welcome t to year 1 1

Welcome t to Year 1 1 Broadstone First School 2019-2020 Whos W - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome t to Year 1 1 Broadstone First School 2019-2020 Whos W s Who? CEO of the Castleman Academy Trust - Rhonda Moore Executive Head of BFS & BMS- Dawn Wilks Head of School Rebecca Wood Director of Inclusion- Rachel Milton

  1. Welcome t to Year 1 1 Broadstone First School 2019-2020

  2. Who’s W s Who? CEO of the Castleman Academy Trust - Rhonda Moore Executive Head of BFS & BMS- Dawn Wilks Head of School – Rebecca Wood Director of Inclusion- Rachel Milton Directors of Curriculum- Dani Goulding & Aimee Lancaster Assistant Head Teachers- Louise Graves & Fiona Lord Year 1 Team Debbie Clothier – Class Teacher Terrese Morgan – Class Teacher Shelly Colyer, Laura Dunford and Sally Churchill -Learning Support Assistants

  3. Communication on Effective communication is a crucial factor in ensuring all our learners achieve their best and are safe and happy at Broadstone First School. We are constantly striving to ensure we keep you updated and fully informed regarding your child’s learning.  Open door Policy  School Website- calendar of events, curriculum overviews, Learning Pathways  Letters, texts and emails  Snapshot of the week  Official Facebook Page

  4. Contac acting y g your child’s clas ass teac eacher Your child’s Class Teacher is your first point of call. Miss Clothier dclothier@broadstonefirst.poole.sch.uk Miss Morgan tmorgan@broadstonefirst.poole.sch.uk Class Teacher - Assistant Head Teachers (KS1 Louise Graves, KS2 Fiona Lord)- Head of School - Executive Head

  5. Emai ailing y g your c child’s clas ass teac acher er  Communicate positively  Vital need to knows  Ask questions  Arrange a further appointment Teachers regularly check their emails and will respond in a timely manner. Emails will not be responded to during lesson time and beyond 6pm.

  6. Social al M Media a Please think twice about what you post.

  7. Behaviou our E Expec ectation ons a at BFS 1. We are kind and helpful. We don’t hurt feelings. 2. We work hard. We don’t waste our own or others time. 3. We are gentle. We don’t hurt others. 4. We look after property. We don’t waste or damage things. 5. We listen. We don’t interrupt. 6. We are honest. We don’t tell lies. Expected behaviours are modelled and unwanted behaviours addressed at ALL times with ALL pupils. Please refer to our Positive Self Esteem Policy on the school website

  8. Zero T o Tol oler eran ance e to B Bullyi ying  Bullying vs Developmental behaviour  Age appropriate behaviour

  9. Uniform We believe a uniform looks smart, wears well and contributes to a feeling of belonging to our school.

  10. Atten endance a e and A Absen ences You can help us by:  Ensuring your child attends school regularly. Absences should only happen when your child is significantly ill and therefore unfit to attend school, or if there is an unavoidable/unforeseen reason or circumstance which is causing a difficulty.  Ring as soon as you know! Please contact the school office to inform us of your child’s absence. If school is unable to contact a parent, a welfare check may be arranged and The School Attendance Service may be made aware.  Sending us a note confirming the reason for your child’s absence when s/he returns to school.  Arranging all non-emergency medical appointments out of school hours or during school holidays.  Making sure we always have your current contact numbers; this includes all telephone numbers (including child minders’) and emergency contact details.

  11. Holidays s in T Ter erm T Time No holidays in term time will be authorised.

  12. Lat ateness Doors open at 8.30am and will close at 8.50am. Your child will be registered as late if they arrive after the gate and doors close. Being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning: Arriving 5 minutes late every day = 3 days lost a year Arriving 15 minutes late every day = 2 weeks lost a year Arriving 30 minutes late every day = 19 days lost a year Lateness after the register has closed will impact your child’s attendance figure.

  13. Pupil P Prem emium The money we receive for PP is a real bonus to the school and allows us to put things into place for pupils that are over and above. This helps us to deliver a better provision which can really help support a child’s development.

  14. Reporting to Parents September- Welcome to Year Group Evenings Tuesday 26 th November - Book Look evening 3.15pm-6pm Thursday 28 th November - Optional Follow up appointment with the class teacher from 3.15pm February - Mid year reports out to families Week Beginning 24th February - Child Led, parent, teacher consultations July – End of Year reports out to families Tuesday 7 th July- Tuesday 14 th July- Optional report follow up meetings.

  15. Learning Overviews Throughout the year there will be:  Broadstone Come Dancing (5)  Once Upon a Time (6)  A Christmas Carol ( 3)  Road to Recovery (5)  Location, Location, Location (6)  Blue Planet – War on Plastic (7)  Art Attack (5)

  16. Key Dates Hook/Challenge Outcome Visitors/Trips w/b 9 th September w/b 30 th September Broads dstone ne Come D Danc ncing ng Dance students Corfe Hills w/b 16 th September w/b 7 th October w/b 18 th November Onc nce U Upo pon a n a Time Visitor from Nursery w/b 14 th October w/b 25 th November Monday 16 th December A Christmas Carol w/b 6 th January w/b 3 rd February Road to Recovery NHS visitor date TBC w/b 10 th February w/b 23 rd March Location, Location, Location Local Walks w/b 30 th March w/b 1 st June Oceanarium w/b 30 th March Blue Planet w/b 8 th June w/b 6 th July Local Artist Date TBC Art Attack

  17. Daily Rou outine- Ye Year 1 1  Start of day 8.30 -Morning activities to settle.  Morning sessions-Phonics, Topic and Literacy, Maths  Breaks flexible generally around 10.30  Lunch 12.15, please remember to order and talk through choices with your child  Continuous provision in the afternoon- more child led and independent, children plan then choose then recall at the end.  Home time is 3.00pm- please ensure we know if someone different is picking up.

  18. Phon onics  We teach using Read Write Inc scheme of work mainly.  System that uses pictures and rhymes to help children remember the sounds.  Continue learning from EYFS- Set 1 set 2 and set 3.  Daily sessions and group reading with phonics books in stage appropriate groups.  Pack being sent home with sounds on to help your child progress through the books.  Other books to take home for variety grouped in colour stages.

  19. Set O One: e: Set One: single sounds that can be blended together to make simple words, children sounding out and blending for reading .

  20. Set T Two: Set two , 2 or three letters together digraphs and trigraphs to form a wider range of words.

  21. Set T Three: ee: Set 3, alternative spellings for sounds allowing for spelling and reading a wider range of words.

  22. Red ed W Words: s:

  23. Phon onics S Screen eening  Mid June we have the phonics screening test, please don’t book a holiday for this time!  A test using all of the sounds we teach by reading real words and ‘alien’ words.  The alien words can be tricky so we ask you to help them practise reading some of these at home as well as the regular reading books.

  24. Phon onics- Ho How you c can an h help at h home: e: Thursday 26 th September- 5pm-6pm- Reading Meeting Refresher

  25. Read ading i in Year ear 1 1:  The books we send home should be accessible and not too challenging. They are there to support decoding, fluency, speed and confidence.  More challenging texts are used in school when teaching reading.  Encouraged at home to read more than just the school books. Expose your child to a range of texts.  Your child will be assessed every 6 weeks.  Not a race to whizz through book colours. Within each colour there is a wide range of genres and texts. Build fluency speed, ensuring not heavily relying on sounding out.  Reading and understanding the text is just as important as decoding words. We only move children onto the next level when we know children are secure with the skills they need to be a good reader and are making important links with their reading and writing.

  26. Math ths i s in Yea ear 1: 1:  Value of a number- numbers up to 20  Concrete Resources  Number formation  1 more 1 less  Counting in 2s Building a secure understanding of number

  27. Gen ener eral I Information on  PE days are Tuesday and Friday  Please name all PE Kits  Book Bags in school daily please  Changing books

  28. Ke Key D Dates- Autumn T Ter erm Date Event Monday 9 th September Welcome to Year One Evening w/b 9 th September Broadstone Come Dancing Hook w/b 16 th September Corfe Hills Dance Expert Visitors Thursday 26 th September Reading Refresher evening 5pm-6pm w/b 30 th September Broadstone Come Dancing Outcome Friday 4 th October Harvest Festival w/b 7 th October Once Upon a Time Hook Tuesday 8 th October PTA- School discos- time TBC Thursday 17 th October New Reception parents evening Friday 15 th November Children in Need w/b 25 th November A Christmas Carol Hook Tuesday 26 th November Book Look evening 3pm-6pm Thursday 28 th November Book Look follow up appointments Friday 6 th December PTA- Christmas Fayre- time TBC Monday 16 th December BFS Taste of Christmas, St John’s Church- time TBC Tuesday 17 th December PTA- Film Night- time TBC Thursday 18 th December BFS Party Day


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