welcome to 3 rd grade at harrington third grade team

Welcome to 3 rd Grade at Harrington! THIRD GRADE TEAM Sandy Wang - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to 3 rd Grade at Harrington! THIRD GRADE TEAM Sandy Wang . Courtney Komar Sarah Clopton 3 rd Grade Instruction Expected to Know Addition, Subtraction facts to 18; Multiplication & Division Facts to 12 Spelling

  1. Welcome to 3 rd Grade at Harrington!

  2. THIRD GRADE TEAM Sandy Wang . Courtney Komar Sarah Clopton

  3. 3 rd Grade Instruction • Expected to Know Addition, Subtraction facts to 18; Multiplication & Division Facts to 12 • Spelling instruction will be done in the classroom this year, but it might look different than traditional spelling lists and tests. • Read for 20 minutes nightly. 30 Books in Third Grade

  4. AVID *Advancement via Individual Determination More than just the binder! Elementary students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Children learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.

  5. District and State Testing in 3 rd Grade • Science MAP (August 27) • CogAT Cognitive Abilities Test (September 9, 10, 11) • Math and Reading MAP (December 3 and 4) • Math, Reading, and Science MAP (March after Spring Break) • Math & Reading STAAR (May 11, 12)

  6. Grading Policy • Daily grades, tests, quizzes & projects are all weighted equally • Checking Parent Portal weekly is encouraged to track student’s progress. https://parentportal.pisd.edu/Login.aspx • Classwork may not be completed at home. • E, S, N, and U are earned for fine arts, physical education, handwriting, work habits/study skills, and citizenship.

  7. Parent Communication Take Home Folders • Red communication folders will come home Student Planner/Agenda with important flyers and Please check nightly for: graded papers • Your student’s homework Email assignments • Communication from • Communication from teachers teachers about 3 rd grade events and updates PTA • BEST WAY TO • Announcements, CONTACT YOUR activities, t-shirts, events! CHILD’S TEACHER! h a r r i n g t o n Bloomz p t a . n e t • Follow our class Bloomz for updates about what we are learning.

  8. Harrington Digital Thursday Folder Sent to all email addresses in Parent Portal on ● Thursday at 3:30 Best place to get information on what is going on at ● Harrington Video and letter relaying info directly from ● Harrington Principal, Dr. Jamar Videos featuring Harrington students ● ● Stay in the know about PTA events, and after school activities

  9. Conferences • There is only one conference day this year for third grade parents on October 15. • Parents or teacher may request a conference at any time.

  10. 3 rd Grade Library Thursday

  11. Dismissal • Carpool tags will be made for each family. • Make sure you have it or a picture of it each day. For your child’s safety, please send a note or contact the school office that morning if there is a change to your child’s normal dismissal routine.

  12. Snacks & No peanut products, please Water • A daily healthy snack is encouraged - no chips, no cookies. • Finger foods are best, such as: • fruit • cheese/crackers • granola bar • Students may bring a water bottle with a sealed lid. • Drinks with flavoring or coloring are not allowed in the classroom.

  13. Lunch and Birthdays • Parents may eat with their 3 rd grader any day of the week. Please join one of the parent tables against the windows in the cafeteria. • Birthday treats may be enjoyed in the classroom at the end of the day. No cupcakes will be distributed. We suggest cookies or treat bags. Must be individually wrapped .

  14. Lunch • Students are permitted to purchase extra entrees or side items and snacks through the lunch line. • Please decide with your child whether you will allow these purchases.

  15. •P roblem Solvers •A ccountable for our actions •W orking to learn ❑ Husky Bucks •S howing respect ❑ PAW-Mart

  16. Plano Academic and Creative Education (PACE) A program for students who require gifted services 2019-2020

  17. PACE is similar to Special Education in that it is an enrichment service designed to meet the needs of a difgerent kind of learner. PACE is not an Honors program.

  18. Students requiring gifted services may... perform two grade levels above current grade learn exceptionally fast need only one to two repetitions for mastery thrive on complexity arrive at solutions in an unusual manner

  19. If you have a child that you believe may need PACE services: 1. Notify your child’s teacher or the campus gifted specialist. 2. Complete an online referral packet; you may request a hard copy if needed. 3. Referral packets are due September 13. 4. Testing occurs in the fall with services beginning in January 2020. 5. If your student participated in a gifted program at their previous school, please contact the Gifted Specialist for next steps.

  20. Please contact the campus gifted specialist for specific details about the PACE program. Joan Patrick joan.patrick@pisd.edu

  21. Chromebooks and Devices Each student will have a Chromebook which they will be able to use during school time. Teachers are able to monitor their use during the day using GoGuardian. Individual devices will not be accessible during school hours. For more information regarding PISD digital citizenship: HTTP://TINYURL.COM/DIGCITPISD /TINYURL.COM/DIGCITPISD

  22. Thank You for coming! We look forward to a great year.

  23. Questions?


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