cold chain management WEB2.0 based Software Solution to support a practical implementation of Time Temperature Indicators Verena Raab, Rolf Ibald, Antonia Albrecht, Brigitte Petersen, Judith Kreyenschmidt Monday 27 September 2010 4th International Cold-Chain-Management Workshop Verena Raab / University of Bonn Outline of the presentation cold chain management � Motivation to develop a software to use TTIs in cold chains � Short description of Time Temperature Indicators � Development of a TTI kinetic model that also describes the spoilage of food and what is the basic algorithm for the software � Field trial to validate the TTI kinetic model and the usability of Time Temperature Indicators within cold chains � Presentation of an Internet based software to improve the cold chain management with the use of TTIs Verena Raab / University of Bonn 2
Face the facts of food chains cold chain management M o t i v a t i o n � Continous increase of the consumption of chilled and frozen foods (BVE 2009, Deutsches Tiefkühlinstitut 2009) � Our Industry faces 30% waste from harvest to the consumer while real food prices rose by 64% between 2002 and 2008 (Helms 2010) � Much remains to be done to eradicate the scandal of malnutrition in the context of the globalization of the world (Helms 2010) � Also inefficient cold chain management leads to these facts! Face the facts of cold chains cold chain management M o t i v a t i o n • There are huge temperature variations in transport vehicles which are often not detected • Cold chain interruptions take often place at handover points which are mostly not monitored • Monitored temperature data often differ from the products temperature, since the environmental temperature is measured • Random measurement of the products temperature at the incoming inspection is not always sufficient • The exchange of temperature data over the whole chain is missing, in general no integrated and sufficient systems are implemented � Misinterpretation and lacks of information lead to inefficient management- and operational decisions in various steps of the cold chain
Challenges in the Supply Chain cold chain management M o t i v a t i o n Food Chain � Supply Chain � Cold Chain Processing Storage trans Storage Storage Trans. trans. eat it ? monitoring devices Temperature Plunge TTIs RFID data Thermometers logger Real-time monitoring via Electronic GPS Smart Active data logger Labels Challenges: data handling and -interpretation, information management � find cost effective decisions and decision-supports-tools Verena Raab / University of Bonn 5 A Short Description of a Time Temperature Indicator cold chain management D e s c r I p t I o n o f a TTI Principle of Time Temperature Indicators (TTIs): chemical, physical or enzymatic reactions provide information in dependency of Time and Temperature Example: Response in form of a discoloration (modern TTI) or melting (an ice-cube, glaciers) Time is running.. Inactivated Activated � TTIs provide generally the option to continuously monitor the temperature history along the entire cold chain (Taoukis and Labuza 1989, Fu and Labuza 1992, Alfaro et al. 2009, Vaikousi et al. 2009) � TTIs are able to provide indirectly an indication of the freshness of specific products Verena Raab / University of Bonn 6
Requirements to use TTIs for an effective decision-making cold chain management D e s c r I p t I o n o f a TTI Knowledge about the TTI-kinetic in dependency of Time and Temperature Possibility to adjust the TTI-kinetic to the spoilage of your products Cost-Efficiency Electronic readable and storable TTI-information Fast way to correlate the information of the TTI with product- information Verena Raab / University of Bonn 7 Aim of the study cold chain management The objective of this study was the development of an Internet based software solution integrating a TTI kinetic model as a reliable and easy-to-use tool to support the decision-making within cold supply chains. Verena Raab / University of Bonn 8
Steps to develop a Software cold chain management Development of a TTI kinetic model to describe spoilage of food Validation of the TTI kinetic model within Field Trials Development of the Software Evaluation of the Software with gathered data from field trials Verena Raab / University of Bonn 9 Development of a TTI kinetic model cold chain management D e v e l o p m e n t o f a TTI k I n e t I c m o d e l 400 SV0: 59 SV: 71 Exemplary initial value End of shelf life Discoloration Time [h] 200 SV 57 SV 58 SV 59 SV 60 0 SV 61 SV 62 0 5 10 15 20 Temperature [°C] Kreyenschmidt et al. 2010
TTI-kinetic model cold chain management D e v e l o p m e n t o f a TTI k I n e t I c m o d e l Laboratory Several studies have been conducted during the last years under model isothermal and non-isothermal temperature conditions TTIs Growth of Pseudomonas sp. TTI Poultry 84 11 82 80 10 78 Pseudomonas sp. log 10 [cfu/g] 76 9 74 Temperature: F(X) = SV 72 8 2°C 70 End of shelf life End of shelf life Temperatures: 4°C 68 7 2°C 7°C 66 4°C 10°C 6 64 7°C 10°C 62 5 60 58 4 56 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 3 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 Time [min.] Storage time [h] Kinetic Description of the kinetic behavior by different functions behaviour Development of a TTI kinetic model: Kreyenschmidt et al. (2010) and Raab et al. (not published yet) Validation Validation of the TTI kinetic model cold chain management F I e l d t r I a l t o v a l I d a t e t h e TTI k I n e t I c m o d e l Storage Processing until Butcheries Slaughtering Wholesaler Consigne- end of Cold Docking Packaging ment store station shelf life sale 1 h 2 h 3 h 10 h 4 h 2 h 2 h 0,5 h 168 h 1 2 3 6 7-14 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 14 1 7-14 6 Integration & measuring points: Step in the chain Transport step OnVu TTIs Microbiological sample Information flow Sojourn time x h Temperature logger Verena Raab / University of Bonn Product flow 12
Internet-based software solution cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e Features of the software-solution: The software allows user-friendly simulations of shelf-lives for dedicated products depending on dynamical and adjustable time-temperature-rows It is possible to simulate time and temperature scenarios for real or assumed supply chains When the software is used with TTIs, it allows to monitor the cold chain, to estimate remaining shelf life and so e.g. a storage optimization or to rate prices Software can be adjusted to different products, to different supply-chains and gives automated action alternatives Since the software is programmed with the widely known scripting language php and a mysql-database it is compatible with most servers of commercial internet providers and it can be easily updated and administrated How to use? – Simulate Shelf Life cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e
Simulate Shelf Life - Result cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e Check a very good cold chain ;-) cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e
Check a good cold chain ; - | cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e Just Check a cold chain ; - ( cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e
Estimate remaining shelf life cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e How to use? Remaining shelf life cold chain management P r e s e n t a t I o n o f t h e S o f t w a r e
Conclusions cold chain management C o n c l u s i o n Application in real cold supply chains � The field tests showed the applicability and usefulness of the internet based software solution � Allows an economical integration of the TTIs into temperature monitoring systems � Enhances the possible spectrum of applications by using TTIs together combined with software � Flexible integration according to the structure of international food chains cold chain management Thank you for your attention! Thanks to the co-authors of the presentation and in particular Dr. Rolf Ibald, the inventor of “Bob”. Thanks to all companies and students for supporting the study. The project was partly financed by the EU project (FP6-016333-2). Contact: Verena Raab University of Bonn Working group Cold-Chain-management Verena Raab / University of Bonn
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