welcome to parent orientation

Welcome to Parent Orientation! 2019-2020 Iles Mission and Vision - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mrs. Korza Welcome to Parent Orientation! 2019-2020 Iles Mission and Vision Mission: The mission of Iles School is to recognize and nurture the talents and abilities of gifted children as they develop their awareness of themselves as

  1. Mrs. Korza Welcome to Parent Orientation! 2019-2020

  2. Iles Mission and Vision Mission: The mission of Iles School is to recognize and nurture the talents and abilities of gifted children as they develop their awareness of themselves as internationally-minded people. Vision: Iles School creates a rigorous, global learning environment where students will become active, lifelong learners by using their skills to explore their passions.

  3. Transdisciplinary Themes 1. Where We Are in Place and Time: Ancient Cultures 2. Sharing the Planet: Earth Systems 3. How We Express Ourselves: Journey Through Time 4. How the World Works: Matter and Space 5. How We Organize Ourselves: Exhibition 6. Who We Are: Discovery

  4. Curriculum Units of Inquiry Reading and Writing Workshop Science and Social Science Envision Math Word Study Use of Technology Current Events Just for 5th Grade: Project TEACH and Reading Buddies

  5. Organization for Students (Getting ready for Middle School!) “Lockers” Binders, with pocket dividers Note-taking skills Teacher website resources Student Planners Seesaw (shared with classmates) Google Classroom (for each student and their parents only)

  6. Homework Expectations Homework is expected to completed and turned in first thing in the morning. If not, the paper will be marked “late” to communicate that to parents. Students will work on missing assignments during classroom recess. If late homework becomes a habit, we The District 186 guideline for 5th graders may begin a system of teacher/parent is about 50 minutes of homework per signatures in the student planners. night. Although there isn’t a reading log, students are expected to read. Please Please write me a note on the rare contact me if there is significantly more occasion there are extenuating or less than this on a regular basis. circumstances.

  7. Grades and Classroom Assessments • Summative Assessments - Have students mastered the skill? 1 - Beginning 2 - Progressing 3 - Mastery • Formative Assessments - Practice, Assessing Progress *Percentage *Stamp (“Corrected together in class”) • Classroom Calendar - on website for tests/large projects • Google Classroom - Scheduled assignments with due dates

  8. Essential Agreements Interventions & Incentives . Students worked together to develop Interventions: - Redirection (Warning) our Essential Agreements . All of - Reflect during recess (half) their ideas were then categorized - Reflect during recess (whole) and under these four headings: fill out a “Think Sheet” - Meet and reflect with principal Respect Myself - Parent contact Respect Others Severe Clause: Respect Property Detention/Referral/Contact Home Respect Learning Incentives: Individual, group, whole class rewards

  9. District Assessments and Middle School Testing: *CogAT (Mid October) *MAP Math and Reading (3/year) *Illinois Assessment of Readiness (Formerly PARCC) -Spring Gifted Identification *Everyone must re-qualify *Qs??? See District Website Programs-Gifted-ID process *Mrs. Tiffany Burris, Coordinator

  10. Parent Volunteer Opportunities *Classroom Parties Halloween, Winter, Valentine’s Day *End of Fifth Grade Picnic *Mentor a “Journey Through Time” group *Fundraiser art project *Field trip chaperones *Take an Exhibition Group on a field trip

  11. What Else Should You Know? •Please send only healthy snacks and birthday treats. •There are students with allergies, so please do not send any foods containing peanuts or peanut butter to be eaten in the classroom. •Remember gym shoes on Thursday/Friday, library books due Friday. •I’ve created a list of all parent emails that were listed on students’ emergency cards. If you’d prefer I leave one off, or add a new one, please let me know. •We’re still collecting Boxtops ***Please sign up for conferences and classroom party volunteering tonight!

  12. Thank you for attending tonight! One last thing… a quick look at some of the most useful spots on my website. http://www.sps186.org/teachers/ckorza/?p=2058&b=12


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