
Welcome to 2 nd Grade! BEE FOLDERS Communication It is VERY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to 2 nd Grade! BEE FOLDERS Communication It is VERY important for you to look over your childs work each day. The B.E.E. Folder is an important key in keeping communication open between you and I in regards to your childs

  1. Welcome to 2 nd Grade!

  2. BEE FOLDERS Communication It is VERY important for you to look over your child’s work each day. The B.E.E. Folder is an important key in keeping communication open between you and I in regards to your child’s progress. It will also be the main source of communication about THURSDAY FOLDERS upcoming dates and events. They are digital this year! Inside the folder, I will include the following: You will receive an email Weekly Homework • from West Field every Reading Log • Thursday with a link to the Parent/Teacher Communication Log, Classroom • newsletter. Conduct Report (filled out on Thursday) Graded Papers • Communication is a It is your CHILD’S responsibility (not yours) to bring successful key aspect in his/her BEE folder EVERY DAY. Help them to your child’s education. develop a habit of cleaning out his/her BEE folder, Please do not hesitate to putting it back inside his/her backpack, and call, email, or visit in putting the back pack in a special place so that it person if you have will become part of a routine . question or concern. Jenny.Jewell@edmondschools.net

  3. & A D ARRIVAL: Students may come to school as early as 7:55 am. Students may not R I arrive earlier unless they attend ACE’s Place. They will sit with their class in the gym until 8:20. R S Students who would like to eat breakfast will go straight to the cafeteria then go to the gym. I M DISMISSAL: V I Please notify the school by 8:30 am if your child will be absent. The parents will contact parents of unaccounted students. If your child attends daycare, you must also contact the daycare provider if your A child is absent. S All students must be picked up by 3:45 pm . L S If there is a change in how your child is going home during the day, please call the office before 2:45 pm. You may email me as well, but I don’t always have a chance to check my email throughout the day. A L

  4. F ! D O O 7:55 – 8:15 Breakfast SNACK 1 1:05 – 1 1:35 Recess We may have a small snack each day. Please do NOT send candy. 1 1:35 – 1 1:55 lunch Healthy snack ideas include pretzels, crackers, granola bars, The lunch menu can be found fruit, etc. online: H20 bit.ly/lunchmenuEPS Your child may bring a WATER Lunch cost: $2.90 bottle each day that has a lid. It Adult lunch: $3.75 should be taken home each day. If water bottles become a distraction, Breakfast: $1.75 the privileges will be lost. *Do not add a flavor to the water.

  5. Academics GRADING Students are expected to spend We grade based on center work 5-10 minutes a night working on and daily practice. Report Cards their math homework. are available every 9 weeks on Infinite Campus Parent Portal. They Edmond Public Schools district will NOT be sent home. policy is that students are engaging in 20 minutes of reading Assessment Scale: per night. Parents will initial the 1 = not met: does not meet grade reading log (in the BEE Folder) level standard every night. 2 = progressing: toward grade level standard 3 = proficient: meeting grade level standard HOMEWORK 4 = exceeds: exceeding grade level standard

  6. GREAT EXPECTATIONS Great expectations is a schoolwide program that endorse mutual respect, high expectations, using manners, and applying life principles that are valuable in a community, school, and home. West Field is a Model School. DISCIPLINE POLICY I believe in positive reinforcement of good behavior, and I give an abundance or verbal praise. Students are expected to follow class rules at all times. When necessary, natural WILDCAT CODE consequences will be used. Each week, I will give an update on student behavior in the BEE Be respectful Folder on Thursdays. I give students many chances and an abundance of support in Be responsible correcting their misbehavior before Be ready to learn consequences occur. The consequences might include removal from the group, thinking time, one on one conferences, and a call to the parents.

  7. MEDICATION TECHNOLOGY The school is not allowed to administer any medication other than what is prescribed by your doctor. Please be sure to give your child’s Thanks to a generous grant from OETT, we have medication to the school nurse. 12 iPads in our classroom. We will use them for a variety of activities, and your child will become CLOTHING acquainted with using technology for learning. Please make sure your child is always wearing appropriate clothing – remember coats and BIRTHDAYS jackets and safe shoes. Please do not send your child in flip flops! Birthdays will be recognized during Huddle times as well in the classroom. We will sing the birthday song and he/she will get a surprise from the teacher. Birthday parties are NOT to Important be held in any classrooms, however if you want to send a small, ready to serve snack that would be fine. Notes Birthday floral bouquets or balloons will be kept in the office until the end of the day. If your child is planning a party at home, please do not send invitations to school. Due to confidentiality, teachers are not allowed to give out phone numbers and addresses.

  8. Seesaw What is Seesaw? It is a digital portfolio that allows students to share what they are learning at school with teachers, classmates, and parents. They can upload their work to their portfolio, and you can see it on your smartphone or tablet. How will we use Seesaw in 2 nd Grade? We will use it both as a way to track their progress and growth and as a way to communicate between teachers and parents. It is important that you download and sign up for Seesaw as I will be using it often this year!

  9. PTO Information FUNDRAISER We have opened another shirt order, you can find the link in the Thursday Folder, and the deadline PTO is so excited for this year. Our is September 2nd. Don’t forget to fundraiser will be the Adventure purchase your yearbook for only Dash Fun Run. Be looking for more $25.00. The cost goes up after Fall information coming in Break. September. We are hoping to make enough money to purchase shades to go over our playsets. ORDERS

  10. PTO Information VOLUNTEERING Don’t forget to join our FB page and please feel free to contact us with any questions. Our next PTO We really need your help this year meeting is Wednesday September with box tops, popcorn, book fair, 12th at 3:30pm in the library. We work room, bingo and more. Don’t are looking forward to a great forget to fill out the Google form year that is in the Smore! We will be contacting you soon. Thanks for all your help. FINAL REMARKS

  11. THANK YOU FOR COMING! Please sign up for a conference! Thursday, October 11 th 4:15 – 7:30 Tuesday, October 16 th 4:15 – 7:30
