utah league of cities and towns

UTAH LEAGUE OF CITIES AND TOWNS Board of Directors meeting October - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UTAH LEAGUE OF CITIES AND TOWNS Board of Directors meeting October 15, 2018 A year ago, we committed to do the following: Modernize the structure of ULCT Board of Directors, Constitution Review Committee, LPC, bylaws Improve our

  1. UTAH LEAGUE OF CITIES AND TOWNS Board of Directors meeting October 15, 2018

  2. A year ago, we committed to do the following: • Modernize the structure of ULCT • Board of Directors, Constitution Review Committee, LPC, bylaws • Improve our sponsor and partner outreach • Collaboration approach, $110,000 more in sponsor revenue than budgeted • Training • Land Use Academy of Utah, purpose-driven conventions*, partners, 101 videos, experts • Legislative outreach • Policy prism • Research* (potential new hire) • Y2, Utah Foundation • Communication plan • “Local control” with Penna Powers, Wed. Webchats, social media FF, rapid response*

  3. Local gov’t principle prism through which to view bills 1) What is the problem the bill is trying to solve? 2) Is the bill a “one size fits all” approach? 3) Does the empower or restrict the “local control” of local governments? • “Local control” means authority to make autonomous decisions without state mandates, accountability to residents about those decisions, and the ability to evolve naturally to achieve the community’s vision. 4) Does the bill have a financial impact on local governments?

  4. ULCT organizational structure (constitution, bylaws) ULCT Board of Directors: 20 elected officials & 1 UCMA, 6-12 mtgs per year, geography req’t , town req’t , equal vote Convention: credentialed LPC: members; weighted vote to ratify board & vote 3 per city plus board member, equal vote, 10-12 mtgs per year Nominations Committee: Elected officials Pres appoints, Work groups: (Land Use TF) city size req’t , equal vote Often staff or issue driven, many mtgs, report to LPC, equal vote

  5. ULCT organizational structure BOARD LPC NOMINATION ANNUAL WORK CONV GROUPS Types of 20 elected, 1 50%+ elected All elected Any city TBD officials UCMA; officials attendee treasurer Geography AOG regions 50%+ from None None TBD Wasatch Front City size 2 for big cities, A big city None None TBD 1 for town needed for quorum Vote Equal vote Equal vote; 3 Equal vote Weighted vote TBD votes per city + board; 60%+

  6. Board of Directors: who are you? • 21 members + 1 Treasurer • Constitution Review Committee 2017-18: increased from 16, other changes • 20 elected officials and 1 UCMA representative • All 21 must be from cities or towns in good standing • 5 member executive board: President, 1 st Vice President, 2 nd Vice President, Immediate Past President, UCMA representative • President leads board, 1 st VP leads LPC, 2 nd VP leads Nominations • 8 regions statewide • Follows AOGs; Wasatch Front Regional Council divided into two regions • 2 guaranteed spots for cities of the first or second class (pop. of 65,000+) • 1 guaranteed spot for a town (pop. of 999 or below)

  7. Role of Executive Board • Regular communication w/Director: politics, policy, principles, budget, & more • Represent ULCT externally • Editorial boards, Governor, legislative leadership, etc.; rapid response? • Decisions in between board or LPC meetings: a) transportation b) inland port • Resolution 2017-001A at Annual Convention in September about state/local authority • Nov. 2017 transportation letter to Transportation Interim Committee • Three LPC presentations during the 2018 session on SB 234 • March 7/8: SB 234 passed; final day of session • March 9: Executive Board veto letter request based on ULCT resolution & principles • May & July: discussions w/Governor’s office, legislative leadership, & stakeholders • July 16: letter to Governor expressing support of compromise bill

  8. Board of Directors duties • Review and approve the ULCT budget • Review and approve ULCT internal policies and procedures • Review and approve ULCT external policy positions and priorities • The Board has delegated some authority to the Legislative Policy Committee (LPC) and board members are all members of the LPC in addition to your city’s entitled 3 members • Attend and participate in board meetings, LPC meetings, and conventions • Engage on key issues accordingly to your city’s priorities • I.e. local direct democracy work group (Mayor Kelleen Potter, Mayor Brent Taylor) • Enterprise funds (former Mayor John Curtis) • Homelessness (Council Member Steve Fairbanks)

  9. NEW requests of individual board members Outreach Advocacy • “Report back” request • Communications • Contact w/mayors, council members, • Rapid response ad hoc group senior staff in region (ULCT email lists) • Penna Powers next steps • AOG/COG check ins • Legislative • LPC: 3 regular + 1 board; work groups • Convention site selection committee • Spokespeople at capitol • Annual 2019 confirmed; 2020? • Work w/Cam & ULCT event planners • Amicus • Friend of the court

  10. League’s legislative advocacy & potential hire Research/data • Y2 Analytics • What do residents think about growth? • Utah Foundation • Land use reality at City Hall • Keys to Housing • Moderate income housing plans • “Map to the Gap” (LPC, Oct. 15 for Nov. 1 Commission mtg) • Legislative research for advocacy purposes • Gold standard: HB 362, gas tax, and body cams (fiscal notes) • Question 1 (gas tax) for cities/towns, water survey, law enf.


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