Contra Costa Community College District Welcome Welcome to o the he Ret etir iree ee Benef enefit it Pres esent entat ation ion 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Agenda genda • Shor hort pr pres esent entat ation ion on on BenI enIQ and and Benef enefit it Handbook Handbook • Shor hort pr pres esent entat ations ions by by Kais Kaiser er and and Ant nthem. hem. • Rev eview iew ans answer ers to o ques questions ions submit ubmitted ed by by ret etir irees ees. . • Indiv ndividual idual ques question ion and and ans answer er per period: iod: Ø Andr ndrea ea and and Reed eed will ill be be av available ailable Ø Kais Kaiser er and and Ant nthem hem repr epres esent entat ativ ives es will ill be av be available. ailable. 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Ques Question ion #1 1 Who Who does does the he change change in in ret etir irees ees benef benefit its agr agreed eed to o in in lat lates est UF UF cont contract act af affect ect, , regar egarding ding Medicar edicare e Coor oordinat dinated ed Plans lans for or Fut Futur ure e Ret etir irees ees. . Who Who ar are e “f “fut utur ure e ret etir irees ees,” ,” as as of of what hat dat date? e? 11/5/17
Future retirees are defined by the date of the contract agreement. Employees who retiree on or after this date are definitively affected by the new contract language (w Contra Costa Community College District Ans nswer er #1 1 Fut Futur ure e ret etir irees ees ar are e def defined ined by by the he dat date e of of the he cont contract act agr agreement eement. . Employ mployees ees who ho ret etir iree ee on on or or af after er this his dat date e ar are e def definit initiv ively ely af affect ected ed by by the he new new cont contract act language. language. No No decis decision ion has has yet et been been made made regar egarding ding the he applicat application ion of of the he language language change change to o thos hose e who ho ret etir ired ed bef befor ore e that hat dat date. e. 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Question #2 What are some examples of coverage offered to retirees in Medicare- coordinated plans being “ substantially inferior to the coverage active employees receive, ” which gives the UF the right to automatically reopen the UF agreement? 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Answer #2 Differences in coverage may be determined through a comparison to identify differences in copayments for services, such as office visits, prescription drugs, emergency room visits or hospitalization. 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Question #3 These questions come from “ Your Monthly Prescription Drug Summary. ” Please project one example and walk through it. 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Question #3 (Continued) For Anthem Blue Cross Medicare Coordinated plans (and for Kaiser, if applicable): Please explain how Stage 2 works, from Initial Coverage through “ What happens next. ” How are co-pays or retiree- share of costs different in 2 parts of Stage 2? When does a retiree enter Stage 3 and how are co-pays and retiree-share of costs different in Stage 3? And at what point does Catastrophic Coverage begin and what does this mean? How might the retiree share of the drug cost be reduced? ````` 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Answer #3 Kaiser Response: None None of of the he Gr Group oup KP KPSA plans hav plans have e the he Rx x Cov over erage age Gap Gap or or “ Donut onut Hole Hole ” 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Question #4 When does open enrollment begin? Can you summarize major difference between Kaiser Senior Advantage and Anthem Blue Cross Medicare-Coordinated Plan, e.g. various co- pays, prescription benefits, other services? One specific question that is relevant here ” Kaiser members are wondering why retirees with Anthem Blue Cross are able to join a health club with their coverage while Kaiser retirees are not. 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Answer #4 Open enrollment is October 15 through November 16. A copayment differences is that Kaiser offers a low fixed $5 copayment and a $150 optical allowance every two years. A Silver Sneaker program is offered through Anthem, not Kaiser. Kaiser had developed a Silver and Fit program recently. The District would have to agree to pay more for this option. The Silver Sneaker through Anthem is part of the program. 11/5/17
Contra Costa Community College District Answer #4 Kaiser Senior Advantage requires treatment at Kaiser Hospitals and clinics with the exception of a referral from Kaiser. Anthem Medicare plan treat occurs with providers that accepts Medicare that are willing to bill Anthem or providers that accept Anthem Medicare. 11/5/17
Contact If you have any questions, please feel free to contact. Reed Rawlinson, Benefit Analyst by phone (925-229-6853) or email ( 11/5/17
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