Welcome to the 151-year-old Helsinki Deaconess Institute
The Helsinki Deaconess Institute is a charitable foundation boldly working for human dignity. We help people at risk of social exclusion . The aim of our work is to ensure that everyone has the chance of a dignified life.
1000 Robust Our story began diaconic work in employeers 1867 2000 Working with people, not on their behalf. volunteers Social enterprise The proceeds of our work and assets enable us to carry out our key mission - to work for a human diginity.
PRINCIPLES OF OUR ACTION: We solve social problems and advocate for social change at the societal level
Helsinki Deaconess Institute sr FOUNDATION Supervisory Board and Board CEO SUBSIDIARIES AND SOCIAL AND DIACONIA WORK AFFILIATES HEALTH AND SOCIAL INTERNAL RESPONSIBILITY SERVICES SERVICES Suomen Diakoniaopisto Volunteering and Housing and Financial Oy Community Management Substance Services Diaconia Abuse Services Human Resource University of Vamos Youth Management Applied Child and Services Sciences Family Communication International Services Services The Rinnekoti Protection and Foundation sr Integration Strategic Home Care Development Suomen Services and Diaconia Unit Terveystalo Oy Physiotherapy Legal Services 6
DIACONIA WORK AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY International VAMOS youth protection and support integration Volunteering Diaconial work and community service
Vamos Supports Youth to Education and Employment VAMOS: • Aims at preventing the exclusion of 16 to 29-year-olds and guides them to employment, education and other goals • Is based on intensive group coaching, individual coaching and youth-centred service integration • A personal coach guides the young person onwards and recognizes their individual needs holistically • In Finland, there are more than 60 000 youth who are socially excluded which poses a serious problem • Vamos has so far helped 9000 youth towards education and employment • Vamos was founded in 2008 and currently has 80 employees covering 7 cities
International Protection and Integration We assist those in distress and people who have fled from dangers in their home countries. Oue work contains: supportive programs for undocumented migrants, psychosocial support to traumatized and tortured, integration support, employability training and support for employment Support to Temporary and Circular Migrants Pyschosocial support and Psychotraumatology Centre for immigrants Hirundo services for EU Roma citizens Temporary Emergency Shelter for EU Roma citizens Rehabilitation of Torture Survivors Work and Hope project for EU Roma citizens Rehabilitation of Child and YouthTorture Survivors Community action and learning for EU Roma citizens Rehabilitation of war traumatised refugees Community support to undocumented immigrants Family Group Home Kauniainen International Affairs Romania : Empowering women in Romania Namibia : Empowering the Communities for Youth Bulgaria : Empowerning Roma communities Namibia : Ecumenical Social Community Action Kosovo : Employment Project for Roma Youth Namibia : Smart Community for youth employment EU Project: Ad vogating againts discrimination
Diaconial Work - For 151 years the Christian message has been conveyed in the Institute’s work Care services based on Christian love one’s neighbor and respect for human dignity - - The institute ´ s church provides a place for silence, spirituality and cultural programs - Cultural activities to increase interaction between different groups - The pastoral care services are for the institute’s clients, residents, relatives and staff members 10 9.10.2018
Volunteering and Community Services - Currently nearly 2 000 volunteers and peer support persons involved in improving the lives of people and communities - volunteers can take part in variety of civic activities - Activities are agreed based on needs on institute and a volunteer - D-stations as low-threshold meeting places for people in different challenging life situations - The centers develop a joint action based on the needs of people living in the area - D- stations combine resourceful civic activities and social and health services tailored to each target group 11 9.10.2018
Helsinki Deaconess Institute - International affairs 2018
International Affairs 1. Supporting the most marginalised communities both in Finland and abroad: developing working methods and approaches in different contexts 2. Strategic Priorities: • Young People as Future Makers • Rights and Equal Participation of Minorities • Wellbeing and Acency of Returning Migrants • Cross-cutting themes, such as digital access and entrepreneurship 3. Geographical Focus: • Exit from Namibia by 2019 • Expansion of the work in the Wider Europe in 2018-20 • Expansion of work to the countries of origin and resettlement of refugees: • Somalia by 2019, Entry to Middle East by 2020
Strategic Priorities Cross-cutting themes, 1. Young People such as digitalisation, as Future entrepreneurship Makers 2. . Wellbeing 3. Rights and Equal and Agency Participation of Returning of Minorities Migrants
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