utica community schools board presentation utica

Utica Community Schools Board Presentation Utica Community Schools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Utica Community Schools Board Presentation Utica Community Schools 2 Key Audit Highlights: 2016-2017 Audit Results Rating of Excellent 14 th straight year receiving an Unmodified Opinion with no findings Uniform Budgeting Act

  1. Utica Community Schools Board Presentation

  2. Utica Community Schools 2  Key Audit Highlights:  2016-2017 Audit Results – Rating of Excellent  14 th straight year receiving an Unmodified Opinion with no findings  Uniform Budgeting Act – record of no violations  Pro-active community focus  Bonded Debt refunding – taxpayer savings $378,000  Bonded Debt – federal interest subsidy $739,000 savings annually  Awarded 2016 Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting award (5th year) from Association of School Business Officials International  Revenue from the sale of land of $5.5 million – one time funding  Adoption of GASB 77 – New tax abatements disclosure

  3. General Fund Revenue Budget vs. Actual June 30, 2017 3 Thousands of Dollars $240,000 $223,899 $222,977 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $29,769 $30,029 $40,000 $11,638 $10,443 $13,403 $13,393 $20,000 $0 * Local State Federal Other Budget Actual * Includes $5.5 million of one time land sale $278,709,196 $276,842,105 revenue

  4. General Fund Revenue and Other Financing Sources June 30, 2017 4 Year Ended June 30, 2017 Year Ended June 30, 2016 $276,842,105 $265,058,726 $2,117,012 $17,760,033 $9,118,608 $1,773,248 1% 7% $19,329,512 3% $6,124,044 1% $11,619,311 * 7% 2% $30,028,680 4% $29,291,133 11% $203,647,935 11% $200,647,896 73% 76% $10,443,419 4% State Federal Local Restricted State Retirement Transfers In Interdistrict & Other *One time revenue source due to sale of land for $5.5M

  5. General Fund Expenditures Budget vs. Actual June 30, 2017 5 Thousands of Dollars $220,000 $200,238 $197,758 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $79,281 $75,955 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $491 $344 $0 Instruction Support Services Other Budget Actual $280,010,469 $274,056,922

  6. General Fund Expenditures (By Function) June 30, 2017 6 Year Ended June 30, 2016 Year Ended June 30, 2017 $274,056,922 $273,178,739 $221,560,466 $220,259,036 81% 81% $2,975,194 $3,005,792 1% $14,707,348 $361,846 1% $6,889,987 $15,017,536 5% 0% $16,831,653 $431,510 $10,730,428 3% $7,192,335 5% 6% $16,254,156 0% 4% 3% $11,018,374 6% 4% Instruction and Instructional Support - Teachers, parapros, other pupil support Transportation School Administration - School building offices (principal, secretaries, etc.) Operations - Utilities, maintenance Business and General Administration - Central office, Business office Athletics Other - Transfers out, payments to other schools

  7. General Fund Expenditures (By Object) June 30, 2017 7 Year Ended June 30, 2017 Year Ended June 30, 2016 $274,056,922 $273,178,739 Salaries Salaries $151,169,016 $151,094,492 55% 55% Benefits Benefits Other $74,888,320 Other $76,302,015 $2,180,453 27% $1,577,687 28% 1% 1% Restricted Restricted State State Supplies and Supplies and Retirement Retirement Purchased Materials Purchased Materials $19,329,512 $17,760,033 Services $8,541,069 Services $9,055,702 7% 7% $18,111,209 3% $17,226,153 3% 7% 6% Salaries Benefits Restricted State Retirement Purchased Services Supplies and Materials Other

  8. General Fund Expenditures Comparison of 2017 and 2009 breakdown 8 Year Ended June 30, 2017 Year Ended June 30, 2009 Instruction Instruction and and Instructional Instructional Support Support 81% 74% All Other Support Services 26% All Other Support Year Per Pupil Foundation Allowance Services 19% 2009 $7,807 2017 $7,684 Instruction and Instructional Support $123 less per pupil ($3.4 million) in 2017 than in 2009 All Other Support Services Cumulative effect is $59.5 million less in revenue since foundation cut of $470 per pupil in 2012

  9. General Fund Revenue/Expenditures Actual Results for the Years Ended June 30, 2016 & 2017 9 In Millions $300.0 $276.8 $274.0 $273.2 $265.1 $5.5 Net Fund Balance Net Fund Balance $250.0 Increase: $2.8M Decrease: $(8.1)M $200.0 $271.3 $150.0 $100.0 2017 2016 One time land sale revenue Revenue Expenditures Note: Without the one time land sale revenue of $5.5 million, the district would have had a decrease in fund balance of $2.7 million

  10. General Fund Fund Balance Last Five Years 10 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 * Fund Balance $38,036,093 $32,645,170 $26,030,696 $17,910,683 $20,695,866 % of Expenditures 15.0% 12.5% 9.6% 6.6% 7.6% * $5.5 million land sale revenue 2016/2017

  11. Fund Balance as a % of Expenditures Macomb County School Districts June 30, 2011 Compared to June 30, 2016 11 16 14.5% 13.75% 14 12 10 8.48% 7.58% 8 6.69% 5.88% 6 4 2 0 2011 2016 20J Districts Middle Funded Minimum Foundation Allowance Districts (Hold Harmless)

  12. Thank you. plantemoran.com


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