v eterans i n p ursuit of e ducational r eadiness

V eterans I n P ursuit of E ducational R eadiness Serving Veterans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

V eterans I n P ursuit of E ducational R eadiness Serving Veterans Through Unique Programs and Partnerships Dr. William Austin, President WCCC Facts about the VIPER Program A nationally acclaimed program designed to put Veterans nationwide on

  1. V eterans I n P ursuit of E ducational R eadiness

  2. Serving Veterans Through Unique Programs and Partnerships

  3. Dr. William Austin, President WCCC

  4. Facts about the VIPER Program A nationally acclaimed program designed to put Veterans nationwide on the fast track toward degree completion.

  5. Facts about the VIPER Program WCCC will accept up to 45 credits from qualifying veterans for military training and courses directly correlated to our VIPER program of study.

  6. Fast- Tracking our Veterans’ Academic Interests A qualifying veteran may earn an Associate Degree in as little as one semester depending upon their specialty, other military background and/or other college experiences.

  7. Seamless Transfer to TESC for a Bachelor’s Degree Exclusive agreement with Thomas Edison State College (TESC), you can transfer seamlessly to TESC to complete your bachelors degree.

  8. Facts and Figures Approved in Graduated Enrolled in November First Students January 2013 2012 in May 2013

  9. Programs of Study Automotive Business Computer Technology Science Criminal Justice Fire Science Food & Beverage Mgmt.

  10. Creating a Groundswell of Interest Other schools could accept VIPER’s military credits as credits toward their degree programs.

  11. Through to Baccalaureate WCCC’s VIPER program honors the in-county tuition rate for veterans, those serving on active and reserve duty, and their immediate family members regardless of where they reside.

  12. The VIPER Process Forwards Evaluate JST and Begins Transcript other course of Graduation! & Identify College study Gaps Transcripts Making the transition to college easier!

  13. Marine Educators Workshop

  14. Marine Educators Workshop: 5 Days on Parris Island The program begins early, educators are introduced to the Island in the same way recruits are introduced… In the dark With the yellow footprints drill Screaming DI and all the related pleasantries.

  15. Marine Educators Workshop: Why? The WCCC Board truly believed that our president, administrators and faculty could truly benefit from a direct understanding of military education & training that includes classroom instruction, partial weapons and defense training, and physical education. We think our beliefs and encouragement paid off.

  16. Military Training is thought of like this, but . . .

  17. Actually is this . . .

  18. WCCC Continues in the National Spotlight: VIPER Program By 2015, WCCC was ranked 13 th in the Nation amongst Community Colleges, and 2 nd in the State, as a top Military-Friendly college.

  19. Next Step: BAS Degree

  20. Future Goals

  21. Thank You

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