The Care Bill Cllr Keith Humphries
The Care Bill The vision for transforming care and support will have The vision for transforming care and support will have profound implications for Council systems, processes and people. Cllr Keith Humphries
Wiltshire On 28 th February 2014, 5454 people were receiving a service. Of these 3609 were aged 65+. In 2013 / 2014 we made 229 permanent nursing home placements and 357 permanent residential care home placements for people aged 65+.
Consolidates existing law going back to 1948 � Assessment of the care people need � Paying for care � Meeting eligible needs � Ensure people remain in control of their care so it is shaped around their needs when they reach the cap. � Making it happen and..........
� Direct Payments and the Suitable Person scheme � Independent social work practices � Deferred Payments � Safeguarding implications � Market failure provisions � Market failure provisions � Carers assessments and needs � Prisoners and bail clients � Mental Health Act aftercare responsibilities � Transition provisions for children � Immigration Control exceptions � Young Carers � Care standards changes � Health education and research
Part 1) Delivers the government response to the Dilnot Commission on funding reform. Part 2) Part 2) Delivers the government response to the Francis / Mid Staffordshire Report Part 3) Establishes Health Education England as a Non Departmental Public Body
The Care Bill facilitates the establishment of the Better Care Fund by providing a mechanism that will allow the sharing Fund by providing a mechanism that will allow the sharing of NHS funding with local authorities to be made mandatory.
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� Department of Health, LGA and ADASS have established a partnership to work together on a joint programme to inform and implement these reforms. � Facilitate engagement in national policy, regulations and � Facilitate engagement in national policy, regulations and statutory guidance � Identify key operational milestones, risks and interdependencies � Provide assurance and communicate implementation progress � Co-produce tools and other resources to support implementation
Key requirements Timing ���������������������������������� ����!�����"#$% ������������&��������������������'�������������������� �������&�������( �����������)���������� *��������������������������&�������������� *��������������������������&�������������� !�����������'���������������� ’ �����������( ������������������������������������������� *������������&�������) ��&��������� +�����������&������������������������ ,-����������������� ����!�����"#$. /��������������������� /������������
General Duties to be placed on the Council: � People ’ s well-being will be at the heart of every decision � Carers rights on the same footing as the people they care for � Freedom and flexibility to encourage innovation and integration � Freedom and flexibility to encourage innovation and integration � Preventing and delaying needs for care and support � Personal budgets giving people greater control over their care � Information and advice about the care and support system � Promoting the diversity and quality of the local care market , shaping care and support around what people want � New guarantees to ensure continuity of care
Major changes to assessment, eligibility and support planning: � Right to assessments for carers. � Single national minimum eligibility threshold � Single national minimum eligibility threshold � Outsourcing of assessments possible � Joint assessments to be more common � Appeals
� Where it appears that adults in prison or approved premises have needs for care and support, they should have their needs assessed by the council. � Where they meet eligibility criteria, services will provided by the council. � Prisoners' non-eligible needs will be met by the prison .
People who do not have eligible needs will receive People who have information and advice on how to access support eligible needs but who locally, and how to prevent or reduce their needs. choose to arrange their own care and support will receive an independent personal budget, as well as information and advice on meeting their needs and preventing future needs. m threshold Staying independent – National minimum t preventing and preventing and Assessing Assessing Meeting Paying planning for care needs eligible for care and support needs People should be supported to live Any adult with any If the local authority If an adult with eligible independently for as long as they needs for care and charges for a type of needs asks the local wish, with a focus on delaying and support, including support, an adult authority to do so, it must reducing needs, and building carers, has a right to an will have a financial meet their needs. The different types of support in the assessment of their assessment to local authority will involve community. Local authorities will needs and the outcomes determine what the adult in a care and make available universal support, they want to achieve. financial support support plan to decide including information, advice and they may receive. how to meet their needs. preventive services.
People who do not have eligible needs will receive People who have information and advice on how to access support eligible needs but who locally, and how to prevent or reduce their needs. choose to arrange their own care and support will receive an independent personal budget, as well as information and advice on meeting their needs and preventing future needs. m threshold Staying independent – National minimum t preventing and preventing and Assessing Assessing Meeting Paying planning for care needs eligible for care and support needs People should be supported to live Any adult with any If the local authority If an adult with eligible independently for as long as they needs for care and charges for a type of needs asks the local wish, with a focus on delaying and support, including support, an adult authority to do so, it must reducing needs, and building carers, has a right to an will have a financial meet their needs. The different types of support in the assessment of their assessment to local authority will involve community . Local authorities will needs and the outcomes determine what the adult in a care and make available universal support, they want to achieve. financial support support plan to decide including information, advice and they may receive. how to meet their needs. preventive services.
New financial support arrangements � Right to Personal Budgets and Direct Payments � Extended means test and £72k cap (April 16) � Extended means test and £72k cap (April 16) � Assessments of self funders can begin Sept 2015 � Council needs to maintain Care Accounts. � Universal Deferred Payments Scheme
Care Costs ,-��������� ������������ /������&��������� /������ ������������������� ������������������� ��������� ��������� ����� ������0������/���� 12")���� ���� Council pays Individual pays Means tested
Case Study He Has Mr A, aged 70, develops dementia and moves into a care home. His assets are over £118,000, so he does not qualify for local Assets Income authority support. £300,000 £390pw (from his pension and AA)
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