sharing european road pricing research good practice

Sharing European Road Pricing Research & Good Practice CURACAO: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Sharing European Road Pricing Research & Good Practice CURACAO: Coordination of urban road- user charging organisational issues Financed under the

  1. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Sharing European Road Pricing Research & Good Practice CURACAO: Coordination of urban road- user charging organisational issues Financed under the 6th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development

  2. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Project overview (1): � Continues work of CUPID and PRoGRESS projects � 15 consortium partners (5 cities, 10 expert partners) � Coordinated by Transport &Travel Research Ltd � 3 year duration commencing April 2006

  3. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Project overview (2): � Research, best practice monitoring and coordination action (no demonstrations) � Objective: to coordinate research and monitor the results of the implementation of road user charging as a demand management tool in urban areas

  4. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Project approach: � What barriers are stopping cities moving forward with road pricing implementation? � What support do cities need in order to overcome these barriers?

  5. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Identifying barriers to road pricing: � User Needs Assessment conducted for 22 European cities in July 2006 � Top 3 barriers: � Low public acceptability � Lack of a political champion � Difficulty in planning/managing such a large project

  6. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Overcoming barriers through: � Annual reports on the State-of-the-Art � Lessons learned from cities with road pricing experience: � Bristol, London, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm, The Hague � Other cities � Working with a User Group of 20 interested cities � Twice-yearly User Group workshops � Publication of policy guidelines � Wide range of dissemination activities

  7. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues State-of-the-Art Review: � 100 pages of expert opinion on: � Policy objectives � Scheme design � Acceptability � Economy and Equity issues � Transferability � Prediction, Appraisal and Evaluation � Second report published Spring 2008 � Technology, Environment and Business Models � Final report due early 2009

  8. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Case Studies: � Pull together facts and figures from cities with road pricing experience into a single resource: � Bristol, London, Oslo, Rome, Stockholm, The Hague � Other cities – Bologna, Durham, Manchester, Milan � Products: � Online Database � Guiding Presentation � Available early 2009

  9. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues User clicks on theme

  10. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues User clicks on city

  11. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues

  12. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues CURACAO User Group: � 20 interested cities/regions from across Europe � First User Group event held London, Mar 07 � Presentation and site visit hosted by Transport for London � Day seminar covering scheme design, acceptability and the integration of these themes � Second User Group event held Stockholm, Sep 07 � Presentation of Stockholm trial results + site visit � Third User Group event held Amsterdam, Feb 08 � Day seminar covering technology and business systems � Future meetings in Berlin, Barcelona and Italy (tbc)

  13. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues

  14. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Policy advice: EC Green Paper � Published September 2007 � ‘Towards a new culture for urban mobility’ � The issues � Reduce congestion � Lower emissions � Encourage smarter, safer, more secure and more accessible urban transport � Invites responses to 25 questions, incl. urban RUC � CURACAO responded on behalf of User Group

  15. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Is there a need for a general framework and/or guidance for RUC? � Acceptability remains the principal concern. � Acceptability is mainly based upon personal outcome expectations, which are typically negative and decline further as a scheme proposal becomes more concrete. � The roles of complementary policy instruments and the intended use of road pricing revenue, e.g. for investments in public transport and reallocating road space to non-car modes, are critical.

  16. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues What could be the potential role of the EU? � EU can help to overcome barriers by: � Publishing guidance based on CURACAO work � Giving financial support to cities to finance feasibility studies of schemes with an RUC element (e.g. UK TIF) � Supporting demonstration projects � Supporting educational schemes and toolkits � Supporting research into interoperability

  17. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Dissemination activities: � Twice-yearly CURACAO newsletter � Project website: � Meetings with government: � City, regional and national levels � Presentations: � National and international conferences � Articles: � Academic journals and trade magazines

  18. Coordination of urban road-user charging organisational issues Further information: Project website: Project email: Project office: +44 (0)117 907 6520


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