welcome to fifth grade language arts

Welcome to Fifth Grade! Language Arts ELAR instruction consists of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lakeside Elementary Curriculum Night August 31, 2016 Welcome to Fifth Grade! Language Arts ELAR instruction consists of reading, language, writing, and spelling. Our main goal is to develop confident, excited readers. Learners will read

  1. Lakeside Elementary Curriculum Night August 31, 2016 Welcome to Fifth Grade!

  2. Language Arts • ELAR instruction consists of reading, language, writing, and spelling. • Our main goal is to develop confident, excited readers. Learners will read independently in class and should also be reading at home daily, as well. • “Book club” type discussions about complex texts will be used to help strengthen learners’ interpretation and reflection skills. • “Write from the Beginning and Beyond” will focus on educator modeling to support and encourage learners to write with a variety of purposes. • Spelling lists will focus on patterns so that learners can develop the ability to transfer spelling skills to their writing.

  3. Social Studies • Our study will focus on American history. • We will also explore our government and seek to understand the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. • Geography skills will be woven into instruction also. • “History Alive” curriculum will be used to provide students with a hands-on approach to EXPERIENCING history rather than just reading about it. • A variety of activities such as simulations, projects, and research stations will help immerse students in the past.

  4. MATH ✓ Learners will be challenged to use critical thinking and logical and reasonable problem solving. ✓ Learners will make connections with how math is used in the real world. ✓ Instruction will be tailored to meet each learner’s unique learning style and speed. Instruction will be provided in varied forms, such as whole group, small group, and one to one instruction. ✓ Learners will keep an organized math journal that summarizes key vocabulary and captures notes and sample problems. This journal is an excellent study companion when preparing for assessments. Study guides for each unit will also be shared with the learners. ✓ Over breaks, learners sometimes lose quick and accurate recall of math facts, which can often result in labored and inaccurate computation. It is VERY important for learners to practice and master operational math facts.

  5. Science • Learners will attend science class every day. • Learners will be required to apply knowledge at a higher level than merely fact recitation. • Science will be taught with a variety of instructional strategies including hands–on investigations with FOSS kits, demonstrations, songs, videos and the use of an online “techbook” and related resources. • Learners will keep a science journal throughout the school year. It is important that they have this tool in class with them daily. This notebook is a great study companion for unit tests and the STAAR test. Additionally, unit study guides will be provided. Most learners will find it necessary to study a couple of days in advance to be successful on tests.

  6. Technology • Technology objectives are woven into content area lessons. Here, learners can use varied forms of technology to practice skills, research, create products, etc. • Technology supports educators’ efforts to customize learning experiences, facilitates collaboration and communication, and enhances workflow. • Learners will utilize a variety of hardware and software, including interactive tools, such as iPads, to enhance learning experiences.

  7. NEW THIS YEAR! ● The Apple ID Process has changed for the 2016/2017 school year to fully comply with FERPA and COPPA standards. ● CISD is working with Apple to create Managed Apple IDs for our learners. Learners will not have access to the App Store, iTunes, or iBooks store. Learners will use CISD’s Self Service to add content and apps to devices. This is an improved safety feature. ● New-to-Lakeside parents will not have to fill out any information online. Passwords will be generated by the district. Returning learners’ Apple IDs will be updated through the new system.

  8. ASSESSMENTS • Universal Screeners are given at BOY, MOY, EOY as outlined by CISD • Learner-led parent conferences (Friday, 10/7) • Formative & Summative Classroom Assessments • STAAR/SSI

  9. STAAR See Student Success Initiative (SSI) brochure for additional details http://tea.texas.gov/student.assessment/ssi/ Mathematics Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Reading Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Science Wednesday, May 10, 2017

  10. Grading • Traditional number grades based on a 10 point scale are provided. • Daily work is weighted at 55%. • Tests and major projects is weighted at 45%. • Extra credit and/or bonus points cannot be given per policy. • Mid-term progress reports will be sent home only to students who have a subject average of 74 or below. • Grades may be accessed on the Portal.

  11. Homework •Purposeful and relevant homework is assigned to build strong study habits, develop background knowledge, and enhance conceptual understanding by giving students the opportunity to practice or extend their learning experience based on an individual’s ability level. •Homework will not inflate or deflate a learner’s grade nor reflect behavior. •Learners record assignments in their planner/agenda daily. Check Schoology daily for clarification of directions and to access support Resources. •Please contact the content area teacher with any concerns you may have.

  12. Incomplete/Late Work •Learners must attend study hall if homework is not completed. •Learners may be asked to attend study hall to complete unfinished class work or tests/retests. •If a learner is absent, it is his/her responsibility to timely obtain, complete, and submit missed assignments. • If needed, educators will support the development of an individualized plan for completion and submission of incomplete or late work. Consistent struggles in this area may be reflected in educator comments in a learner’s Friday Folder and report card.

  13. REASSESSMENT •Educators’ goal is for learners to master content and skills. •With this in mind, learner work and/or tests with a grade below 80% will be re-taught for improved understanding. • Following re-teach, a reassessment opportunity, such as a retest, conference, or performance task, will be provided. The reassessed grade will replace the original score.

  14. Attendance • Make every effort to have your child attend school daily. • When possible, please schedule appointments after school. If necessary, use your child’s class schedule to arrange appointments around his/her weaker subject area class times or try to prevent him/her from repeatedly missing the same class. • Notify your child’s teachers if your child is going to be absent either for an appointment or an illness. If your child is absent from school, send a doctor’s excuse or a hand-written, dated and signed note to school so that your child may be excused. Please communicate with your child’s teachers about makeup work. • Inform Assistant Principal, Annelise Ford, and classroom teachers of the specific dates and reason for any pre-planned absences. Parents will be notified by campus administration if the absence is NOT approved.

  15. School Times • Students may not arrive at school before 7:30. • Students arriving before 7:45 should wait in the cafeteria until dismissed to their classrooms. • Classes begin at 7:50. Repeated tardies are considered a violation of the CISD Student Code of Conduct. • Dismissal from school is at 3:05.

  16. After School Plans • Please make sure your child is aware of any change in after school plans. • Send a note/email to your child’s homeroom teacher informing them of special dismissal plans. • Should an emergency occur, please contact the school office at (214) 496-7600 in order to pass along the message.

  17. Birthday Treats • Birthday treats are enjoyed with homeroom classmates only near the end of the day. • Please package or cut these into individual servings so they can be shared quickly. • Napkins, plates, or serving utensils are appreciated. Drinks are not necessary. ● Due to learners’ food allergies please avoid nuts in any treats and consider healthy alternatives.

  18. Conduct • All 5 th grade educators have the same rules and consequences that were developed and agreed upon with the help of our learners. • The same incentive program is also in place. • Expectations, possible consequences and rewards were outlined in a separate letter that was sent home previously.

  19. Communication • Newsletters and Friday Folders will be sent at the end of each week. Signed Friday Folders are due back the first day of the following week. • Check out our web pages, student planners and Schoology for news and other important information. 5A- Lauren Chapin lchapin@coppellisd.com @mrs_chapin 5B- Kelly Fischetti kfischetti@coppellisd.com @FischettiLS 5C- Dan Thompson dthompson@coppellisd.com @LakesideMrT 5D- Melissa Warren mwarren@coppellisd.com @MrsLearnalot

  20. Volunteering We look forward to having so many of you help this year as part of our classroom activities, holiday parties, Field Day, 5 th Grade Celebration (tentatively set for May 31), and field trips to Sky Ranch (November 2-4) and Enterprise City (May 3). Remember, you must have a criminal history background check on file. These should be completed online - see Lakeside website.

  21. Sky Ranch Date: Wednesday, November 2 – Friday, November 4, 2016 Cost: Approximately $230 per learner Chaperones will attend for at a slightly reduced fee. Payment and forms will be due no later than Wednesday, 10/19.


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