Important Health and Safety Procedures for Staff Returning to Campus 1
Focus Areas of Analysis ➢ Promote Healthy Hygiene Practices ➢ Intensify Cleaning, Disinfection and Ventilation ➢ Implement Distancing Inside and Outside the Classroom ➢ Check for Signs and Symptoms of Illness ➢ Report of Positive COVID-19 Exposure 2
Guiding Documents ➢ Yolo County Roadmap to Recovery Reopening Taskforce: Planning Recommendations for 2020- 2021 (YCOE) ➢ Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safe Reopening of CA Schools (CDE) ➢ COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Schools and School- based Programs (CDPH) ➢ COVID-19 K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs (CDC) ➢ COVID-19 Health Services Recovery Plan Resource Guide in Educational Settings (CSNO) 3
Preventing Discrimination ➢ Health information is confidential and only shared with those who need to know to ensure health and safety ➢ Students will not be penalized for missing school due to illness; during DL, students will be encouraged to keep up with school work when quarantined ➢ Employees directed to self-quarantine are encouraged to continue working if possible; staff unable to work due to COVID-19 illness can receive 10 days of additional leave ➢ Staff should contact Personnel Services with questions related to sick leave or to request accommodations 4
Promote Healthy Hygiene Practices 5
Education and Training for Students/Staff General ➢ Video: How Soap Kills the Coronavirus ➢ Video: General Healthy Hygiene Wear a Face Covering ➢ Video: How to Wear, Remove, and Wash a Face Covering ➢ Face Coverings Protect the Community 6
Poster Education for Sites Posted in Classrooms, Restrooms, Front Office, and Health Office ➢ Stop the Spread of Germs (English) (Spanish) Posted in Classrooms and Restrooms ➢ Wash Your Hands (English) (Spanish) Posted in Front Office and Health Office ➢ How to Wear a Medical Mask Safely ➢ How to Safely Wear and Take Off a Face Covering 7
Face Covering per CDPH Guidelines for all students/staff/visitors ➢ Covers nose & mouth, is secured with ties/straps or wraps around lower face to cover the chin ➢ May not have a one-way valve ➢ Is worn at all times indoors in common areas ➢ Is worn outdoors if less than 6 feet apart ➢ Can be removed if eating/exercising when 6 feet apart ➢ Exempt persons and students in preschool-grade 2 will wear face shield with drape on the bottom edge ➢ Staff working with students on language acquisition can wear clear face covering during short periods of instruction ➢ Staff follow PPE policy consistent with job responsibilities ➢ DJUSD will provide face coverings as needed 8
Frequent Hand Washing Required ➢ Wash hands with soap and water (warm or cold), rub thoroughly for 20 seconds, use paper towels to dry hands thoroughly (sing Happy Birthday twice) ➢ Use fragrance-free hand sanitizer when handwashing is not practicable (rub sanitizer into hands until dry) ➢ Must wash hands with soap and water after using the restroom, before eating, and when hands are visibly dirty ➢ Wash hands at home before going to a DJUSD site and after returning home 9
Intensify Cleaning, Disinfection and Ventilation 10
Schoolwide Measures During Distance Learning Period ➢ Signage to remind need for face covering, 6 feet distance, frequent handwashing ➢ Plexiglass barrier at office front desk & library counter ➢ Staff to use classroom sinks and hydration stations with personal water bottles ➢ Hand sanitizer provided in classrooms, MPR, gyms, work areas, and offices ➢ Staff on campus can be trained in the use of district approved disinfectant if they so desire ➢ Cover classroom materials that are not being used to prevent exposure and to aid in cleaning 11
Cleaning Measures ➢ Front office and bathrooms cleaned daily ➢ Monitor restrooms during day to replace supplies ➢ Classrooms that are being used will be disinfected daily ➢ Disinfecting must include “high touch” points Light switches, doorknobs, handles ○ Desks and tables (that are being used) ○ Counter tops ○ Dispensers, faucets, sinks ○ Toilets ○ ➢ MERV 8 HVAC filters replaced with MERV 13 filters as recommended in UCD air quality study 12
Implementing Social Distancing Inside and Outside the Classroom 13
Limit Sharing & Maintain Social Distance ➢ Follow Dos & Don’ts of Sharing ➢ Staff will not share food ➢ Staff will not congregate in break room/work room and must maintain 6 feet apart at all times and will wear a mask when in the presence of others ➢ All meetings will be done virtually ➢ Students given their own supplies (pens, crayons, pencils, paper, manipulatives, etc.) ➢ Student work turned in electronically when possible 14
Check for Signs and Symptoms of Illness 15
Symptoms English and Spanish 16
Screening for Illness ➢ Screening guidelines for illness provided to all staff and must be done daily before coming on campus Video: Daily Self-Screen for COVID-19 ○ Handout: How to Accurately Take a Temperature ○ Handout: COVID-19 vs. Allergies vs. Common ○ Respiratory Virus ➢ Guidelines based on local, state, and national health orders and guidance and are subject to change ➢ Staff who are sick are expected to stay home 17
Staff Exhibits Symptoms ➢ Staff can assess their symptoms using the COVID- 19 Screening Flowchart ➢ Sick persons are to remove themselves from the work environment immediately and should alert their supervisor or school administrator if they need help getting home or to a medical provider. ➢ School nurse will contact staff member to discuss symptoms and encourage contact with healthcare provider for possible COVID-19 testing 18
Report of Positive COVID-19 Exposure 19
COVID-19 Testing ➢ Respiratory swab only determines current infection ➢ Testing available through personal health provider or Yolo County testing options found here ➢ Person must self-isolate until test results are known ➢ Person with positive test must receive clearance from health care provider to return to work ➢ Testing results reported to the principal, school nurse, or employee’s supervisor. They will contact: Assoc. Sup. Laura Juanitas ( ○ who assists YCPH with contact tracing In consultation with YCPH, District Office will notify ○ staff/students/families of possible exposure 20
Staff Reports Close Contact with Positive COVID-19 Case Report exposure to principal, school nurse, or supervisor: ⮚ Person sent home to self-quarantine for 14 days from last exposure ⮚ If person was in a school/work space for a significant time on the day of notification, the spaces will be closed for 24 hours to enable thorough disinfection ⮚ Other staff in contact with person can remain at school ⮚ Person who reported contact will be encouraged to contact health care provider or YCPH to arrange testing as soon as possible 21
Staff Reports Close Contact with Positive COVID-19 Case (continued) ➢ Testing will not shorten the 14-day quarantine period ➢ The principal, school nurse, or supervisor gathers details of positive contact and notifies Associate Superintendent Laura Juanitas who will assist YCPH with contact tracing. ➢ In consultation with YCPH, District Office will notify staff/ students/families of possible exposure For additional information see COVID-19 Possible Exposure Screening Flowchart 22
Questions? ➢ For health and safety questions contact: Associate Superintendent Laura Juanitas ➢ For personnel or sick leave questions contact: Director Personnel Services Derek Brothers 23
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