vision network session 1 february 7 2019 dinner get to

Vision Network Session 1 February 7, 2019 Dinner & Get to - PDF document

2/8/2019 Vision Network Session 1 February 7, 2019 Dinner & Get to Know Those at Your Table 1 2/8/2019 Vision Network Session 1 February 7, 2019 LCCC District Board of Trustees Ben Fligner, Chairman Sanford Washington,

  1. 2/8/2019 Vision Network Session 1 February 7, 2019 Dinner & Get to Know Those at Your Table 1

  2. 2/8/2019 Vision Network Session 1 February 7, 2019 LCCC District Board of Trustees • Ben Fligner, Chairman • Sanford Washington, Vice Chairman • Kevin Flanigan • Teresa D. Gardner • Terry Goode • Don Ortner • Margarita Quinones • Michael Sherman • Thomas Smith 2

  3. 2/8/2019 VIDEO Where do you live? A. Avon or Avon Lake B. Elyria or Lorain C. Grafton or LaGrange D. North Ridgeville E. Oberlin or Wellington F. Sheffield Lake or Sheffield Village G. Amherst or Vermilion H. Townships I. Outside of Lorain County 3

  4. 2/8/2019 Where do you work? A. Avon or Avon Lake B. Elyria or Lorain C. Grafton or LaGrange D. North Ridgeville E. Oberlin or Wellington F. Sheffield Lake or Sheffield Village G. Amherst or Vermilion H. Township I. Outside of Lorain County What sector do you represent best? A. Education B. Government C. Business D. Industry/Manufacturing E. Non-Profit F. Community-at-Large G. Other 4

  5. 2/8/2019 Which best describes your connection to LCCC? A. Student B. Graduate of LCCC or University Partnership C. I’ve Taken a Class or Classes at LCCC or University Partnership D. Frequent Visitor/User of LCCC Resources E. Administrator/Faculty/Staff F. Serve on a College Board or Advisory Board G. Community Partner How do you prefer to communicate/receive information? A. Social Media B. Text C. Email D. Snail Mail E. Phone F. Face-to-Face 5

  6. 2/8/2019 To which generation do you belong? A. Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials (Born 1995 and after) B. Millennials or Gen Y (Born 1980 – 1994) C. Generation X (Born 1965 – 1979) D. Baby Boomers (Born 1946 – 1964) E. Traditionalists or Silent Generation (Born 1945 and before) Commitment to Community Engagement 6

  7. 2/8/2019 Commitment to Community Engagement LCCC Visioning Process Early 2019 Spring 2019 Summer to Fall 2019 Sept. – Dec. 2018 Sharing/Acting Path to New Adopt New Strategic Plan Environmental Scan Designing the Plan LCCC Strategic • Plan Listening and LCCC District Board Learning Sessions Sharing the Plan Internally and Externally Vision Network • Literature Review of Trustees • April 2019 Data Analysis External Listening and Learning Sessions Internal Listening and Learning Sessions • • 50+ sessions 30 sessions • • 500+ participants 1,150+ participants • • Adjunct & full-time Faculty Active community members • • Part-time & full-time Staff 25+ Community venues • Students • 42+ hours of conversation • 4 campus sites Share the Process #lcccfutureready #lcccvision This plan isn’t just about Lorain County Community College. It’s about our community and those we serve. It’s about how Lorain County Community College can create a better future for our community. 7

  8. 2/8/2019 Objectives for This Evening Session 1: Global, Long-term View 1. Begin to Create a Shared, Preferred Future for Our Community. 2. Understand the global Drivers and Megatrends that may help, challenge or redirect us in working toward that future. 8

  9. 2/8/2019 We are the community’s college. We are trusted by the community to educate, lead and inspire. We create a better, more sustainable future for our community. 9

  10. 2/8/2019 This century is best described as the era of uncertainty. Strategic Foresight a capacity that organizations on every level of society should develop to distinguish important signals from noise and to prepare for uncertainty and disruption. 10

  11. 2/8/2019 Strategic Foresight a capacity that organizations on every level of society should develop to distinguish important signals from noise and to prepare for uncertainty and disruption. Imagine ahead and plan backwards. Imagining a Preferred Future for our Community 11

  12. 2/8/2019 If you can dream it, you can do it. ~ Walt Disney 12

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  16. 2/8/2019 Creating Our Shared, Preferred Future for Our Community Look out 10 to 20 years: If you could paint the brightest, most prosperous future for our community, for our citizens, what would it look like? Part Two: Future Drivers and Megatrends that Ready may Impact the Path to Our Shared, Preferred Future 16

  17. 2/8/2019 Strategic Foresight a capacity that organizations on every level of society should develop to distinguish important signals from noise and to prepare for uncertainty and disruption. 17

  18. 2/8/2019 2040 2000 Drivers and Mega Trends of the Future Select Set – Not Exhaustive 1. The 3 A’s: Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality 2. Digital Transformation: Cloud, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Big Data 3. Internet of Things 4. Competition for Talent, Digital Worker 5. Future Proof Skills; Learning Mindset 6. Next-Gen Workforce & Jobs 7. Rise of New Economies – Sharing, Gig, Maker, What’s Next? 8. Demographic Shifts (Diversity, Economic Mobility) 18

  19. 2/8/2019 #1 The 3 A’s: Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) #1 The 3 A’s: Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) Bureau of Labor Statistics 19

  20. 2/8/2019 #1 The 3 A’s: Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) The Great Debate Headline: “AI and Robotics to Create 60 Million More Jobs Than They Eliminate by 2022: WEF Study” Headline: Robots will not lead to fewer jobs – but the hollowing out of the middle class What is the probability that Automation, AI, and AR will scale and what level of impact would it have on our community’s future? A. Low Impact, Low Probability B. High Impact, Low Probability C. High Probability, Low Impact D. High Impact, High Probability 20

  21. 2/8/2019 #2 Digital Transformation: Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Cyber Security Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. #2 Digital Transformation: Blockchain, Cloud Computing. Big Data, Cyber Security Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. 21

  22. 2/8/2019 #2 Digital Transformation: Blockchain, Cloud Computing. Big Data, Cyber Security #2 Digital Transformation: Blockchain, Cloud Computing. Big Data, Cyber Security 22

  23. 2/8/2019 What is the probability that Digital Transformation will scale and what level of impact will it have on our community? A. Low Impact, Low Probability B. High Impact, Low Probability C. High Probability, Low Impact D. High Impact, High Probability #3 Internet of Things 23

  24. 2/8/2019 #3 Bringing it all Together: Internet of Things Video: The Internet of Things: What’s the Big Deal? Futurist: Gerd Leonhard (May 2018) What is the probability that Internet of Things will scale and what level of impact will it have on our community? A. Low Impact, Low Probability B. High Impact, Low Probability C. High Probability, Low Impact D. High Impact, High Probability 24

  25. 2/8/2019 #4 Competition for Talent; Digital Worker #4 Competition for Talent; Digital Worker Georgetown University; Center on Education and the Workforce 25

  26. 2/8/2019 #4 Competition for Talent; Digital Worker #4 Competition for Talent; Digital Worker Disrupting the Trades: HIGH TECH SKILLS How Technology Is IN DEMAND IN AGRICULTURE Transforming The Future Of The Plumbing, Electric The demand for software engineers and data scientists shows no sign of decline. But the opportunities are not And HVAC Industries limited to the latest social-networking startup, gaming company, or self-driving cars. By building advanced Products like the Nest thermostat and smart home software, analyzing data, and investing in startups, the systems make it easy to see how technology has leaders of modern agriculture are using advanced changed the residential services industry. Electricians technology to give back to the planet. and HVAC technicians are servicing equipment that didn’t exist in homes even five years ago! Plumbers make up a part of the trades, as well. Has technology made dramatic changes in what they do, too? 26

  27. 2/8/2019 #4 Competition for Talent; Digital Worker By 2030, the global talent shortage could reach 85.2 million people—costing companies $8.5 trillion in unrealized opportunity. Korn Ferry Institute What is the probability that the Competition for Talent and the demand for Digital Worker will scale and what level of impact will it have on our community? A. Low Impact, Low Probability B. High Impact, Low Probability C. High Probability, Low Impact D. High Impact, High Probability 27

  28. 2/8/2019 #5 Future Proof Skills; Learning Mindset In 1984 , Half-life of a learned skill was 30 years #5 Future Proof Skills; Learning Mindset Joseph Fuller Professor of Management Practice and Director, Managing the Future of Work Project, Harvard Business School 28


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