one voice wales

One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru Lyn Cadwallader Chief Executive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru Lyn Cadwallader Chief Executive Prif Weithredwr Creating Vibrant Places - The Voice of Community and The Challenges for Town Councils Community and Town Councils Llais Cynghorau Chymuned a Thref

  1. One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru Lyn Cadwallader Chief Executive Prif Weithredwr Creating Vibrant Places - The Voice of Community and The Challenges for Town Councils Community and Town Councils Llais Cynghorau Chymuned a Thref

  2. Changing times...policy context One Wales: One Planet - Welsh Government central • organizing principle Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 – Power of • Wellbeing Local Government Democracy and Planning Bills • Future Generations Bill (formerly SD Bill) • Current financial climate – pressure for new models of • working at the local level Devolution of services agenda – asset transfers? • Public Services Commission Review • One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  3. Current environment  Competitive  Reducing finances  Pressure to support ‘what works’  Everything is potentially ‘up for grabs’  Legislative changes – Future Generations Bill…SD Duty – Planning Bill – Local Democracy Bill – Implementing the Local Government Measure One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  4. The big challenges…  Asset and service devolution  Public Services Review  Vibrant Places  Community engagement  Community planning  Joint working and collaboration  Taking up new roles  Building capacity to meet future expectations One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  5. Challenges and Opportunities for the Community and Town Council sector  Image – dispelling myths  Defining our role  Clarity of purpose One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  6. What should be our core competencies as a sector? One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  7. A model for the community council of the future (1)… Future roles for community councils...  Identifying, utilising and optimising assets – community leadership role  Achieving fairness for everyone – Anti-poverty agenda  Empowering local governance – youth councils  Increasing resources for community benefit – community renewables  Enjoying locally relevant services – evidence based decision making One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  8. A model for the community council of the future (2)…  Enriching social capital and well-being – supporting social enterprise/entrepreneurs  Valuing local distinctiveness – historic heritage/tourism  Developing reliable infrastructure – One Stop shops??  Enhancing environmental capacity – Bio-diversity strategies  Supporting a dynamic local economy – working with youth and enhancing local employment opportunities One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  9. Community and Town Council Sustainability Action Plans….’Place Plans’ The main elements of sustainable development that are relevant at the community level can be summarised as follows: 1. Energy efficiency 2. Community owned renewable energy generation 3. Food and allotments 4. Management of green space and parks 5. Management of local natural resources and ecosystem services 6. Reuse, recycling and waste management 7. Sustainable travel planning 8. Measures to promote well being 9. Stimulating local sustainable trade One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  10. Working in partnership… One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  11. One Voice Wales - Representing Councils  Shaping implementation: - Welsh Government National Assets Working Group; - Welsh Government Third Sector Assets Working Group; - Planning Bill Research Group; - WG Sustainable Development Bill Reference Group; - Sustainable Futures Commissioner Advisory Panel; - LSB ESF Advisory Group; - Revised Code of Conduct; - Welsh Government Charter Network Working Group; - National Training Advisory Group; - Community Strategies Working Group; - Participation Cymru National Advisory Panel - ONS Census Outputs Working Group - Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales; - Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales; - Public Service Ombudsman for Wales. One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  12. Public Services Commission Governance and Delivery Review Reduce the number of local government principal areas to no more than eight.  Aim for contiguous boundaries between principal areas, health administration areas  and any other public sector organisations that are regionalised. Ensure that no community or town council boundaries cross those of principal areas.  Create community or town councils in all areas where none exist at present.  There should NOT be a presumption in favour of abolishing the very small councils  That there is a new role for our sector in the scrutiny of other public services  There needs to be a focus on bottom up community planning  A model framework for partnership working across determined geographies of ‘Place’  be established across Wales One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  13. Current thoughts…Public Services Review Devolve powers, responsibility and finance for a number of locally deliverable • functions to community and town councils. (The precise details and extent of these powers should be the subject of a further review and, possibly, legislation.) Core strategic costs of Local Councils met – Audit, Community Engagement, • Financial Management, Performance, Organisational Development eg training Consider any appropriate reorganisation of community or town councils and/or • their boundaries and governance in order to make them capable of delivering the services expected of them under these new arrangements. ‘Place planning’ as a means of connecting local councils with Single Integrated • Plans of Unitary Authorities Fund One Voice Wales to enable it to provide effective support for an enhanced • first tier sector of government, as described. One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  14. One Voice Wales and the future… Role in driving sector ambitions - development of • community and town councils by collecting and sharing best practice Increased lobbying role – stamping our feet on issues • that matter to us Seeking out collaboration partners – procurement role • for OVW for the sector Promotion of the role of the sector – a stakeholder • conference…allowing other to get to know us better One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  15. Further organisational developments… • Focus on improvement and learning • Broaden training offering to councils eg Health and safety, Emergency Planning, Leadership skills • Information driven organisation – sector surveys • Improve communications – new website; greater reach of ‘The Voice’ quarterly newsletter One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  16. And finally… • Continue to influence policy development, e.g. Future Generations Bill, Planning Bill, Environment Bill, Local Government Democracy Bill • Ensure sector is aware of partnership opportunities • Develop knowledge and skills – devolution of services • Keep pressure on the Welsh Government to support C&TC sector and on an equal footing as other public services One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru

  17. One Voice Wales Un Llais Cymru Mr Lyn Cadwallader Thank You and Chief Executive Prif Weithredwr Questions Diolch yn Fawr


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