welcome to the music department

Welcome to the Music Department Maxwell Library, 3 rd Floor Room - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to the Music Department Maxwell Library, 3 rd Floor Room 312 Phone: 508-531-1377 General Information The Department of Music The Department of Music at Bridgewater State University provides a solid foundation in music history, theory,

  1. Welcome to the Music Department Maxwell Library, 3 rd Floor Room 312 Phone: 508-531-1377

  2. General Information The Department of Music The Department of Music at Bridgewater State University provides a solid foundation in music history, theory, and performance within a liberal arts context leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. This program prepares students to pursue a variety of academic and professional interests, including graduate study in music and Massachusetts Teacher Certification. Private instruction is available in piano, guitar, voice, and orchestral and band instruments. The Department of Music offers a Bachelor of Arts in Music, a Master of Arts in Teaching (Music), and a minor for students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. In addition, courses are offered to satisfy the university's Core Curriculum Requirements. Scholarships are available to both incoming and currently enrolled students. The Bachelor of Arts in Music (Music Education Concentration) leads to Massachusetts Initial Licensure to teach in K-12 public schools. Our music education majors receive comprehensive training as both a performing musician and educator. Students have opportunities to perform in various ensembles. The Music Department sponsors several performances annually. The music department also organizes other events such as an annual High School Honor Band Festival, Middle School Band Festival, and Jazz Festival.

  3. Programs and Concentrations Academic Programs Degree Programs • Bachelor of Arts in Music • Bachelor of Arts in Music, Music Education Concentration • Master of Arts in Teaching (Music) Certification Program • Post baccalaureate Teaching Certification Undergraduate Minor • Music

  4. Co-Curricular Opportunities Pep Band and CNAFME BSU Athletic Band CNAFME - Collegiate Chapter of National Association for Music Education

  5. Auditions A formal audition is required for acceptance into the music major. There is no audition requirement for acceptance into the music minor. Auditions are held in the fall and spring. Audition dates for 2015-2016 November 9, February 26 th and April 1 st Requirements Auditions will be held in Horace Mann Auditorium, Boyden Hall. Warm-up facilities will be available in the music wing of the Rondileau Campus Center. Auditioners should arrive at Horace Mann Auditorium at least fifteen minutes prior to appointed audition times. Instrumentalist must proficiently execute: Major scales, (ascending and descending, up to four sharps and flats) and chromatic scales (two octaves, ascending and descending ) and /or technical studies, as appropriate for instrument. Sight reading A 3 to 5 minute prepared solo, with or without accompaniment A selection in contrasting style Singers must proficiently execute: An unaccompanied major scale on a neutral syllable Sight reading An art-song or aria A selection in contrasting style Auditioners may provide their own accompanists. Within ten days of the audition, candidates will be notified of their status. If there are any questions concerning the suitability of audition material, please contact the audition coordinator, Dr. Steven Young at (508) 531-1877 or email: s1young@bridge.edu@bridgew.edu

  6. Student Performing Ensembles Ensembles can be taken for one credit or audit – you do not have to be a music major to participate in performance ensembles!! University Chorale Chamber Singers Wind Ensemble/Concert Band Jazz Band Textures, Chamber Ensemble Jazz Choir Khakatay, West African Drumming Ensemble Opera Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Flute Choir

  7. Private Lessons Private studio instruction enables 14 one-hour lessons with our talented faculty on: Woodwinds Brass Percussion Orchestral Strings Guitar Piano Voice

  8. How does advising work in the department? All music majors are assigned an advisor comprising full-time faculty members. Full-time faculty office hours are posted on individual office doors. Please email your advisor to setup an appointment for advising. If you need assistance in contacting your advisor, please get in touch with Ms. Linda Alberghini, Administrative Assistant, Music Department (508-531-1377).

  9. Music Major Advising Checklist Please see your advisor for appropriate class selections within your major and or concentration.

  10. Overriding a Prerequisite If you want to enroll in an upper- level course without having the exact prerequisite, you must complete the following form, allowing you to enroll in the course.

  11. Make sure you have the correct CRN numbers for registration ( noted in the yellow box on the sample registration form  )

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