Vuln lnerable Road User Protection through In Intuit itive Vis isual l Cue on Smartphones Taeho Kim, Wongoo Han, Hyogon Kim, Yongtae Park Division of Computer and Communications Engineering Korea University CarSys 2017 October 20 2017, Utah, USA
Outline • What are vulnerable road users ? • Dangerous pedestrian situation • Current VRU protection • Our proposal • Solution approach: Intuitive Visual Cue on Smartphones • Platform (Hardware, Software) • Visual cue application • Prototype • Conclusion 2 / 16
What are vulnerable road users ? • Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) • are defined in the ITS Directive as " non-motorised road users , such as pedestrians and cyclists as well as motor-cyclists and persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and orientation" [1] [1] NTSA Kenya ( 3 / 16
Dangerous pedestrian situation • Focus on the pedestrians which are more distracted people • Almost 20% of pedestrians use their phones crossing the street [2] • They are unlikely to recognize coming vehicles [2] DEKRA Industrial. Pedestrians Crossing Streets: Distraction by Smartphone poses risks. Press Release, April 2016. 4 / 16
Current VRU protection • In Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) Communication, vehicles mainly take the responsibility for VRU protection • User devices are essentially beacons that transmit PSMs • Upon receiving PSMs, the drivers (or autonomous vehicles) take necessary measures to protect VRUs (ex. avoidance, braking) • However, the drivers cannot guarantee to handle the dangerous situation safely PSM Personal Safety Message (PSM) A message including safety data regarding the kinematic state of various types of VRUs 5 / 16
Our proposal • Vulnerable Road Users protect themselves from vehicles ! • VRUs also could use the information about nearby vehicles • Our prototype presents the exact movements of the nearby vehicles on the edges of the smartphone screen based on BSMs BSM Basic Safety Message (BSM): A message including safety data regarding a vehicle state 6 / 16
Solution approach • Solution: Present intuitive visual cues for the movements of nearby vehicles on the edges of a VRU’s smartphone screen 1. Hardware and Software platforms • To build the prototype based on the WAVE standard framework, which received BSM 2. Visual cue-based VRU protection scheme • Not to spoil the user experience (UX) and cause the user to turn off the software Using other app regardless of visual cue Visual cue on the edge of the smartphone 7 / 16
Platform - hardware • A plug-in module for Android smartphones, which operates in the DSRC band • Focusing on the VRU side application that utilizes the BSMs heard from the neighboring vehicles 8 / 16
Platform - software • The software on the smartphone handles the IEEE 802.11p MAC frames (1) Fetches a frame from the connected DSRC module (2) Checks the MAC frame and extracts the WSMP packet (3) Demultiplexes the WSMP header, and obtains the BSM from the frame (4) Extracts the information of the vehicle 9 / 16
Visual Cue-Based VRU Protection scheme • How to present dangerous situation uninterruptedly • Notifying potential collision risks by using visual cues • Calculating the position of blob and color-coding the blob using information from the BSM and the smartphone • Running in the background not to interfere using other applications 10 / 16
Visual Cue-Based VRU Protection: Calculating the position of blob • Required data • 𝑧𝑏𝑥 𝜄 , 𝑞𝑗𝑢𝑑ℎ 𝜚 , and 𝑠𝑝𝑚𝑚(𝜔) of the phone for attitude estimation • GPS coordinate from the smartphone and BSM < BSM > Part Ι , Sent at all times with each message msgCnt MsgCount, id TemporaryID, secMark Dsecond, lat Latitude, long Longitude , Speed Speed, Heading Heading, … . Part ΙΙ , Content … 11 / 16
Visual Cue-Based VRU Protection: Calculating the position of blob • Computing where to present the visual cue • First, let the plane that is parallel to the road surface be 𝛽 (𝛽) and then account for the 𝑧𝑏𝑥 𝜄 and 𝜄 𝑙 to obtain 𝜄 𝐷,𝑙 (𝛽) = 𝜄 𝑙 + 𝜄 % 2𝜌 𝜄 𝐷,𝑙 • Second, deal with 𝑒 𝐷, 𝑙 , the 𝑞𝑗𝑢𝑑ℎ 𝜚 , and obtain (𝑦 𝑙 , 𝑧 𝑙 ) (𝛾) (𝛽) 𝜄 𝐷,𝑙 (𝛾) = 𝑒 𝐷, 𝑙 𝑑𝑝𝑡𝜄 𝐷, 𝑙 (𝛾) = 𝑒 𝐷, 𝑙 𝑡𝑗𝑜𝜄 𝐷, 𝑙 (𝛽) 𝑑𝑝𝑡𝜚 (𝛽) , 𝑧 𝑙 𝑦 𝑙 • Third, consider the 𝑠𝑝𝑚𝑚 𝜔 and obtain (𝑦 𝑙 , 𝑧 𝑙 ) (𝛿) (𝛿) = 𝑦 𝑙 (𝛿) = 𝑧 𝑙 (𝛾) 𝑑𝑝𝑡𝜔 , 𝑧 𝑙 (𝛾) 𝑦 𝑙 (𝛿) 𝑦 𝑙 • Lastly, the angle 𝜄 𝐷, 𝑙 = 𝑑𝑝𝑡 −1 ( (𝛿) 2 ) and obtain ( 𝑦 𝑙 , 𝑧 𝑙 ) (𝛿) 2 𝑦 𝑙 + 𝑧 𝑙 • 𝑒 𝐷, 𝑙 : the distance from C to the vehicle k • 𝜄 𝑙 : the angle between the East and the line segment 𝐷𝑙 12 / 16
Visual Cue-Based VRU Protection: Color-code the visual cue • To provide the user with additional visual information for risk assessment • Considerations: distance and speed • The braking response times of drivers: over 2 seconds in the worst case [3] → Safety buffer: 3 seconds → Warning buffer: 2 × safety buffer • Incoming vehicle within the safety buffer : RED Incoming vehicle within the warning buffer : YELLOW The other cases : GREEN [3] N. Broen and D. Chiang. Braking Response Times for 100 Drivers in the Avoidance of an Unexpected Obstacle as Measured in a Driving Simulator. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 40:900 – 904, October 1996. 13 / 16
Prototype and demo 14 / 16
Conclusion • WAVE technology can be harnessed by smartphones to help VRUs • By using only visual cues on the edges, it can avoid ruining the user experience • Our prototype can be easily applied to other WAVE applications 15 / 16
Thank you! Any questions? Yongtae Park Ph. D. in Computer and Communications Engineering Korea University 16 / 16
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Background – BSM, PSM, VRU • Basic Safety Message (BSM) • To exchange safety data regarding a vehicle state • Personal Safety Message (PSM) • To broadcast safety data regarding the kinematic state of various types of VRUs • Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) • Pedestrians , pedal cyclists, public safety workers, and animals A1
Background – WAVE, WSMP, DSRC • Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) • The architecture and standardizes set of services and interfaces that enable secure wireless communication and physical access for high speed, short range • WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP) • A WAVE network layer unique protocol to support high priority and time sensitive communication • Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) • One-way or two-way short-range to medium-range wireless communication channels A2
GPS accuracy upgrade • GPS is being upgraded so that much higher precision may be achieved by civilian devices in future[4] • The new civil signals are phasing in incrementally as the Air Force launches new GPS satellites to replace older ones. Most of the new signals will be of limited use until they are broadcast from 18 to 24 satellites. • Second Civil Signal: L2C designed specifically to meet commercial needs • Broadcasting from 19 GPS satellites (as of August 25, 2017) • Available on 24 GPS satellites ~ 2021 • Third Civil Signal: L5 designed to meet demanding requirements for safety of-life transportation and other high-performance applications • Broadcasting from 12 GPS satellites (as of August 25, 2017) • Available on 24 GPS satellites ~ 2024 • Fourth Civil Signal: L1C designed to enable interoperability between GPS and international satellite navigation systems • Begins launching in 2018 with GPS III as of May 2017) • Available on 24 GPS satellites in late 2020s [4] New Civil Signals. A3
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