uw milw aukee

UW-Milw aukee Powerful Ideas Producing Proven Results With Our - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UW-Milw aukee Powerful Ideas Producing Proven Results With Our Community Partners Presentation Author, 2006 Pride in the people of UWM Powerful Ideas | Proven Results Pride in faculty-staff performance Powerful Ideas | Proven Results Pride

  1. UW-Milw aukee Powerful Ideas Producing Proven Results With Our Community Partners Presentation Author, 2006

  2. Pride in the people of UWM Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  3. Pride in faculty-staff performance Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  4. Pride in faculty-staff performance • 12 th least annual spending per student  $13,007 – UWM  $41,337 – national average Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  5. Pride in faculty-staff performance • 12 th lowest ratio of instructional, research, and service staff per 100 students  3.5 / 100 students – UWM  7.0 / 100 students – national average Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  6. Pride in faculty-staff performance • 14 th lowest ratio of administrative staff per 100 students  3.6 / 100 students – UWM  9.4 / 100 students – national average Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  7. Pride in faculty-staff performance • Despite these challenges  2000-2010 enrollment: +27% Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  8. Pride in faculty-staff performance • Despite these challenges  2000-2010 degrees granted: +37% Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  9. Diversity and Access Growth • Student body, Fall 2010:  20% students of color  4% military or dependents  3% international • New freshmen, Fall 2010:  25% students of color Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  10. Academic Growth • Most online students in UW System:  6,600 UWM students in at least one fully online course  1,500 UWM students enrolled exclusively in online courses Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  11. Pride in faculty-staff performance • Despite these challenges  2000-2010 research expenditures: +224% Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  12. Research Expenditures Growth • FY2000 – $21M • FY2005 – $41M • FY2010 – $68M • FY2011 – >$75M (projected) Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  13. Completed: UWM Master Plan Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  14. Completed: UWM Master Plan • Helped define university’s future:  $320 million – capital projects at UWM over past 22 years  $300 million – capital projects at UWM currently under development Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  15. Completed: UWM Master Plan • Capital projects only part of story  Buildings important, but even more so:  Strong academic programs  Strong partners Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  16. School of Public Health Occupation estimate: Late Summer 2012 Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  17. Our Community Partners • Tom Barrett , Mayor, City of Milwaukee Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  18. Kenwood Integrated Research Complex Construction start estimate: Dec. 2012 Occupancy estimate Feb. 2015 Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  19. Our Community Partners • Tom Watson , Vice President, Research and Development; Johnson Controls • Michael G. Andrew , Director, Government Affairs and External Communications; Johnson Controls Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  20. Innovation Park Innovation Park First Building Acquired: February 2011 Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  21. Innovation Park First Building Construction start estimate: Summer 2011 Innovation Park First Building Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  22. Our Community Partners • Peggy Troy  President, CEO; Children’s Hospital and Health System  Wisconsin Regional Medical Center Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  23. School of Freshwater Sciences Construction start estimate: May 2012 Occupation estimate: December 2013 Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  24. Our Community Partners • Rich Meeusen  Chairman, President, CEO; Badger Meter  Chair, Milwaukee 7 Water Council Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  25. Northwest Quadrant Occupation estimate: Under way Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  26. Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  27. Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  28. Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  29. Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  30. power.uwm.edu Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  31. Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  32. What’s next? • UWM Strategic Plan  Research growth  Access  Campus climate and diversity Powerful Ideas | Proven Results

  33. UW-Milw aukee Powerful Ideas Producing Proven Results With Our Community Partners Presentation Author, 2006

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