using the tool

Using the Tool Information Requirements To complete this tool, you - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Using the Tool Information Requirements To complete this tool, you will need to have access to the following information: Your proposed output measure - the unit costing tool is available for 'hours' and 'places' measures. Refer to the

  1. Using the Tool Information Requirements To complete this tool, you will need to have access to the following information: • Your proposed output measure - the unit costing tool is available for 'hours' and 'places' measures. Refer to the Department of Communities Output Catalogue or talk to your CSO/CRO for more information. • Details of income received from the Department of Communities and any other significant funding sources (not including grants or fundraising income) • Total income received from client contributions • Any contracted client numbers and/or hours of service delivery or operation. • Staffing numbers (FTE and actual) • Salary and oncost expenses • Current award schedule used by your organisation (optionaO • other , non-payroll expenses for the period of one year (actual or budgeted) • Details of any volunteer or in-kind contributions that contribute directly to delivering a program and can potentially be counted towards outputs Software Requirements The Unit Costing Tool has been developed using Microsoft Excel, which most community organisations will have access to as a part of the Microsoft Office package. To use the tool a basic familiarity with Excel is required. You can access basic Excel training online from Microsoft's website (h ttp Jl en-au /training/) and you can also search for Excel training videos on YouTube (h ttp Jl www . youtube . com / watch?v =8L 1 OVkw2ZQ8&feature=related ) Please Note: This tool has not been tested on open source software suites such as Open Office.

  2. ~ Entering Data The tool has been colour coded according to this legend for ease of use: Data input is genera ll y required Data input is o pti onal Calculation cells - DO NOT enter any data Before Completing the Tool Before completing the tool you will need to determine the following: a) whether you will detail your operating and occupancy expenses using a "freeform" schedule, or use the schedule in the Standard Chart of Accounts b) whether you will analyse and record your organisational costs (corporate overhead) by individual cost element or, use a pre- determined mark-up factor, such as 15%, 20% etc c) whether you will assign value to volunteer or in-kind support , and if any volunteer time will be counted towards your outputs d) whether penalty pay rates apply to all staff pay, including leave, or solely to time worked on the job It is unlikely that the information generated by this tool will be exact to the dollar. The tool has been designed to give you an estimate of the full cost of service delivery, and a starting point for negotiating your outputs based on current resources. The information will also only reflect the cost of service delivery at a given point in time. You will need to ensure that the costs you enter into the template relate directly to providing the contracted service. Costs relating to unfunded services or discretionary client activities should be excluded.

  3. ,- mcom e j ~ 3 ~ 2 ' 250 ~ ~ Clients and Staff - Service Delivery Assumptions If you have already --_._--- ac e ss Unit Costing Tool for Hourly Outputs page 2 negotiated your hourly q.-Jond (ounaJ 01 sociOl MNIc .... If you have already Clients and Staff outputs, enter the total here negotiated your hourly Servi ce Name: Community Suppon Services outputs with the If you have already Department enter 'Y' here negotiated your outputs, a § c lient suppon needs - I compl ex & diverse nee, input ce ll - req Ui red Level and range of ratio of client to staff hours I' in put ce ll - opt ion al Enter your total income will be calculated once you cal cu lated ce ll Service description Community Access including any subsidies complete the 'Clients and insert DoC output code from the Department of Staff' section of the tool. Communities here A ratio of '1' would reflect one-on-one work with You may also enter income sfaff se . _ NIc e I cli en t . clients. A higher ratio could ervice agreements with funding agencies: 120 n e rv hours seNlCo received from other ..... Old pepartment of Communities $ reflect group work and a significant agencies or """ Other - (e nt er lower ration could reflect a § client contributions here. two worker per one client model. Do not include income from o::J ntributions & a llo w ances grants, donations and fundraising. This forms part Total in come {exel. fundraising} ], 5Ql! em This figure represents the C of your organisational number of hours per year Total outputs per year contribution. Service operating hours per year your service is open Once you complete the 'Clients and Staff' section of the tool, the number of hours per year that your staff can provide service delivery will appear here. This information will support you to negotiate your outputs.

  4. Clients and Staff - Service Delivery Operating Assumptions In this part of the tool you will enter the details your service operation details. Generally, services operate less than 52 weeks per year after taking into account public holidays and Christmas shutdown periods. Service delivery operating assumptions: hours §B .o da ys op erati ng days per w ee k 50.0 operat i ng weeks per year weeks 9.0 operat i ng hours per day

  5. 'e ~ ~ - ks Clients and Staff - Staff Operating Assumptions In this part of the tool you will enter your staff operating assumptions , which are used to determine the number of hours you r direct service delivery staff are available to provide support to clients ( either face-to-face or on behalf of - See the Department of Communities Outputs Catalogue for more details). Enter the standard Full Time Equivalent (FTE) hours per week that is the basis for annual salary in your award or certified agreement. Staffing operating assum pti ons: hours Standard hours per week per FTE staff membe r 00 .. Enter your staff's leave entitlements here. Assuming your Sia ff opera ti ng ~ pe r y ea r. Annua l leave .,.. ~ staff will take their full leave entitlements each year will wk.,y ea r Pub l ic ho li da ys 2.0 provide a more realistic base for calculating full cost of wks..y ea r 2.0 Per s ona l and sick l eave service. wk s,.y ea r 1 0 Tra ini ng Other non -s e rvice de livery wk.,y ea r Se rvic e de livery w ee ks pe r FTE _. - -- ,...- wk.,y ea r l\. 43 .0 3.0 .1\ - - - -- . -, . . . ~ Enter proportions of time spent by service delivery staff St. , atl on fa ctors (indlrecf ti me) . hrsIW/(f)erFTE performing 'indirect' activities. Refer to the DoC Outputs ........ r ave l li me % 00 Per son al Catalogue for more information on what is considered % 00 Adm in is trati on % 2% 08 'indirect' time, e.g. travel time between clients or services, Ot her · Ins e rt defa l ls (if n eeded In se rt ad e N/ on al lm es ): I training, staff meetings, network meetings etc Team meel i nqs % 3% 1 1 ./ % 00 ....- % 0.0 To calculate the % time in indirect activities, use the 00 following formula: Cli ent se rvi ce time % 95% ... 36 1 % Total (No. hours per wk / Standard FTE hours per wk) x 100 1 00 % ~ 1,5521 :> Con t act hou rs pe r year per FTE staff membe r hours I 1 REASONABLENESS CHECK - Does this percentage of staff time spent working with or on behalf of The tool will then calculate the number of direct contact hours your staff clients seem reasonable? can provide to clients per year, per FTE.

  6. ~ ryb a nd Clients and Staff - Staff Operating Assumptions cont. The next part of the tool is where your staffing levels and salaries are entered. You may choose to enter actual staffing costs or draw on the annual base salary rates from your award or certified agreement. Base salary rates are useful in determining full-cost as they will not fluctuate due to staffing vacancies etc. --- - Enter the number of FTEs employed at each salary Enter the annual base Actual di rect sta ffing i nvolved in de lN e nng S ,fo GO out PltN, : ..--.. level. salary for each level for S 45 . 000 FTEs / 3.4 1.2 '- your direct service delivery FTEs \ ave, "' : ./ . ", You may choose to record staff . FTEs ( expa nd If add ition al rales ;;;; FTEs salary levels in the green needed) f\. --- FTEs column for your reference. FTEs I - FTEs 1.2 / "\. Serv i ce fac ili tat i on , CO<Nd in at i on and ma nag eme nt: base sa la ry hours per w eek Enter the base salary and hours Service facilitation & cO-<lrdination staff S 52 . 000 25 . 00 REASONABLENESS per week of any coordination and Service management CHECK - does this ---l "'---1 -+- ___ -+ ___ admin staff specific to this Service administla"'t i :::,on '-- ________ percentage of non- program . II- ----------+-----+--- ---l Olher : contact delivery time I 1, 300 seem reasonable? I.e. Total hours pe r year Do not include snr management. As a % of se Nic e delivery staffing 4 2'10 for every x hours spent Their wage is covered under in direct service organisational costs delivery, x hours is spent in coordination or admin.


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