usnh request for state operating support in fiscal years

USNH Request for State Operating Support In Fiscal Years 2020 and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

USNH Request for State Operating Support In Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 Governor's Budget Hearing November 16, 2018 NH Industry Proportion NH Total Workforce and USNH NH Bachelors Grads NH Workforce Industry USNH Grads Education Health

  1. USNH Request for State Operating Support In Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 Governor's Budget Hearing November 16, 2018

  2. NH Industry Proportion NH Total Workforce and USNH NH Bachelor’s Grads NH Workforce Industry USNH Grads Education Health Care, Social Svc Retail Accommodation, Food Svc Manufacturing Administrative, Waste Mgmt Professional/Sci/Tech Svc Finance, Insurance Public Admin, Gov't Other - NonService Other - Service Wholesale Information Arts, Entertainment Construction 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Workforce data from NH Employment Security, Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau. Employment data based on NH Employment Security wage records for USNH bachelor’s degree earners employed in NH within approximately one year of graduation. 2

  3. Graduation Rates Are Critical to Meeting Workforce Needs Bachelor's 6-Year Graduation Rate 90% 80% 69% 70% 60% 56% 50% 40% FY09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 USNH New England 4-Yr Public Average Source: IPEDS Graduation Rates. FY17 comparator data not available. 3

  4. RN-BSN Degree Completion Pathway GSC RN-BSN Enrollment 250 201 165 Headcount 131 104 67 0 AY14 AY15 AY16 AY17 AY18 Source: Granite State College. Enrollment new and continuing. 4

  5. NH Population Projections NH Population Projection Factors NH Population Projection Factors 150 Thousands 100 50 0 -50 -100 Births Net Migration Deaths -150 2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025 2025-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040 RLS Demographics and the NH Office of Energy and Planning, State of New Hampshire Regional Planning Commissions County Population Projections, 2016 5

  6. NORTHEAST REGION: 2012-2032 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE PROJECTIONS -23% NORTHEAST -12.2% -23% ≈ -80k -27% -10% -11% -26% -11% -20% -15% Source: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Knocking at the College Door, Projections of High School Graduates Through 2032, 6

  7. New England Enrollment 4-Year College-Going High School Grads State Share by Residency 100% 50% 60% 57% 54% 46% 42% 39% 0% NH NH CT VT RI MA ME Home State New England Other Data from U.S. Dept. of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, IPEDS, biennial data collection. Fall 2016 provisional data, most recent publicly available. Includes public and private 4-year institutions. Students graduating from high school within 12 months prior to fall enrollment. “Other” reflects high school grads enrolling in states outside of New England. 7

  8. Average Net Price of Attendance U.S. College Scorecard Annual net price for NH undergrads after financial aid − includes tuition, mandatory fees, books and supplies, room and board, and other living expenses as calculated for financial aid. Data from U.S. Department of Education, U.S. College Scorecard, retrieved 09/11/18. FY16 data, most recent available for comparability. Average undergraduate net price for first-time full-time freshmen receiving federal aid, after all grant/scholarship aid. For public schools this is the average net price for in-state students. 8

  9. Average Tuition & Fees per Student Net of Institutional Aid Average annual increase = 0.5% Cumulative 5-year increase = 2.5% Reflects total gross tuition and mandatory fee revenue of all students net of institutional aid awarded to all students, divided by total 12-month student FTE. Financial data from USNH Controller’s Office. Student FTE data from campus Institutional Research or Enterprise Computing Offices. 9

  10. Holding Down Net Tuition Financial aid funded from unrestricted institutional resources in FY18 was more than double (2.3x) the amount awarded at the start of the decade. Data from USNH Controller’s Office. 10

  11. State Support for USNH NH Students Capital Operating $140 Millions $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 FY08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Capital appropriations as budgeted; amount displayed is divided equally between the two years of each biennium. 11

  12. Granite Guarantee 12

  13. USNH FY 20/21 State Operating Budget Request Unlike any previous appropriation requests, USNH is focusing its request for additional dollars on one-time strategic investments that align with targeted STEM-related workforce needs and is seeking an inflationary increase in its request for ongoing operating support. 13

  14. Ongoing State Operating Support

  15. Uses of General State Operating Support State operating support allows USNH to charge significantly lower tuition for NH resident students as compared to those students who come from out of state. Undergraduate Tuition All Full-time Equivalent Students Academic Year 2018-19 Fall 2018 Enrollment NH Resident Nonresident NH Resident Nonresident Total UNH Durham $15,140 $30,520 7,506 8,123 15,629 Plymouth State $11,580 $20,250 2,578 2,147 4,725 Keene State $11,468 $20,432 1,535 1,952 3,487 Granite State $314/credit $355/credit 1,187 281 1,468 12,806 12,503 25,309 UNH enrollment includes all UNH campuses 15

  16. One-Time Strategic State Support STEM Talent Pipeline Initiative 16

  17. USNH Request for FY 20/21 One-Time Strategic State Support USNH requests $12 million in FY 20 and $15 million in FY 21 for one-time support to grow the pipeline of STEM talent so critically needed in NH. The funding would be allocated equally at $9 million to each of the three residential campuses over the 20/21 biennium. Fiscal Years in millions 2020 2021 Total UNH $ 4.0 $ 5.0 $ 9.0 PSU 4.0 5.0 9.0 KSC 4.0 5.0 9.0 Total One Time Strategic Investment $ 12.0 $ 15.0 $ 27.0 17

  18. State Funding Requested for Priority Strategic Needs UNH Significantly increasing nursing capacity $ 9,000 PSU Robotics and Electromechanical Technology Program $ 925 Robotics Maker Spaces 950 Retrofit learning spaces 600 Strength and Conditioning Lab 500 Health and Human Enrichment Cluster 1,500 Career Center 850 Center for Excellence in Health Sciences 1,475 Expand cluster projects with No Country business & communiities 500 Integrate cluster approach into PSU education programs 650 Scholarships for student internships 1,050 9,000 KSC Business Partnership Hub 7,500 Launch workforce programs impacting Southwest region 1,500 9,000 Total Biennium Request One Time Strategic State Investments $ 27,000 18

  19. UNH Nursing and Health Sciences Initiative UNH Nursing and Health Sciences Initiative: $9 million in one-time State funding to support this $12.3 million project Expand nursing facilities to accommodate 75-100 new students per year across health sciences programs, including renovating 20,000-30,000 square feet of space on or near the Durham campus. – Add nurse practitioner programs with additional specializations in acute care and psychiatric mental health. – Expand B.S. Nursing and Direct Entry Master’s in Nursing programs while exploring addition of a second degree option in nursing. – Add an occupational therapy assistant program with a 2021 targeted launch. 19

  20. UNH Priority Strategic Needs 20

  21. KSC Business Partnership Hub $7.5 million Supporting the education of a regional talent pipeline – Repurpose existing Monadnock Hall residence hall to create a Business Partnership Hub for precision optics design, engineering and machining lab, technology-enhanced classrooms, and engagement/maker space for businesses and entrepreneurs. – Built on history and new relationships—BAE Systems, Corning, Moore- Nanotechnology, and Omega. Programs will include multiple credentials in addition to bachelor’s degree offering. – Also leverage investment to build out new KSC/CCSNH programs in manufacturing. 21

  22. KSC Program Expansion and Development $1.5 M Building community educational pathways in technology and health – Build on new co-location partnership between Keene State, River Valley Community College, and Nashua Community College to further expand nursing pathways and credentialing to both increase nursing graduates and upskill existing workforce. – Create new programs to address LADAC, MLADAC, and other needed substance abuse counseling credentials to better meet community behavioral health demands. – Increase number of RN and BSN graduates and create other nursing credentials in high demand (ARN, LNA, LPN) in the Southwest region of the state. 22

  23. PSU: Building Capacity to Educate NH Students & Creating a 21 st Century Workforce in thousands PSU Robotics and Electromechanical Technology Program $ 925 Robotics Maker Spaces 950 Retrofit learning spaces 600 Strength and Conditioning Lab 500 Health and Human Enrichment Cluster 1,500 Career Center 850 Center for Excellence in Health Sciences 1,475 Expand cluster projects with No Country business & communiities 500 Integrate cluster approach into PSU education programs 650 Scholarships for student internships 1,050 $ 9,000 23


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