500 500 0 5410 Subscriptions 410 560 150 5420 Memberships 1,695 1,670 (25) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 253,772 328,838 75,066 5

  6. Budget Summary FY 2013-2014 FY 2014-2015 Budget Estimate Request Revenues by Source Convention Development Taxes $ 405,662 $ 426,213 Miscellaneous Revenue 5,882 240 Appropriated Fund Balance 139,669 203,024 Total Revenues $551,213 $ 629,477 Expenses by Category Personal Services $ 136,318 $144,615 Marketing and PR Expenses 177,034 292,236 Operating Expenses 34,837 36,602 Total Expenses $348,189 $473,453 Reserves 139,669 156,024 Total Budget $551,213 $629,477 6

  7. Ad Authorities Collaboration Programs Co-op Advertising/Consumer  Consumers are looking for more experiences while on vacation. Co-op programs will be used to promote multi-destination vacations within Volusia County. SVAA, HAAA and WVTAA identified Ontario, Canada as a shared geographical market. We plan  to use our shared Canadian databases for direct mail campaigns and e-blasts. Additional geographical markets being considered for co-op advertising are New York, Georgia  and Florida. We are looking at a combination of print, digital and direct mail campaigns with unique call-to-action messages for specific themes to be marketed such as: Fishing  Golf  Outdoor adventure  Bicycling  7

  8. West Volusia Tourism Advertising Authority Thank You! 8


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