wel elcome come

Wel elcome come to the General Membership Meeting In Invocat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wel elcome come to the General Membership Meeting In Invocat ocation ion Nan Nancie cie Froning oning Seventh Day Adventist Church Th The Banquet e Banquet Rev. . Me Meg Dec g Decker er Vice Chair of the Board of Directors

  1. Wel elcome come to the General Membership Meeting

  2. In Invocat ocation ion Nan Nancie cie Froning oning Seventh Day Adventist Church

  3. “ Th The Banquet e Banquet ” Rev. . Me Meg Dec g Decker er Vice Chair of the Board of Directors

  4. Table able Discu Discussi ssion on Rev. . Me Meg Dec g Decker er Vice Chair of the Board of Directors How do you engage the next generation to continue the Interfaith work?

  5. Lio Lions Men ns Mentor Leos or Leos Jacque Saulpaw Housing Program Manager Interfaith Community Services

  6. The Leos Teens Making a Difference in the Lives of Children

  7. Escondido teen lives a life of service… Cady

  8. Su Summ mmer er Cam Camp wit p with The h The Le Leos os Cady is the founding president of the San Diego United Leo Club, a group of 20 kids, ages 13 to 17, who perform at least one community service project each month on behalf of the United Lions Club service organization.

  9. Th The e Le Leos os Of Offer: er:

  10. Contemporary Dance Class and Hip Hop Dance Leos teach dance steps and routines to the kiddos

  11. Gam Games es and and Ar Art

  12. And…

  13. Le Leos teac ach socc ccer both both in indo doors s an and out d outdo doors. s. So muc much fu fun f for th the kid ids! s!

  14. The Leos genuinely want to spend time with the kids. As the kids make new friends they learn to play piano or do an art project… Really a great experience for all involved.

  15. On the last day of Summer Camp the Leos and the kids put on a show for the parents to demonstrate what they had learned over the week. Great turn out and such wonderful participation from all the kids.

  16. $200 Donation to Interfaith

  17. Last Friday the Leos escorted the kids to Walmart to purchase back packs and school supplies. The Leos have plans to host a holiday winter camp for the kids. Youth volunteerism has a positive impact on other children but also the volunteers themselves are able to experience the gift of giving. Giving does not have to be material items… the Leos showed us that learning to dance or play a song on the piano is rewarding, fun and long lasting. THANK YOU LEOS!

  18. Mirj Mirjana ana Rodr odriguez iguez Education & Human Services Coordinator Escondido Education COMPACT

  19. Escondido Education Fulfilling the Mission

  20. Understanding the Problem • In 1998, in response to the growing number of disenfranchised youth, various leaders from the community came together to: 1) Re-engage already disconnected youth 2) Prevent further instances of disconnection • Their solution, the formation of a non-profit devoted to meeting the distinct needs of youth. + City of Escondido + Escondido Union School District + Union High School District + Chamber of Commerce = Es Escondi condido do Ed Educ ucat ation ion COM OMPACT CT

  21. Creating Solutions Mi Mission: sion: To expand the education and career opportunities for youth and assist them in becoming contributing citizens in our community. Escondido Education COM OMPACT CT has since remained committed to providing innovative youth leadership development, youth workforce development, violence prevention and healthy/safety/well-being programs that remain consistent with our original motto:

  22. Our Programs School • Completion Employm oyment nt • Incentives • Me Mentor orin ing • Helping Hands • Program • Y outh Lea eaders rs • Milestones for Cha hange Sponsored • Events Nutrition • • Safe e Routes es to Education / School ool SNAP ED Food Vouchers • Housing •

  23. Youth Leaders For Change

  24. 18 th Annual Job Shadow Day

  25. Project Hero & Building Bridges

  26. Building Bridges – The Solution And And its just the beginning…

  27. For investing in our youth,

  28. How to Reach Us… Escondido Education COMP ACT 220 South Broadway Escondido, CA 92025 760-839-4515 www.educationcompact.org phuerta@educationcompact.org mrodriguez@educationcompact.org www.facebook.com/educationcompact

  29. Ann Announce ouncement ments Rev. . Me Meg Dec g Decker er Vice Chair, Board of Directors Interfaith Community Services

  30. Ann Announce ouncement ments • Veteran’s Programs • Haven House • Shelters • Fairweather Lodges • Recovery & Wellness Center

  31. Ann Announce ouncement ments Mar Mary F y Fer erro Faith Liaison Interfaith Community Services

  32. Ben Benedi edictio ction Yuse usef Mil Mille ler Islamic Society of North County


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