West Volusia Tourism Advertising Authority FY 2014-2015 Budget Request 1 August 21, 2014
Key Points Convention Development Tax Revenues increased by 15.34% as of June 30, 2014 2014-2015 FY budget increased by 33% over last fiscal year WVTAA and SVAA contracted with Regatta Travel Solutions for online booking system Ongoing tourism research through advertising response conversion studies and visitor profiles Continued development of county-wide programs by the advertising authorities Advertising budget increased over 18% Increased referral traffic from Facebook to website by 111.50% Traffic to our website from Twitter increased over 103%; Organic search traffic to our website has increased by 75% Traffic to our website from consumer, travel and family bloggers increased 101%. Ongoing development of partnerships within bicycling niche market with Bike Florida, Florida Bicycle Association, Florida Hospital, East Coast Greenway Alliance, DeLand Chamber of Commerce and East 2 Central FL. Regional Planning Council, HAAA and SVAA
Budget Personal Services FY 2014-2015 Difference FY 2013-2014 Proposed Personal Services Budget Request 1201 Salaries & Wages a. Employee Salaries $ 105,130 $ 113,436 $ 8,306 b. Retirement Contribution (up to 3% of salary) & Ex. Dir. Severance Allowance 7,700 5,406 (2,294) 2100 Payroll Expenses 9,831 10,753 922 2301 Group Insurance 13,657 15,020 1,363 Total Personal Services $ 136,318 $ 144,615 $ 10,591 3
Budget Operating Expenditures OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2013-2014 Budget FY 2014-2015 Request Difference 3100 Professional Services $42,840 $76,227 $33,387 a. Audit Fee $ 12,000 $ 14,000 $ 2,000 b. Accounting Services 2,600 2,600 0 c. Art/Ad Production (Ad Agency) 5,000 36,000 31,000 d. Payroll Service 4,720 5,127 407 e. Tourism Research 18,500 18,500 0 3420 Bank Service Fees 24 24 0 3820 Training/Registration Fees 360 200 160 4100 Communications (Telephones) 4,560 4,560 0 4210 Postage 4,500 5,000 500 4250 Mileage Reimbursement 1,611 1,200 (411) 4300 Utilities 1,375 1,530 155 4420 Rental Buildings 10,296 10,608 312 4430 Rental Equipment 6,064 6,064 0 a. Postage Machine 5,664 5,664 0 b. Copier 400 400 0 4500 Insurance & Bonds 2,175 1,906 (269) 4660 Maintenance –Office Equipment 150 300 150 4
Budget Operating Expenditures Cont. Difference OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2013-2014 Budget FY 2014-2015 Request 4700 Printing $12,200 $10,500 ($1,700) a. Promotional Collaterals $10,000 $10,000 0 b. Business Cards & Stationery 2,200 500 (1,700) 4800 Promotional Advertising $162,478 $199,299 $36,821 a. Media/Promotional Advertising 118,028 143,199 37,171 b. Ad Authority Co-ops 10,000 10,000 0 d. Daytona Beach Airport 5,000 5,000 0 e. Website 16,700 24,600 7,900 g. Crappie Masters Tourney TV 3,750 6,000 2,250 h. Event & Sports Marketing 3,000 2,000 (1,000) i. Photo/Video Development 6,000 8,500 2,500 4801 Promotional/Entertainment 3,944 6,010 2,066 5100 Office Supplies 1,860 2,200 340 5102 Office Supplies/Equipment 500 480 (20) 5280 Demo Materials & Supplies 500 500 0 5410 Subscriptions 410 560 150 5420 Memberships 1,695 1,670 (25) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 253,772 328,838 75,066 5
Budget Summary FY 2013-2014 FY 2014-2015 Budget Estimate Request Revenues by Source Convention Development Taxes $ 405,662 $ 426,213 Miscellaneous Revenue 5,882 240 Appropriated Fund Balance 139,669 203,024 Total Revenues $551,213 $ 629,477 Expenses by Category Personal Services $ 136,318 $144,615 Marketing and PR Expenses 177,034 292,236 Operating Expenses 34,837 36,602 Total Expenses $348,189 $473,453 Reserves 139,669 156,024 Total Budget $551,213 $629,477 6
Ad Authorities Collaboration Programs Co-op Advertising/Consumer Consumers are looking for more experiences while on vacation. Co-op programs will be used to promote multi-destination vacations within Volusia County. SVAA, HAAA and WVTAA identified Ontario, Canada as a shared geographical market. We plan to use our shared Canadian databases for direct mail campaigns and e-blasts. Additional geographical markets being considered for co-op advertising are New York, Georgia and Florida. We are looking at a combination of print, digital and direct mail campaigns with unique call-to-action messages for specific themes to be marketed such as: Fishing Golf Outdoor adventure Bicycling 7
West Volusia Tourism Advertising Authority Thank You! 8
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