6/9/16 Dynamic Presentation Mediums � “ � It’s a new, Visual World… “ Visual communication or multimedia literacy, should be an integral part of teaching ” and learning in schools. - George Lucas le provides access to the world’s information in one -Google Sergey Brin and Larry Page 1
6/9/16 Please Subscribe “Starbucks creates a third place between work and home.” -Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz 1. Create the story 2. Deliver the Experience 3. Package the Commit to Hands On Training material Take the time to practice Review the Video with someone else first Presentation Tips � A really boring PowerPoint Slide 2
6/9/16 Deliver the Experience “Channel the Inner Zen” “Dress Up Your Numbers” “Reveal a ‘Holy shit’ Moment” Numbers Analogy Video “ ” 3 Visual The single most important thing you can do to dramatically improve your presentations is to Auditory have a story to tell before you work on your PowerPoint File. Kinesthetic - Beyond Bullet Points Writing Sketching Producing Presentation Elements � Three Key Messages Passion Statement Partner Showcase Demonstrations Video Clips Headline Props Passion Statement 3
6/9/16 Nancy Duarte: The Secret Structure of Great Talks 6x6 Design for your last row Type Type has It can both an 10 / 40 Rule beautiful as it aesthetic is useful. quality and function 4
6/9/16 Baskerville Type, Best Practices… � Futura 1. Look at the design of the typeface itself. Garamond 2. Do other elements in the slide make the type harder to read? Gil Sans 3. Is there simply too much text for one slide? Helvetica 4. Type display in too many colors. Serifs Vs. 10 Minute Rule Sans Serif Unusual placement Placing text on from time to time images adds dynamic dimension 5
6/9/16 “ “ It is better to present an explanation in When the brain is allowed to build two mental words and pictures representations of an explanation - a verbal than solely words model and a visual model-the mental ” ” alone. connections are that much stronger. - A Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning “Say it, then show it,” rather than “Show it, then say it.” None of the greatest speakers throughout history used PowerPoint. Do not Read Do not look your presentation at the screen 6
6/9/16 Do not tell Handouts jokes are not …ever! your presentation Do not stroll Pace the presentation or fidget smoothly & evenly Resources Check • Presentation zen Design: A Simple, visual approach to presentation in today’s world. � equipment • The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs � or use your own • slideshare.net � computer & projector • carminegallo.com � • slide:ology � 7
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