using machine learning techniques for verification of

Using Machine Learning Techniques for Verification of Configuration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Using Machine Learning Techniques for Verification of Configuration Files DAGSTUHL SEMINAR 18121 RUZICA PISKAC YALE UNIVERSITY Configuration errors mean downtime php.ini with Apache and MySQL ; Engine register_globals = Off ; We do not want

  1. Using Machine Learning Techniques for Verification of Configuration Files DAGSTUHL SEMINAR 18121 RUZICA PISKAC YALE UNIVERSITY

  2. Configuration errors mean downtime

  3. php.ini with Apache and MySQL ; Engine register_globals = Off ; We do not want that the EGPCS are = localhost ; Where is the debugge engine = On ; Activates PHP registered like globals. debugger.port = 7869 ; The port it is listening short_open_tag = On ; allows to use <? to simplify <?php register_argc_argv = Off ; We did not declare ARGV and ARGC debugger.enabled = False ; We suppose there is asp_tags = Off ; We did not allow to labels style ASP: <% %> for its use in scripts. ; SQL Options precision = 14 ; Number of significant digits shown in numbers in floating post_max_size = 8M ; Maximum size of sending POST that will [SQL] comma accept PHP. sql.safe_mode = Off ; SQL safe mode, we will di output_buffering = Off ; Only will be allowed send headers before send the ; Magic quotes ; Mysql Options content. magic_quotes_gpc = On ; Quotes added fro GPC(GET/POST/Cookie [MySQL] implicit_flush = Off ; We did not force to php to that cleans the exit data) mysql.allow_persistent = Off ; We will disable buffer after each block. magic_quotes_runtime= Off ; Quotes added for system generated security reasons. ; Safe Mode data, mysql.max_persistent = -1 ; Number of persisten safe_mode = Off ; We do not want the safe way ;for example from SQL, exec(), etc. when is disabled. safe_mode_exec_dir = ; Directory where PHP is executed magic_quotes_sybase = Off ; Use Sybase style added quotes. mysql.max_links = -1 ; Maximum number of connec safe_mode_include_dir = Directory where PHP will search PHP libraries ;(escape ' with '' instead of \') limits. safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ ; Only is allowed to the users ; PHP default type of file and default codification. mysql.default_port = 3306; Default port of mysq ;to create system variables that begin with PHP_ default_mimetype = "text/html" mysql.default_socket = ; Socket name that will safe_mode_protected_env_vars = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ; List of system variables default_charset = "iso-8859-1" connections. that ; Routes and directories ; ;If is void, will be use the default compilatio ; can not be changed by security reasons. include_path = . ; mysql.default_host = ; No default host configur disable_functions = ; Functions that will be disabled for security reasons doc_root = ; Root of the php pages, better is to leave in mysql.default_user = ; No default user configur allow_url_fopen = Yes ; We allowed that they open to archives from PHP blank. mysql.default_password = ; No default password open_basedir = ; user_dir = ; Where php executes scripts,better is to leave in ; session control ; Colors for the way of colored syntax. highlight.string = #DD0000 blank. [Session] highlight.comment = #FF8000 ;extension_dir = /usr/lib/php4/apache ; Where the modules are? session.save_handler = files ; We saved the ses highlight.keyword = #007700 enable_dl = Off ; Allow or No the dynamic load of modules with session.save_path = /var/lib/php4 ; Directory w = #FFFFFF the dl() function. the session files. highlight.default = #0000BB ; Upload files to the server; session.use_cookies = 1 ; We will use cookies f highlight.html = #000000 file_uploads = On ; Allow upload files to the server. = PHPSESSID ; Name of the session ; Misc upload_max_filesize = 2M ; Maximum size of the files we are name of the cookie. expose_php = On ; It indicates in the message of the Web server if it is going to upload. session.auto_start = 0 ; We did not initiate se installed or no. ; Dynamic Extensions ; session.cookie_lifetime = 0 ; Time of life of a ; Resource Limits ; ; Graphics wait him to closes the navigator. max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum time of execution of script. ; Mysql session.cookie_path = / ; The path for which th memory_limit = 16M ; Maximun memory allowed that can consume the script. ; Ldap session.cookie_domain = ; The domain for which ; Error handling and logging ; ; Mhash session.serialize_handler = php ; Used manipula error_reporting = E_ALL; We indicated that shows all the errors and ; Imap session.gc_probability = 1 ; Probability in per warnings. ; Kerberos collector activates in each session. display_errors = Off ; Does not print in screen. ; Cupsys session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 ; After this time display_startup_errors = Off ; That does not show the errors of PHP ; Recode information starting. ; System Log ; will be look like garbage for the garbage col log_errors = On ; That sends the errors to a file. [Syslog] session.referer_check = ; Verifies HTTP Referer track_errors = On ; That $php_errormsg keeps the last Error / Warning define_syslog_variables = Off ; We disabled the definition of URLs containing ids (boolean) syslog variables. session.entropy_length = 0 ; Number of bytes to error_log = /var/log/php/php4.log ; File that will keep the errors ; mail functions file. warn_plus_overloading = Off ; We did not warn if operator + is used with [mail function] session.entropy_file = ; The file that will gen strings ;sendmail_path = ;In unix system, where is located sendmail session.cache_limiter = nocache ; Without sessi ; Data Handling ; (is 'sendmail -t -i' by default) session.cache_expire = 180 ; document expiratio variables_order = "EGPCS" ; This directive describes the order in which ; debug session.use_trans_sid = 0 ; To use translate si ; will be registered the PHP variables (Being G=GET, P=POST, C=Cookie, [Debugger] compilation time. ; E = System, S = Own of PHP, all is indicated like EGPCS)


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