
Welcome! Neighbourhood Greenway Learn more about the Georgia - PDF document

Saturday, May 12 th , 10am-2pm Welcome! Neighbourhood Greenway Learn more about the Georgia Greenway ... FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITIES! CITY OF NANAIMO T H E H A R B O U R C I T Y Georgia Greenway Introduction ... for all ages

  1. Saturday, May 12 th , 10am-2pm Welcome! Neighbourhood Greenway Learn more about the Georgia Greenway ... FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITIES! CITY OF NANAIMO T H E H A R B O U R C I T Y

  2. Georgia Greenway Introduction ... for all ages and abilities! Once complete, Phase 1 of the Georgia WHAT IS THE GEORGIA Greenway will provide a pedestrian and GREENWAY? cyclist connection through Harewood Centennial Park between Sixth Street The Georgia Greenway is a proposed and Seventh Street, providing greater 3. 1 .km pedestrian and cycling friendly accessibility to the Park and connectivity route through Harewood. It will link a for the Harewood community. number of key destinations across the community including schools, parks, Neighbourhood sports fjelds, and commercial areas. Greenway BACKGROUND PHASE 1 | OVERVIEW WHAT IS A NEIGHBOURHOOD GREENWAY? Phase One will be a new multi-use trail through Nanaimo City Council selected Phase 1 of the Harewood Centennial Park. Georgia Greenway as one of the T op 5 Key Neighbourhood greenways are active Capital Projects and Initiatives in the 2016-2019 It stretches a distance of approximately 0.5 km between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. Strategic Plan Update. transportation corridors that promote It includes a new pedestrian and cycling bridge over the greater pedestrian and cyclist activity. The Georgia Greenway is supported by: Chase River. They support people of all ages and f The Harewood Neighbourhood Plan; Phase 1 will include trail lighting and safety enhancements at the intersection crossings of Georgia Avenue and Sixth f The Offjcial Community Plan; abilities to get around in a healthy and Street, and Georgia Avenue and Seventh Street. f The Harewood Centennial Park Master Plan; and sustainable way . Council has approved $1.2 million for phase one. f The Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan. CITY OF NANAIMO T H E H A R B O U R C I T Y Visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/ GeorgiaGreenway for more details

  3. Georgia Greenway The Big Picture ... for all ages and abilities! The Georgia Greenway corridor will span a distance GEORGIA GREENWAY OVERALL PLAN of 3.1 km in total once fully completed. (including future phases) It will be composed of a combination of off-road paths and low-volume roads, creating a comfortable experience for all ages, abilities, and confjdence levels. WAKESIAH AVENUE FOURTH STREET FUTURE PHASES VANCOUVER ISLAND UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTRE FIFTH STREET FIFTH STREET BRUCE AVE GEORGIA AVENUE (TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY) ELEMENT ARY SCHOOL NICOL STREET PHASE 1 SIXTH STREET CHASE RIVER CROSSING JOHN HAREWOOD BARSBY CENTENNIAL SECONDARY PARK SCHOOL SEVENTH STREET SEVENTH STREET PARK AVE HOWARD AVENUE ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT EIGHTH STREET FUTURE PHASES NINTH STREET EVERGREEN PARK KINETTE BRUCE AVE north TENTH STREET CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING PARKWAY TRAIL Visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/ GeorgiaGreenway for more details

  4. Georgia Greenway Planning Context ... for all ages and abilities! Harewood Neighbourhood Plan: “ As part of the Georgia Avenue THE PROJECT IS SUPPORTED BY: bikeway, create a new 4.0 This Plan was adopted in 2013 and includes an Urban Design Framework that is intended to provide overall direction and metre wide multi-use pathway f The 2016-2019 Strategic Plan Update help guide future development within Harewood. One of the key across Harewood Centennial f The Harewood Neighbourhood Plan strategies identifjed in the plan is to: Park, with a new multi-modal f The Offjcial Community Plan “ bridge over the Chase River.” f The Harewood Centennial Park Master Plan Create a neighbourhood bikeway on Georgia Avenue, – Page 127, Harewood f The Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan including a multi use path across Harewood Centennial ” Neighbourhood Plan Park, and a multi modal bridge across Chase River. Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan: THE ROLE OF THIS This Plan was adopted in 2014 and seeks to signifjcantly increase PROJECT sustainable modes of transportation within the City and sets a number of key objectives that are summarized by the graphics below. Through completing projects like the Georgia Greenway, the City takes one step closer to Make walking and cycling safe and comfortable for making goals reality and creating a livable all ages and abilities and environmentally sustainable community where walking and cycling are key components of the transportation system. Increase walking trips by 2X Our goal is to create a comfortable experience 21,000 trips 42,000 trips for users of all ages, abilities, and confjdence levels by incorporating a variety of pedestrian and cycling facilities such as multi-use pathways, Increase cycling trips by traffjc calmed local streets, and improved road 5X crossings. 3,000 trips 15,000 trips CITY OF NANAIMO T H E H A R B O U R C I T Y Visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/ GeorgiaGreenway for more details

  5. Georgia Greenway Previous Public Engagement ... for all ages and abilities! COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: HOW WE REACHED OUT: f Project website In May 2017, City staff engaged the public to provide feedback TOP 3 EVALUATION CRITERIA on the Phase 1 Concept, potential features, design character, and f Social media posts evaluation criteria to assess potential route options for future IDENTIFIED BY SURVEY RESPONDENTS f Posters around Harewood Centennial Park & phases. surrounding area 1. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design FEEDBACK WAS COMPILED FROM: f Mailout letters to surorunding properties (CPTED) f Phone calls, emails, and meetings with: f A drop-in public event with an interative kiosk as part of the 2017 Active for Life Expo 2. Pedestrian / Cyclist Ease of Use f Residents f Stakeholders f City Staff attendance with project information at the 3. Separation fro m Vehicle Traffic Georgia Avenue Elementary Celebration Station for f Special interest groups including, 2017 Bike to School Week f School District & Barsby Community Garden f A public questionnaire with 162 Respondents! f Fire Department & RCMP f Vancouver Island University f Sunnybrook Estates Residents WHAT WE HEARD: A full summary The majority of input received supports the report of Project. The key themes for support were: feedback f Safety improvements is available Georgia Greenway f Added overall community benefits ... FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITIES! on our f Encouragement of active transportation website Summary of Public Feedback Georgia Greenway Preliminary Design f Improved accessibility and connectivity for the neighbourhood. CITY OF NANAIMO T H E H A R B O U R C I T Y Visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/ GeorgiaGreenway for more details

  6. Georgia Greenway Phase 1 Update ... for all ages and abilities! Project Process Diagram (Phase 1 ) IDEA GATHERING & PRELIMINARY DESIGN, FINAL DESIGNS CONSTRUCTION COUNCIL DIRECTS FURTHER REVIEW ADDITIONAL PUBLIC PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT OF BRIDGE CONSULTATION BRIDGE OPTIONS & December 2017 - TENDER ISSUED HOLD ON March 2018 March 2018 CROSSING & TREES Feb - June 2017 REVIEW FOR TREE CONSTRUCTION May 2018 March 2018 RETENTION April - May 2018 July - December 2017 SO WHAT DID WE REVIEW? WHAT DO YOU THINK? Please complete a survey to let us BRIDGE WIDTH REVIEW: FURTHER TREE ASSESSMENT: know how you think the Georgia f The proposed bridge width was reviewed Greenway should proceed: f An independent Professional Forester completed and it conforms with the objectives specialized testing of the two large Cottonwood f Do you support the development identifjed in the Harewood Neighbourhood trees to provide data about their inner condition. of a Neighbourhood Greenway Plan for a multi-modal bridge. f A detailed risk assessment was completed that including a multi-use bridge over f The designed width also meets concluded both of these trees have decay within their the Chase River and path through recommendations in the City of Nanaimo’s trunks, and both would pose high risk to people using the park? Figure: Tomography set-up Bicycle Facility Design Guidelines which the bridge and the bridge structure itself. f Do you support the removal stipulates that multi-use paths should be a f The Professional Forester also commented that of select trees in order for the minimum of 4.0m wide. the likelihood of failure of these two trees after bridge to be built? f Reducing the bridge width is not in construction of a bridge could be as little as two conformance with the Neighbourhood Plan PLEASE COMPLETE A SURVEY years. and City Design Guidelines . The results of BY MAY 13! f The full re port is available on the project webpage. this new survey will be used to confirm the multi use intent and bridge width designed. Figure: Tomogram of Tree #2 CITY OF NANAIMO T H E H A R B O U R C I T Y Visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/ GeorgiaGreenway for more details


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