Utah Utah Regional Regional Repository Repository Program Program
Utah State Utah State Archives Archives Mission Mission “To assist Utah government agencies in the To assist Utah government agencies in the “ efficient management of their records, to preserve efficient management of their records, to preserve those records of enduring value, and to provide those records of enduring value, and to provide quality access to public information.” ” quality access to public information.
USHRAB and State Archives USHRAB and State Archives Recognized: Recognized: Need for preservation of local historic Need for preservation of local historic o o records and need for local access records and need for local access Existence of institutions with shared Existence of institutions with shared o o interest in local records interest in local records o Opportunity for partnerships Opportunity for partnerships o
Regional Repository Program Regional Repository Program
Regional Repository Program Regional Repository Program State Colleges and Universities State Colleges and Universities Dixie State College Dixie State College (Washington County) (Washington County) Snow College Snow College (Sevier and Sanpete Counties) (Sevier and Sanpete Counties) Southern Utah University Southern Utah University (Beaver, Iron, Kane, Garfield, Piute, and Wayne (Beaver, Iron, Kane, Garfield, Piute, and Wayne Counties) Counties) Utah State University Utah State University (Rich, Box Elder, and Cache Counties) (Rich, Box Elder, and Cache Counties) Utah Valley University Utah Valley University (Utah, Juab, Millard, and Wasatch Counties) (Utah, Juab, Millard, and Wasatch Counties) Weber State University Weber State University (Weber and Davis Counties) (Weber and Davis Counties)
Regional Repository Program Regional Repository Program Local Libraries, Archives, and Local Libraries, Archives, and Historical Societies Historical Societies Emery County Archives Emery County Archives (Emery County) (Emery County) Grand County Library Grand County Library (Grand and San Juan Counties) (Grand and San Juan Counties) Morgan County Historical Society Morgan County Historical Society (Morgan County) (Morgan County) Uintah County Regional History Center Uintah County Regional History Center (Duchesne, Uintah, and Daggett Counties) (Duchesne, Uintah, and Daggett Counties) The Western Railroad and Mining Museum The Western Railroad and Mining Museum (Carbon County) (Carbon County)
Regional Repository Regional Repository Requirements Requirements A government- -affiliated institution, affiliated institution, A government o o organization, or agency organization, or agency Long- -term commitment from a term commitment from a Long o o government entity for administrative government entity for administrative and financial support of a repository and financial support of a repository
Regional Repository Regional Repository Requirements Requirements Space adequate for the storage and Space adequate for the storage and o o preservation of historic records, as well as a preservation of historic records, as well as a facility to provide public access to the facility to provide public access to the records. records. o Staff trained in the care and preservation Staff trained in the care and preservation o of historic records and knowledgeable in of historic records and knowledgeable in standards for public access. standards for public access.
Role of the State Archives Role of the State Archives Provide authority “ “umbrella umbrella” ” for management Provide authority for management o o of permanent government records. of permanent government records. Provide training and consultation for regional Provide training and consultation for regional o o repository staff in care and preservation of repository staff in care and preservation of historic records and in the particulars of public historic records and in the particulars of public access to government records (i.e. GRAMA) access to government records (i.e. GRAMA) o Provide microfilming services to facilitate Provide microfilming services to facilitate o preservation and access to historic records preservation and access to historic records
Role of Regional Role of Regional Repositories Repositories Provide a repository for local Provide a repository for local o o government records government records Provide a repository for other local Provide a repository for other local o o historic records, i.e. private papers, historic records, i.e. private papers, institutional and company records, institutional and company records, photographs, etc. photographs, etc.
Role of Regional Role of Regional Repositories Repositories Work with State Archives to see that Work with State Archives to see that o o valuable local government records are valuable local government records are preserved preserved Acquire training in the care, processing, Acquire training in the care, processing, o o and public access for government records and public access for government records o Provide access to local historic records Provide access to local historic records o o Host local workshops Host local workshops o
Regional Repository Regional Repository Program Program A mutually beneficial partnership A mutually beneficial partnership between the State Archives and local between the State Archives and local repositories focused on preservation repositories focused on preservation and enhanced public access to local and enhanced public access to local government records government records
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