
WELCOME to the Falls Lake Regulatory Forum Hosted by Presenters - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WELCOME to the Falls Lake Regulatory Forum Hosted by Presenters Forrest Westall UNRBA Executive Director Sig Hutchinson Jimmy Clayton UNRBA Chair UNRBA Vice-Chair Kenny Waldroup Terry Hackett Path Forward Committee Co-Chair Board

  1. WELCOME to the Falls Lake Regulatory Forum Hosted by

  2. Presenters Forrest Westall UNRBA Executive Director Sig Hutchinson Jimmy Clayton UNRBA Chair UNRBA Vice-Chair Kenny Waldroup Terry Hackett Path Forward Committee Co-Chair Board Alternate/Path Forward Committee Michelle Woolfolk Path Forward Committee Co-Chair Supported by UNRBA Board and the Path Forward Committee

  3. Your guidance is critical. We need your engagement, cooperation, and suggestions.

  4. PL PLAN N FOR OR THE HE DAY Today’s Agenda Reexamination Briefing • Now – 1:10 p.m. Full-group Q&A • 1:10 p.m. – 1:40 p.m. Short Break • 1:40 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. Key Issue Roundtables • 1:50 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

  5. The Punchlines Prohibitively Expensive Technologically Infeasible Data and Model Uncertainty Scientifically Sound Monitoring /Modeling Consensus Building

  6. BA BACKGR GROU OUND ND Origin of the Rules • 20 2002 02 - 20 2006 06 Chl hloroph ophyll yll-a a exce ceeds eds th the e state’s standard • 20 2008 08 Fal alls ls Lak ake e List isted ed as as im impai paired red • 20 2010 UN UNRB RBA A Consensus nsensus Princi Principle ples • 20 2011 Stat tate e pa pass sses es Falls alls Lak ake e Rul ules es

  7. BACKGR BA GROU OUND ND Chlorophyll-a • In 2008, exceedances of the 40 µg/L chlorophyll-a standard resulted in the lake being listed as impaired. • Nutrient loading to the lake • Chlorophyll-a is the green photosynthetic pigment that plants use to harness sunlight to grow. Chlorophyll-a • Internal nutrient loading in the lake is also an indicator of the amount of algae in the lake. • Atmosphere / weather / rainfall / • While high levels of algae can suggest the presence bathymetry of too much nitrogen and phosphorous, the variables that control algal growth are not only highly complex, • Soils, land use, topography, depth, but they are also dynamic – changing between years light and seasons. • Wastewater, storm events • That is why water quality monitoring and Model els • Sunlight, shape of the lake modeling is required to evaluate the most effective and efficient opportunities for improving • Retention-time, velocity and sustaining the water quality of Falls Lake.

  8. BACKGR BA GROU OUND ND The Consensus Principles • Consensus Principles were established by UNRBA members • Resulted in language in the Rules that allowed for reexamination if certain steps were taken • Provided the framework for the UNRBA re- examination process • Parties agreed to the protection of Falls Lake as a drinking water supply

  9. Framework for the Reexamination

  10. Falls Lake Nutrient Management Strategy Stage Sta ge I: : 2011 to 2024 Sta Stage ge II: : 2024 to 2041 • Me Meet nutri t nutrient ent-relat related ed wat ater er quality uality • Me Meet nutri t nutrient ent-relat related ed wat ater er quality uality standar st andards ds in in th the e la lake e be belo low Hw Hwy y 50 50 st standar andards ds in in both both th the e lo lower er and and up upper per po portions tions of t f the he la lake • Impr prove e al alga gae le e level els in s in th the e up upper per la lake • Lower er nitr nitrogen gen an and d ph phosphorus sphorus • De Decr crease ease nitr nitrogen gen lo load ading ing to lo load ading ing to th the e la lake e fr from m al all se l sect ctors the th e la lake e by 40 y 40 pe percent cent • Pr Prevent ent ne new w devel elopment pment fr from m • De Decr crease ease ph phospho sphorous ous lo load ading ing to increas increasin ing g nu nutri trien ent t lo load ading ing th the e la lake e by 7 y 77 7 pe percent cent

  11. Vis Visible Pr ible Progress ogress Nitrogen Loads from Major Phosphorus Loads from Major Wastewater Treatment Plants Wastewater Treatment Plants (pounds per year) (pounds per year) 180,000 30,000 120,000 20,000 60,000 10,000 - - 2005 2006 2007 2014 2015 2016 2017 2005 2006 2007 2014 2015 2016 2017

  12. Existing development in downtown Durham.

  13. Reexamination Timeline

  14. Final Monitoring Report Robust data for a scientifically informed alternative

  15. Reexamination Timeline Reexamination Timeline

  16. What’s Next? The role of jurisdictional leadership over the next five years

  17. Q&A Panel Forrest Westall UNRBA Executive Director Sig Hutchinson Jimmy Clayton UNRBA Chair UNRBA Vice-Chair Kenny Waldroup Terry Hackett Path Forward Committee Co-Chair Board Alternate/Path Forward Committee Michelle Woolfolk Path Forward Committee Co-Chair

  18. Key Topics Roundtables

  19. KEY EY TOP OPIC IC ROU OUND NDTABLES BLES Ground Rules • Focus on one conversation. • Please contribute and share the available time with others • Be specific. Use examples whenever you can. • Conversation isn’t commitment. Ask questions and test ideas. We will not hold you to your brainstorming. • Do disagree; don’t be disagreeable.

  20. KEY EY TOP OPIC IC ROU OUND NDTABLES BLES Topic 1 Do you have any questions about the reexamination that weren’t addressed or fully answered during the Q&A session?

  21. KEY EY TOP OPIC IC ROU OUND NDTABLES BLES Topic 2 What type of support from the UNRBA would help you feel prepared to make decisions about nutrient management options?

  22. KEY EY TOP OPIC IC ROU OUND NDTABLES BLES Topic 3 Does anything we talked about during the briefing concern you? Did we leave something out that’s important to your jurisdiction?

  23. KEY EY TOP OPIC IC ROU OUND NDTABLES BLES Topic 4 Can we do anything to support your efforts to communicate with your constituents about these issues?

  24. KEY EY TOP OPIC IC ROU OUND NDTABLES BLES Repor eport t Out Out Key topics from each table

  25. Ge Gene nera ral Inf l Information: ormation: UpperNeuse.org Technica echnical l In Inform ormation ation: : UNRBA.org Co Contact ntact In Information: ormation: Forrest R. Westall, Sr., Executive Director forrest.westall@unrba.org


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