welcome series fees

WELCOME SERIES FEES Remain at $150.00 Benefits: 1. Earn points - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OFFC Spring General Meeting Sunday, February 3 rd , 2019 WELCOME SERIES FEES Remain at $150.00 Benefits: 1. Earn points in Toyo Tires F1600 Championship Series 2. Draw Prizes at track 3. Earn Contingency prize money 4. Tow Fund for

  1. OFFC Spring General Meeting Sunday, February 3 rd , 2019 WELCOME

  2. SERIES FEES Remain at $150.00 Benefits: 1. Earn points in Toyo Tires F1600 Championship Series 2. Draw Prizes at track 3. Earn Contingency prize money 4. Tow Fund for qualifying participants 5. Year End Awards and prizes Complete forms, scan and email to Ralph Klingmann Submit payment by cheque or e-transfer Membership forms were emailed to everyone and are posted on the website under Competitors

  3. 2019 TOYO TIRES F1600 SCHEDULE 6 Race Schedule + 1 Invitational May 11 - 12 BEMC Spring Trophy Races at CTMP June 1 – 2 Kyle Nash Memorial Races at Calabogie June 14 - 16 Vintage Grand Prix at CTMP (Oliver Clubine B Class Award) June 29 - 30 CTCC Summer Challenge at Shannonville July 27 - 28 BARC Canadian Touring Trophy Race at CTMP (Al Craighead CanAm Cup Award) August 24 – 25 Chevrolet Silverado 250 at CTMP October 5 – 6 CASC/CTMP Celebration (Invitational and a Sampler event for new comers to the series for 2020) ** Financial incentives for attending CMP and SMP events – lower entry fee at SMP dependent on number of entries at CMP

  4. 2019 SUPER SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP SCHEDULE 2 Race Event Series 1 event in Quebec 1 event in Ontario August 9 -11 GP3R in Trois Rivieres August 25 – 26 Chevrolet Silverado 250 at CTMP

  5. RACE WEEKEND STRUCTURE Points Structure Races per Weekend/Event 1 st 30 8 th 8  One practice and One Qualifying session 2 nd 24 9 th 7  3 Races 3rd 19 10 th 6 4 th 15 11 th 5 Gridding Procedure 5 th 12 12 th 4 • Qualifying sets grid for Race 1 6 th 10 13 th 3 • Fastest lap of Race 1 sets grid for Race 2 7 th 9 14 th 2 • Fastest lap of Race 2 sets grid for Race 3 15 th on 1 * NOTE: 1. 2 Drops for Season & Cannot drop a Disqualification.

  6. 2019 RULES & REGS All rules posted in 2018 will carry over to 2019 (including the gearing and testing rules) with the exception of the criteria for A and B Class designation Testing Black Out dates EVENT EVENT DATE TESTING PROBITIED BEMC at CTMP May 11 – 12 April 11 - May 10 Kyle Nash at CMP June 1 - 2 May 2 – May 31 VARAC at CTMP June 14 – 16 May 16 – June 13 CTCC at SMP June 29 - 30 May 30 – June 28 BARC at CTMP July 27 – 28 June 27 – July 26 NASCAR at CTMP August 24 -25 July 25 – August 23

  7. 2019 Rule Changes and Additions 1.1.3 All cars fitted with a Honda Fit 1500 shall compete in the A Class regardless of year of chassis manufacture. 8.1.1 Toyo Proxes R888R tires shall be used. 8.1.4 Tires shall display a stamp from Britain West Motorsport or Braiden Tire. 8.1.5 Tire Limit for A Class cars a) Any Toyo Proxes R888R tire may be used during official practice and warm up sessions. b) Tires that are used for qualifying will be marked at the end of the qualifying session and these tires must be used for all races for that event. Marking of tires will be performed at impound. It is the drivers responsibility to ensure their tires are marked prior to leaving the impound area. c) Tires may be checked for the official mark at post race technical inspection. d) If a tire is damaged during a race and needs to be replaced the driver or a member of his/her crew must have an official examine the tire and determine if the driver/team may replace the tire. The replacement tire will be marked prior to the next officially timed session at the current event. e) In the event of rain, a Series Official or the Clerk will declare a rain race at least 30 minutes prior to the 3 minute board for that session. Drivers/teams may choose any Toyo Proxes R888R tire (open tire rule) to run in the race declared a rain race.

  8. SPONSORS FOR 2019

  9. Title Sponsor Provides financial support for OFFC to manage and promote the series Provides gifts for draw prizes ($100 tire vouchers, hats, t-shirts etc) Provides tires (one ½ set per race as prize giveaway – total 9 full sets) Expectations 1. Driver patch worn on race suit on left chest 2. Toyo Tires decals on the centre of each side of the car cockpit or side pod 3. Use the wording Toyo Tires Canada in press releases

  10. Still awaiting word from HPD on 2019 support. As of now we are planning for similar support to 2018. A Class Presenting Sponsors Awarding Contingency Prizes with support from FEL – amount will depend on HPD’s support Money is awarded based on finishing position in A Class Expectations 1. All cars running Honda engines must follow these rules to earn contingency funds 2. One Honda decal be placed on each side of the engine cover - near the top 4. Stylized ‘H’ on the nose of the car]

  11. B Class Presenting Sponsor Awarding Contingency Prizes Money is awarded based on finishing position in B Class 1 st $300 2 nd $200 3 rd $100 A Class Presenting Sponsor Awarding Contingency Prizes in conjunction with HPD Support through Tow Funds 1. Car is towed 350+km to the race track of the event 2. Open to ‘A’ and ‘B’ Class drivers 3. $300 for each of the 5 qualifying drivers – those first 5 to enter an event who meet the 350+ km rule

  12. Expectations 1. Stylized decals to be placed on the nose of the cars 2. feldrives.com decals to be placed on each side of the car, clearly visible and not obstructed by tires /wheels etc. 3. When using FEL in media releases must use FEL (all caps no spaces or periods) …. So #FEL not #feldrives or #FELdrives 4. When displaying website on social media releases use feldrives.com 5. When speaking about sponsor say each letter F E L (rather than saying fell)

  13. Expectations 1. All cars in both classes must run all sponsor decals MK Technologies Supporting Sponsor 2. Decals to be placed on each Provide product for three year end awards side of the car so that they are Hard Charger Award visible – not behind race Sportsmanship Award wheels or on top of side pods Most Improved Award Mobil 1 Supporting Sponsor Providing product for event and banquet draws Cove Dentistry Supporting Sponsor 3 Masters Awards (45+ years) presented at each weekend event Year End Masters Award Rust-Oleum/Krud Kutter Supporting Sponsor Provide product for all drivers/teams Sponsor the Most Poles Award through Financial Support

  14. It is the goal of Road to Indy to provide an equal program to 2018. No details at this time. Once announced by Road to Indy all criteria from 2018 will be in place for 2019. Champion of the Toyo Tires F1600 Championship (under 24 years of age) will be awarded a ticket to the $200K Road to Indy F2000 Shoot Out.

  15. Examples of placement of series stickers F on nose, Toyo Tires on side pods, Honda on engine cover FELdrives.com on side of side pod or side of engine cover MK Technologies,Cove Dentistry, Mobil 1 and Krud Kutter on side pods Road to Indy and Mobil 1new this coming season. Decals will be available at first race event (May 10 th )

  16. BGR – Craighead Library Library of Racing Themed Books Housed in BGR Trailer Borrow anytime Donate Books to Library Social Events Season Opener – BEMC – chilli VARAC – social provided by VARAC BARC – social provided by BARC NASCAR – Toyo Tires series BBQ Celebration Invitational/Sampler – beer and chilli close out!

  17. TECH AT EVENTS Goal: 1. To educate drivers and teams on the tech process 2. To educate drivers and teams on how to check their own engines and cars 3. To ensure tech on both ‘A’ and ‘B’ cars, and Honda and Kent engines occurs at each and every event 4. Present the series as a professional series with integrity by holding all drivers, teams and officials accountable to the rules and regulations 5. Continue to expand tech by purchasing necessary equipment

  18. Examples of Tech (may include but not limited to) : Honda All Cars 1. Stall Test 1. Weight 2. Cam Lobe 2. Differential 3. Sensor Resistance 3. Operation of Reverse 4. Rocker Arm Bearing 4. Weight of flywheel 5. Restrictor Plate size 5. Tires R888R Stamped by BWM or BT 6. Gears for CTMP 6. Tire marking for A Class Ford 1. Intake Manifold 2. Intake & Exhaust Ports *** Suggestion – have a spare 3. Cam Lift head gasket set although 4. Cam Profile Britain West will also have 5. Carburetor Size available at the track 6. Cylinder Heads 7. Compression

  19. INVESTMENT IN TECH & OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT 1. In working with HPD we have purchased all the necessary equipment to perform the Honda Fit specific tech items – vernier, multimeter, hand tools, 2. Camera scope been purchased 3. Have purchased 2 GoPro cameras for the back straight at CTMP Improve visual of on track driving coming out of turn 7 and entering turn 8.

  20. IMPLEMENTATION PLANS 1. Equipment required for tech will be available at each race event 2. Tech personnel will determine what test will be completed – looking to have a dedicated F1600 tech inspector for post tech 3. Log of tech completed will be kept 4. The driver and/or team owner will be in attendance while tech is being performed 5. No car is to stop in pit lane after the chequered flag is presented after any timed sessions - qualifying or race sessions and all cars are to report to impound after qualifying and race sessions 6. Drivers and teams have the opportunity to seek support in self checking own car and engine anytime during the event weekend, including the test day if personnel is available 7. Gearboxes and/or engines may be sealed anytime during a weekend event.


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