Comune di Fano VA����KO��� 21-25 MA� 2018 Mil����ne 1: NE��� �N� E�P����TI��� OF ���T��E�S
247 The Municipality of Fano with Mediateca Montanari collected data through: qu����on����es 1. A questionnaire. The answers to the questionnaire have co���c��� been collected paper base, via newsletter and via facebook 6-18 March, 2018 1 2. A focus group with local fo��� g��u� organizations to discuss open questions 30 March, 2018
Who ���l�e� �� t�� �u�s��o�n���e 62,3% female 37,7% male 47,8% age 41-60 24,7% age 26-40 23,5% age 60+ 4% age 16-25 95,1% Italian
53,4% degree 53,4% employed 35,6% high school diploma 18,2% retired 9,3% lower secondary education 15,8% unemployed 1,6% primary education 4% student
Do y�� �o �� l���ar���? Do y�� u�� � �er����l �o�p����? *Mainly to get information (Wikipedia, newspapers…) and to communicate (e-mail and social). Only 17,8% use e-learning platforms.
Did ��� a�t��� � co���� in ��� l��� t��e� y�a��?
The ����se ��� �av� ���en��� w�� o�g����ed ��: * *University, school, work, coworking, e-learning...
Wh� �id ��� �ot ����n� a ���r�e �� t�� �as� �h�e� ye���?
Whe� ���l� �o� p���er ����n�i�g � ��u�s�?
Whi�� t��e �f ���in��� d� �o� �r��e�?
Whi�� t����s a�� ��u �n���es��� �n a�� w���� yo� ���e t� ���e �n ���s�? social Literature
Wo�l� ��u b� ���er����d �o �h��� �o�r ���w�e�g� ��� te��� or �� � �ut�� ��ur���f?
Wha� ���l� �o� l��e �� t�a��? HI���R� ��D ��IL����H� DE���N �� �RE�� FA���C� KI��H�� PA��R� �AK��� LI��� M��H A�� �R� K�I�T���-SE���G T�E ��S���E�R���E �F ��E�� �N TE���C���A AR� LA� PO����C� HE���H P��C�O��G� P�O��G���H� C��IS����IT� EN����N�E�T�� ��UC���O� IT���A� CI���� C�I��S� ME����TI�� S�I��T��I� �N� ��OL����AL MU��� JO����LI��, FA�� ��W�, S�O�T DI���P���ES RO����AN IT���A� F�� ��RE����R� PO���H GE����OG� FO�� �C�E���, CO���T��O�Y, T�E���R GE���N SO���� ME��� �O�R���-EC����Y C�E��S��Y CO���T�� MA����ME�� �F ���PO���� HI���G ��� T�E�K��� CA� ��S��� IN���M��I�� (fo� �m��� �n� me����-si��� c���an���) - IT se����t� an� ��c� ��re...
Ana��s�� �� fo��� The focus group was the hardest part of the costumer panel as the g�o�� d��a topic of “lifelong learning” was not very well known. In fact not all the participants seemed to have a clear understanding of the word even if the participants were representatives of local associations who know the library. They use to work with people in disadvantaged positions (immigrants, refugees, old people, unemployed people and women).
Is�u�� The participants have some problems with elderly in involving them in activities to raise cultural level and with people in critical situations (women, unemployed people and immigrants) who don’t want to spend time in training because they want to find a job immediately. The attendees agree about the fundamental role of libraries in training but there is a need for a common coordination to improve training initiatives on the territory.
Wha� ��l�e ���� L�� ha�� ��t� a� in����du��� �n� a� �n ���oc���i��? Curiosity Integration A tool to improve the relationships with others
Pro����l� �or ��� f��u�� Involvement of mothers through their children (Mothers, especially immigrants one, are isolated and it is almost impossible to involve them) Advanced courses of italian language would be needed Training with law enforcement on security is a topic of interest for the elderly A nutrition training especially for the elderly works a lot
679BB4 #84b4b1
Qu�s��o�n���e �. 2 - Rur�� ��e� Training 2000 together with Biblioteche Cometa collected 65 responses in rural areas. 73,8% female ❖ 26,2% male ❖ 98,5% Italians AGE Main age group 41- 60 years old (47,7%) - 16-25 - 26- 40 - 41-60 - 60+
Edu����on L���� 95,4% attend libraries ❖ 9,2% Lower secondary education 90,5% use internet ❖ 49,2% High school Main use of internet = to gather information and diploma communicate 41,5% Degree Em��oy���t ���tu� Students Unemployed Employed Retirees Housewives Poets
47,7% attended a course in the last 3 years about… Not attending a course in the last 3 years was due to… ❖ lack of time too expensive ❖ ❖ too long distance to attend the course uninteresting subjects ❖ ❖ uncomfortable schedules These courses were organized mainly by associations (44,8%) and training centres (31%).
Par����pa��s ����d a���n� � �o�r�� i�... it were organized in a library and near the area participants live; ❖ ❖ it would match participants’ interests; it would foster socialization; ❖ ❖ it would improve personal competences; it would be useful for work purpose and stimulating; ❖ ❖ it would coincide with personal schedules; it would be addressed to both youngers and adults; ❖ ❖ it would be cheap or free; it would be useful for employment. ❖� �� �t �e��… in the morning (19,7%) in the afternoon (42,6%) in the evening ( 44,3% ) in the week end (11,5%)
The ��p� �� �o�r�� �re���r�� �y �e�p����n�� is… Traditional face to face classes with distribution of printed materials (75,4%)
The ���j���s �a�t����an�� �r� i���r���ed �� ��e...
Mos� �� t�� �ar����pa��s ���� no� ��t��e�t�� �� te����n� a�d ����g a tu��� (66,1%) , bu� �h� ��� in����s�e� �n ��, wo��� t�a��...
Par����pa��s’ ti�� ● To disseminate history and culture, to promote ● The Municipality of Fano is a point of reference reading books for children, to reduce the use of on the coast for the municipalities of two valleys: smartphone and internet; it should seek more forms of collaboration with ● Firstly, to carry out a needs analysis, to organize other municipalities. Culture is the first sector the duration of the courses, to avoid to prolong from which to start; them too much in time, to check the objectives at ● To make courses suitable for everyone, simple, the end; useful and educational; ● To keep libraries open for a longer period of time ● To organize traditional face to face courses; on the week-end, e.g. in the evening, to improve ● To organize language courses trained by native libraries websites keeping them updated and language trainers; communicating time changes and extraordinary ● To organize graphic software courses (e.g. openings / closures; autocad); ● To organize acting, dubbing, direction, drama ● To organize courses on permaculture and courses for children and teenagers, and to teach synergistic agriculture. them storytelling; ● To organize music courses; ● To organize courses for adult people in libraries;
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