e ducational opportunity gap oversight and accountability

E, ducational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

E, ducational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee FAMILY AND COMMUNITY FORUM AUGUST 22, 2020 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GAP 1 8/24/2020 OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE Welcome! Phone audio connection:

  1. • • E, ducational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee FAMILY AND COMMUNITY FORUM AUGUST 22, 2020 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GAP 1 8/24/2020 OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE

  2. Welcome! Phone audio connection: 253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 991 9960 8364 • Please remain muted during presentations • Please indicate in the chat box if you have a question (EoGl ~Ag

  3. Accessibility • Click the CC button at the bottom of the screen to turn on Closed Captions • Spanish audio is available/El audio en español está disponible • Click the interpretation icon/Haga clic en el icono de interpretación • Select language/seleccione el idioma • If you want to be in the Spanish language breakout room, indicate in the chat/ Si desea estar en la sala para sesión de subgrupo en español, indíquelo en el chat

  4. Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

  5. Agenda 10 minutes Welcome 15 minutes Overview of the EOGOAC 5 minutes Transition 45 minutes Breakout Rooms 5 minutes Transition 10 minutes Break 30 minutes Full group share out


  7. Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight & Accountability Committee (EOGOAC) •Established in 2009 •Objective = close K-12 opportunity gaps in WA •Bicameral & bipartisan w/ community representation •Publish annual reports to:  Legislature  Governor  House and Senate Education Committees  Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction  Professional Educator Standards Board (EoGl  State Board of Education ~Ag EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GAP 7 8/24/2020 OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE

  8. EOGOAC Membership Bicameral and bipartisan committee with representatives from communities affected by the opportunity gap. Membership established under RCW.280.300.136 Comprised of: • House & Senate • State Ethnic Commissions • OSPI • OEO • Federally recognized Indian tribes in WA (EoGl • Member introductions ~Ag EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GAP 8 8/24/2020 OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE

  9. Legislative Charge (RCW. 28A.300.136) EOGOAC is charged to recommend policies and strategies in the following areas: • Parent and community involvement • Educator cultural competence • Educator workforce of color • Programs that narrow gaps • Data elements that monitor progress • Innovative school models • School and school district improvement process (EoGl ~Ag EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GAP 9 8/24/2020 OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE

  10. Opportunity Gap • The opportunity gap refers to systemic inequity in the K-12 education system that structurally disadvantages certain demographics of students. • The opportunity gap negatively impacts students of color . • When opportunity gaps exist, achievement gaps form . (EoGl • Any questions? ~Ag EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GAP 10 8/24/2020 OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE

  11. Breakout Rooms – 45 min Overarching question: “Reflecting on the sweeping challenges and changes to the education system due to COVID, how can we take this opportunity to make education more relevant to children of color, in partnership with families and communities of color?” A facilitator will help guide the conversation and a note-taker will take notes on the main points. (EoGl ~Ag

  12. Breakout Rooms • There will be a 10 minute break after the breakout room session • You will see this message and then be transferred to your breakout room • If you are not transferred please wait and we will manually assign you to a room

  13. Break 10 minutes Back at 11:30 DO NOT LOG OUT OF ZOOM

  14. Full-group Sharing

  15. Thank y you! ! Please send any breakout room notes to CISL@k12.wa.us You will receive a follow-up survey with the chance to submit more comments


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