
Welcome! MSc Data Science and Entrepreneurship Short introduction - PDF document

12/2/2016 Welcome! MSc Data Science and Entrepreneurship Short introduction and Q&A 2 December 2016 Ksenia Podoynitsyna 1 12/2/2016 programs Master Data Science: Business and Governance Tilburg University Joint Master Business

  1. 12/2/2016 Welcome! MSc Data Science and Entrepreneurship Short introduction and Q&A 2 December 2016 Ksenia Podoynitsyna 1

  2. 12/2/2016 programs Master Data Science: Business and Governance Tilburg University Joint Master Business Analytics and BSc Operations Research society Master Marketing Analytics Mariënburg Den Bosch Joint Master PDEng PhD Data Science and Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship (post- master) Eindhoven Joint University of Technology Master Data Science in Engineering BSc engineering 2

  3. 12/2/2016 December 1, 2016 JADS officially opened by her Majesty Queen Maxima of the Netherlands Our Vision on Data Science The science that develops methods and Data Engineering Math & Statistics techniques to turn data into value Business Analytics Socio-legal-economic Context 3

  4. 12/2/2016 Some themes and application areas Body monitoring Smart maintenance Customer Journey Data security City management Home control The Joint MSc DS&E Philosophy Entrepreneurship € Data Mining Data Visualization Data Architecture Data & & & Data Analysis Data Decision Data Integration Making Supporting Data Processes (e.g. Legal, IP, Ethics) = Engineering = Society = Entrepreneurship 4

  5. 12/2/2016 Data Entrepreneurs: A New Profession  Leadership  Creativity  Inter-personal skills  Goal-orientation  Persuasion Master’s Courses Overview Data Architecture Data Driven BPM Data Mining Business Analytics & Integration Data Mining & Data Analytics Creative Thinking Law, Ethics & IP & Privacy Data Visualization & Innovative design Entrepreneurship & Decision Making Data Data Engineering Innovation Services Data Visualization Entrepreneurship Supporting Data Strategy & Business Models Entrepreneurial Marketing Data Entrepreneurship Functions (Law, Governance) Elective Venture Law & Finance Corporate Entrepreneurship Deep Learning Supercrunchers 5

  6. 12/2/2016 Some examples of Courses Data Mining : • Classification, learning to rank, clustering, pattern mining, and computing similarities from data of different nature • Dealing with regulatory requirements Strategy and Business Models • How to differentiate from competition • How to manage the business ecosystem and/or related platform • When and how to apply business model innovation More examples Data Engineering: combine data management and data integration • Create an understanding of conceptual database models • Combine data from several heterogeneous disparate sources Data Entrepreneurship in Action I, II, III and the Master Thesis: • A series of three projects that bind together certain elements of other courses in the semester • Originating from the data set opportunities provided by an external company or discovered by the student • DEIA are preparation for the Master Thesis project (30 ECTS) • Resulting in 9 months+ relevant work experience after the graduation 6

  7. 12/2/2016 ESA and NSO: Satellite Data Example NSO portal for publicly available, free satellite data: • Imaging, temperatures, wind speeds, humidity, photo’s, etc. • Bridge sinking, ground humidity measurements for farmers, (illegal) cannabis in the attic, berth use in the haven, check for meadows covered by water for subsidies, … Our proposition • Small scale, yet top-quality education and R&D • Personal coaching to advise about your program (electives) and advance your “soft-skills” • Vibrant campus with on-site companies and start-ups • In close collaboration with the JADS ecosystem • Programs on Business and IT • Communication and Entrepreneurial skills 7

  8. 12/2/2016 Our proposition – continued • Brand new data science campus with dorms and the latest facilities; • We will help you to setup your own (corporate) data venture • You can get involved in industrial projects @Mariënburg • “Data City” Den Bosch Municipality and Province have dedicated locations and seed-money budgets for IT Entrepreneurs Data Science Campus in ‘s Hertogenbosch 8

  9. 12/2/2016 9

  10. 12/2/2016 Data Data Science Engineeering (BSc level (Bsc level knowledge about knowledge about Mathematics and programming and Statistics ) database techology) Open to further Affinitiy with develop personal entrepreneurship traits/ soft skills Three Admission Categories: 1. Direct Admission 2. Indirect Admission 3. Not(-directly) Qualified http://www.jads.nl/admission.html 10

  11. 12/2/2016 Direct Admission (to Msc) • BSc in Data Science • BSc in (Applied) Mathematics • BSc in (Applied) Computer Science • BSc in Econometrics Indirect Admission (to MSc or pre-master) • BSc in Industrial Engineering • BSc in Artificial intelligence • BSc in Business Informatics • BSc in Business & IT • BSc in Information Science • BSc in Lifestyle Informatics • BSc in Software Engineering • BSc in Software Science • BSc in Innovation Sciences • BSc in Web Science • BSc in Business Information Management 11

  12. 12/2/2016 Not Qualified (for the pre-master) Examples include: • BSc in Business Administration • BSc in International Management • BSc in Economics • …. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW Pre-master program will start February 2017 ! 12

  13. 12/2/2016 Pre-Master Data Science & Entrepreneurship Type Pre-master’s program ------------------------------- Duration 1 Semester ------------------------------- Study points 30 ------------------------------- Language English Mastering DS&E: the Pre-Master Semester Courses Credits 1 Data-structures and Algorithms 6 1 Foundations of Databases 6 1 Introduction tot Data Science 6 1 Introduction to Machine Learning 6 1 Programming 6 13

  14. 12/2/2016 Mastering DS&E: the Pre-Master for HBO / Voc. Institutes Semester Courses Credits 1 Data-structures and Algorithms 6 1 Foundations of Databases 6 1 Introduction tot Data Science 6 1 Introduction to Machine Learning 6 1 Programming 6 1 Research Methods 6 How can I enter JADS’s Joint Master of Data Science & Entrepreneurship (JMDSE)? Do you hold a Bachelor’s degree in one of these? • (Applied) Mathematics • Computer Science and Engineering YES • Data Science • Econometrics You’re in*! NO Next slide  * after double check by the admission committee 14

  15. 12/2/2016 How can I enter JADS’s Joint Master of Data Science & Entrepreneurship (JMDSE)? Did you take courses (15 ects) on Do you hold a Bachelor’s degree in YES the topics of: one of these? • Programming • Data Mining • Innovation Sciences • Industrial Engineering • Databases • Web Science • Artificial intelligence • Business Information • Business Informatics Management • Business & IT • Lifestyle Informatics • Information Systems YES NO • any other Bachelor that indicates enough background on the topics of Data Science and Entrepreneurship You’re in**! Next slide  (Including courses on mathematics (at least 10EC) & statistics (at least 10EC) NO Next slide  ** the admission committee will check if the candidate’s deficiencies can be eliminated within the homologation space in the program. If this is not the case, the candidate has to complete a pre-master program. How can I enter JADS’s Joint Master of Data Science & Entrepreneurship (JMDSE)? Do you hold a Bachelor’s degree in any Do you hold a degree of Applied Sciences other field related to business, information or (HBO) on Data Science, Applied Mathematics, OR data (Including courses on mathematics Computer Science, Econometrics and are you (at least 10EC) & statistics (at least 10EC) an excellent student*? ? NO YES Finish a Bachelor of the ones Apply for our Premaster mentioned in slide 2 & 3 programme! * Criteria on excellence: 1) Pass our mathematics test; 2) Pass our TOEFL-test and 3) Provide motivation and proven results of excellence in your studies and/or extracurricular activities. The admission committee will take a final decision whether your application is a match for our Premaster programme. 15

  16. 12/2/2016 Admission procedure / instruction for application for Premaster 1. https://apply.tilburguniversity.edu/oa/ 2. Go to MySAS: Enroll on Studielink through B Business Economics – Academic Premaster You’ll receive a confirmation from the admission officer Your application will be reviewed by the admission committee You’ll receive their final decision on your elegibility as soon as possible, but at least within 4 weeks If you’re admitted, you’ll receive an invitation for the kick-off event on Jan 23rd AI Creativity/Entrepreneurs Data Mining Process Mining Data Mining Statistics Sociology of Technology hip Programming Computer Science Data Engineering HTI Data Science Visualization Entrepreneurship IP/Privacy Standardization IP & BMI Competition Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Data DM 16

  17. 12/2/2016 Q & A More questions? education@jads.nl 17


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