W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
Doja Developments Company that Invests, Development and Markets in real estates projects in The New Capital. WHO ARE WE W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
O U R STRATEGY Doja developments is focused on providing development implementation services to real estate, corporate and institutional clients. Our strategic advantage is derived from an entrepreneurial corporate structure that delivers best-of-class services and a broad diversity of project experience with low overhead costs. This experience and efficiency allows Doja developments to respond to changing market conditions and implement developments across a wide range of product types and scale, quickly and effectively. W W W . D O J A R E A L E S T A T E . C O M
The New Capital is built on new urban standards with high infrastructure. It succeeded to combine the seamless blend of class and convenience through having all the essential facilities such as; international airport, 2000 educational institutions, theme parks, artificial lakes and the new major central park. AUROR ORA T H E N E W CAPITAL W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
“ It is a brilliant chance to have the capact to outline something without any preparation, and to plan it remembering the requirements of the Egyptian individuals and the Egyptian government” said the Egyptian Minister of Housing Dr.Mostafa Madbouly. The broad ascent of the Egyptian populace has made an unique setuationable need of another place to welcome the Egyptians to constructan other future which they deserve by remperance of the greater Cairo’s populace is set to develop from 18 million individuals to 40 million individuals by 2050. AUROR ORA W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
completed zone advantages. It is a prime location on the main axis tying Suez Road to the Green River area New Capital with a total population of 50.000 with up to 45% of construction and R3 residential areas, which are considered the very first residential areas in the Located in one of the most important and premium commercial areas between R2 Close to Mohamed Ben Zayed northern axis as well as the Green River area Close to the Smart Village and the knowledge village Close to the central business district The area is located only 5 minutes away from the 5th settlement, New Cairo It is also at a 5-minute drive from Suez Road THE LOCATION DOJA DEVELOPMENT • AUROR ORA • • • • •
Capital between 50.000 under construction units New Capital from Suez Road consists of Business Complex Malls ONLY AUR URORA ORA • It will be the first operating Commercial district in New • The safest investment opportunity in new capital as it located • Very high traffic as it is considered as the first entrance of • It is considered the DOWN TOWN of New Capital as it W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
D E V E L O P M E N T T O W E R B U I L D I N G S AU RO R A W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
M E D I C A L AU RO R A W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
A D M I N I S T R A T I V E AU RO R A W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
C O M M E R C I A L AU RO R A W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
A U R O R A T O W E R F I T N E S S G Y M AU RO R A W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
A U R O R A T O W E R G A R A G E & P A R K I N G AU RO R A W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
A U R O R A T O W E R S A F E T Y & S E C U R I T Y AU RO R A W W W . D O J A D E V E L O P M E N T S . C O M
Enhancing architectural awareness within ground .....all as a urban wall to the plaza void and its out of the box thinkers. WE DO THINGS and entrepreneurship. We encourage new ideas and We believe in structure but insist on free thinking Raef Fahmi of the Northern sky ... design concept .......as aurora shines amidst the night its relation with the context ....was an inspiration to the ...inviting yet engulfing its users ....this unique site and space flowing from and into the streets around it white satin aluminum diamond of light in the fore Egypt and the Middle East by encompassing ..dark tinted glass in the back drop ...engulfing the inspired by this balance between the carbon black against anti-matter .....yin yang .........the design was balance of duality ....light against darkness ....matter Aurora ....the northern lights ....the ultimate universal A letter from the architect ...... modern workable architecture. region and re-interpreting that history in a the endless richness and diversity of the DIFFERENTLY.
Head office: New Cairo, Cairo Business Plaza 5 settlement, North 90st. w w w . d o j a d e v e l o p m e n t s . c o m – Iris Apfel W W W . M I L A N I O V A . C O M
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